
Pedilanthus: home care, species, reproduction, photo

Some plants are purchased by lovers of home colors in connection with the attractiveness of leaves, others - because of colorful flowers. A plant, which will be described below, can please almost any florist. It attracts everyone's attention. This amazing exotic plant comes from America.

In this article, everything that concerns a flower called a pedalanthus: home care, species and varieties will be presented, what are the differences and many others. Other

And attracts the attention of the pedalanthus first of all by its apparent artificiality. It is very similar to a plastic tree, and in different forms: variegate (white-green), ordinary (green).

Pedilanthus: photo, general information

The plant belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. This, as a rule, abundantly branching shrubs, mainly growing in the wild conditions of Central, North and South America.

For this kind of characteristic significant differences in habitats, so the pedalanthus vary considerably from appearance.

For example, the pedalanthus titimaloid is a small shrub that grows mainly in the dry forests of the tropics. Shportsevy pedlantus and Fink, the inhabitants of the dry and moist forests, respectively, can look like a small tree. A large-fruited pedalanthus (see photo below) is essentially an almost leafless succulent, the feature of which is the presence in it of water-preserving tissues.

As for the name of the genus, it originated from two Greek words: "pedilon" and "anthos" ("flower"), which confirms the originality of the flower's shape of the plant.

The unusual shape of the flower in the form of a shoe and is a characteristic difference between pedalanthus and other plants. In connection with which, these flowers became popular as room ones.


The flower of the pedalanthus, born in the tropical dry forests of America, has several more features, the main one being a thick white juice (it flows out of the stem when it is damaged). Most of the pedalanthus in form are bushes, but in their homeland, especially in tropical forests with a high content of moisture in the air, they take the form of a small tree.

As for those species that are grown in the middle zone, it is mostly large shrubs, which are perfectly adapted to both household plots (in summer), and in apartments.

An interesting and distinctive plant is the pedalanthus. Its flowering, as noted above, is rather unusual. As a home decorative plant, it was used because of its exotic appearance. In addition to the unique form of the flower, the leaves of some plant specimens are turned into spines and into rather small embryonic forms, while in others the leaves are distinguished by a multicolored coloration - a dark green core with a white border,

Due to the fact that the pedalanthus belongs to a group of plants, the shape and appearance of which are quite dependent on the growth conditions, even if unpretentious, it can grow quite different in appearance if the same cuttings are planted in places with different growth conditions.

And what factor influences this plant to a greater extent? Moisture of soil and air: when surplus, its plant stretches upward, and when deficient it becomes similar to dwarfish.

Pedilanthus: Species

  • Large-fruited pedlantus - leafless succulents bush-shaped, having round stems (water-preserving) grayish-green color. Has the ability to change the shape of a part of the stems from round to more flattened.
  • The pedalanthus titamaloid is a bush-shaped plant with an unusual flower shape, similar to a bird or a shoe. He also has an effective variegate foliage, the colors of which vary from white to dark green with small white inclusions in the center of the leaf.
  • Variegatus variety of this species has wavy, mottled leaves with short petioles and with an uneven border of porcelain-white color with transition to pink or carmine-red. The fleshy green stalk has a zigzag shape, due to the fact that with the process of growing the leaf it changes direction. Usually, the flowers appear in autumn, forming inflorescences on the tops of the stems, with shiny, covering leaves of red color.
  • Finca in nature grows in moist high-altitude tropical forests, in undergrowth. The plant is bushy, preferring mainly substrates that are light and loose.

Growth conditions

How to grow a pedalanthus home? Care at home has certain characteristics.

The plant prefers more bright places, but without the presence of direct sun rays. In the summer, the pedalanthus can be taken out on a private plot where it is also necessary to protect it from precipitation and direct sun rays. In winter it is necessary to use additional illumination.

The preferred temperature for a pedalant in spring and summer is about + 25 ° C, and the fresh air is not bad for him. The autumn temperature in the room should be + 14-18 ° C. In such conditions, the plant feels quite comfortable, and therefore the plant does not shed much of the foliage.


The pedalanthus is not whimsical, it does not need any special regime with respect to the humidity of the air. And the soil must always be moderately moist. In the case of its drying, the pedalanthus room, as a rule, begins to shower leaves.

