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What kind of work should be done with parents at school

Very often there is an opinion, and even among educators, that working with parents in school is limited to occasional parent meetings, which discuss, to a greater extent, the problems of the material plan or student achievement, as well as individual conversations, often in Haste, on changes or before lessons.

And in fact it is necessary to remember, especially to young teachers, that well-established contact with those who give their children to an educational institution promotes more successful education of schoolchildren, which, naturally, is reflected in their behavior and studies.

Of course, we should not belittle the role of the parental meeting. Besides, the following collective forms of work with parents in the school are possible: thematic meetings, open lessons, a round table, group psychological counseling , etc. Each of them has its advantages, disadvantages, and also meets the set goals.

In order to determine the optimal strategy for working with parents in primary school, it is recommended that a questionnaire be conducted at one of the first meetings. Here you can briefly ask participants to describe the topics of education that interest them, find out what they can do in the educational process, list the characteristics of their children.

The last question is worth mentioning separately. When composing a questionnaire, if the teacher does it independently, without resorting to the help of a school psychologist, it is not worthwhile to enter questions, for example, "the advantages and disadvantages of children", since few adults can soberly assess their baby, and even more so describe his minuses Until quite a stranger. In the process of teaching the teacher himself must find an approach to the children, but in order to get a little acquainted in advance, there are enough points such as "what you need to pay attention when working in your child."

Individual work with parents in the school is often necessary, especially for those whose children have problems with behavior, adaptation or academic achievement. It can be consultations, talks, instruction. The main mistakes that young teachers allow here are a lack of time, haste, emotionality. If the conversation is not spontaneous, but pre-appointed, then it is worth carefully preparing for it. It is necessary to think over the problems that need to be discussed, take care that there is enough time for everything, and the conversation did not turn out to be "crumpled".

A calm, benevolent tone is the teacher's main weapon in front of a parent who is nervous or is hostile (after all, he may be taught, and his child - scolded). It is desirable to operate with facts, and not with your assumptions in matters of family upbringing of the student. If there are problems here, it is better to advise an adult author's book on this subject, rather than test his patience with long moralizations.

Of course, working with parents in the school is directed, first of all, to the result. In the case when it does not manifest itself in any way, it is possible to involve a psychologist who will come to the rescue not only young but also experienced teachers.

It should be noted that working with parents in the school should be carried out not only with those whose children have problems, but also with all the others. This can be seen as a measure of preventing future misunderstandings or conflicts.

Do not forget about the main support of the teacher, the parent committee. They can always organize the rest, besides, on their shoulders you can shift most organizational and material issues, which very often teachers have to spend a lot of time. Also important role is played by school-wide parental meetings, at which the latter have the opportunity to communicate with the administration and ask about what interests them.

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