HealthDiseases and Conditions

Fracture of nose. Councils and recommendations.

As a result of external influence on a person's face , such a trauma as a fracture of the nose often occurs. Symptoms are practically the same and are expressed in characteristic blueness, swelling, and bleeding. According to statistics, fracture of the nose is the most common damage to facial bones due to fights, falls and other similar incidents.

Depending on the type and strength of the impact, both a crack and a fracture can form. In any case, if the pain and swelling do not pass within three days, you should consult a doctor. Also, do not delay, if there is a pronounced deformation of the bones of the nose, a sensation of crunching or crackling in the process of touching the organ.

Upon admission to the emergency room, the doctor, having examined the head, neck, face, draws up a definite conclusion. In the case of ascertaining such an injury as a fracture of the nose, the doctor takes measures to provide first aid. The force of action and the features of the traumatic factor form the kind of fracture. There is an open type when bone fragments damage the skin, or a closed type, in which damage to the skin is not observed. Based on these prerequisites, a set of necessary measures related to recovery and treatment is compiled.

Depending on how many days have passed since the doctor diagnosed a fracture of your nose, the treatment should be done in different ways. If this period does not exceed ten days, the method of closed repositioning of the fracture is applied. This procedure consists in the compilation of bone fragments with the help of hands. Usually such an operation is performed under local anesthesia. It is also possible to inject anesthetic injections or simply spray them with the nasal cavity. The restoration of the original form is carried out by means of special tools - elevators and tweezers. To stop bleeding, the doctor injects tampons into the nostrils. Usually, these swabs are soaked with an ointment containing an antibiotic.

Surgical intervention is justifiable in case of severe consequences of trauma, or if more than ten days have elapsed since the treatment. If a fracture of the nose is accompanied by damage to the septum, a septoplasty operation is required.

There is also the possibility of complications, which include the occurrence of chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Similar manifestations are found due to curvature of the nasal septum, which is corrected by surgical intervention. Among other possible complications, there are fractures of the cartilage of the nose. Quite often, serious car accidents provoke severe damage to the cervical spine. In such a situation, an immediate call to a doctor can protect you from the onset of undesirable consequences. Sometimes a fracture of the nose can be combined with the formation of a hematoma in the nasal septum. This accumulation of blood in its mucous membrane leads to the closure of the lumen of the nasal passages, as a result of which the process of nasal breathing is disrupted. This complication is surgically treated, by emptying the hematoma, in order to prevent the destruction of cartilaginous tissues.

Sometimes with severe head injuries , a CT scan is necessary. Such a measure will help to more accurately depict the picture and the nature of the damage. Thus, it will be possible to draw up a definite program of treatment and rehabilitation measures. Damage of a standard nature does not require the use of similar diagnostic techniques. In case of damage to the accompanying organs, consultation and intervention of highly specialized specialists in this field is required.

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