In winter, water it should also be moderate, not allowing severe overmoistening, or, conversely, a prolonged drying of the substrate.

To select the correct watering mode, you need to pay attention to the leaves. Lowering the turgor (leaves droop) is the surest signal to watering. If moisture is not enough, the plant may begin to discard the foliage.

Soil and fertilizer

The substrate is light, neutral, water- and air-permeable for the pedigant. A mixture of sand with leaves and turf is well suited.

To feed the pedalanthus it is desirable monthly from the very spring to autumn with fertilizers with a low nitrogen content, due to the fact that from its excess the plant can rot. It is necessary to stop feeding from the autumn, and in winter, do not do it at all.

Transplant and reproduction

And the transplant is not difficult to pedalanthus. Reproduction and transplantation do not require special efforts.

Like all plants, the pedalanthus is best transplanted in the spring, but only as necessary, that is, when the roots completely fill the pot volume. The root system of this plant is quite compact. The height of the pot should be approximately equal to its diameter.

For more successful growing of the plant in question, it is necessary to put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, in connection with the sensitivity of the substrate to souring.

In general, we can say, unpretentious pedalanthus. Care at home for this plant is not complicated.

And how does it multiply? Pedilanthus can be propagated by seeds, but the main way is by cuttings apical.

The plant is cuttings in the spring or in the beginning of summer, for which the apices are cut at the shoots up to 10 centimeters long. And in order for the juice to completely flow out, cuttings fall into warm water, and then dried. And before planting cuttings must be dried for 2 days, depending on their size. The container with planted cuttings should not be covered with polyethylene or a lid, as their decay may occur.

Root should be in sand or perlite at an air temperature of 20-25 ° C. The lower leaves of the cuttings during rooting are removed to prevent decay. In good conditions, rooting takes place in about 2-3 weeks.

In the process of transplanting plants, precautions should be taken, since the corrosive juice of the plant can adversely affect the skin condition.

About diseases

Exposed to various diseases, like many plants, the pedalanthus.

Diseases all of it are mostly associated with fungi. If a darkening of the cuttings is detected, and subsequently rotting it, immediately remove the damage. To a greater extent this plant is much harmed by various insects.


  • Aphids especially love the young leaves of the tops of the stems, which makes them stop growing and twisting. It is necessary to wash off pests with a strong stream of water or to treat the whole plant with insecticide solution, and the damaged deformed leaves to be removed.
  • The life activity of the mite spider leads to yellowing of the leaves with subsequent wilting. On their lower surface appears a thin cobweb. The plant in this case should be treated with acaricide, and then maintain the appropriate humidity.
  • Chervets mealy favors the appearance on the stems and in the axils of the leaves of a sticky cotton-like cannon, after which the plant also ceases to grow. It is necessary to remove the pest with a cotton swab wound around a stick and soaked in alcohol.
  • From the whitefly, the leaves of the pendilanthus turn yellow and become sticky. In addition, from the plant, when in contact with it, white small flies fly off. It should be washed off with a strong water jet. Especially heavily affected areas need to be treated with insecticide solution.

Features of the plant

  1. If the pedalantus discards the leaves, then there has been a violation of the irrigation regime, or there is not enough light, or, conversely, an excess of it.
  2. If in winter the plant is strongly stretched, then there is not enough light for it or the conditions of keeping are too warm.
  3. The yellowing of the leaves and their drying out is associated with too dry air and a hot sun.
  4. The development of smaller, whole-leafed leaves (instead of large and variegated leaves) and rapidly falling leaves indicates a lack of light.
  5. If the petioles do not develop, and the leaves turn green, it means that the soil has an excessive nitrogen content.
  6. The rapid fall of the leaves indicates the supercooling of the plant during the ventilation of the room in the winter. If the stems did not have time to freeze and remained green, then the plant will not die. And if it caught frost, then you need to trim the dead parts and wait for the appearance of new young shoots.


Unique and unique is the plant pedalanthus. Care at home is not complicated, and a good flower is itself.

This plant is considered one of the most ideal for growing at home. Uncomplicated and patient care for it will help to get a wonderful exotic addition to the design of the apartment, especially since it does not occupy much space in the room.

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