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Metrorrhagia - what is this? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Many women know firsthand about such a disease as metrorrhagia. What is this ailment, why does it arise, what are its symptoms and methods of treatment? Let's talk about everything in order.

Metrorrhagia - what is this?

Only menstrual bleeding occurring in the female body is the norm, while all other blood discharges from the genitals are usually attributed to pathologies. Metrorrhagia is a different in intensity and not associated with menstrual bleeding, characterized by acyclicity. This ailment can disturb both young women and those who are elderly.

Metrorrhagia: causes

In most cases, the development of metrorrhagia occurs when there are genital organs in the female body. So, these can be polyps of the cervix, submucosal fibroids, hormone-producing ovarian tumors, basal endometritis, cervical cancer or erosion , sarcoma, adenomyosis, chorionepithelioma and much more. In addition, metrorrhagia can occur with various complications of pregnancy (bladder skipping, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, etc.).

The source of bleeding as a whole are various pathological processes accompanied by the formation of the wound surface, the subsequent destruction of the blood vessels of the uterine walls and the appearance of ulcers of various size and shape on them. This process is promoted by hypertension, heart disease, lung and endocrine system diseases, as well as an insufficient content of vitamin C in the female body, which imparts strength and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels.

Dysfunctional bleeding

Metrorrhagia, the causes of which, as it turned out, can be different, is divided into several types: dysfunctional, organic and obstetric.

Dysfunctional bleeding in gynecology occurs due to impaired secretion of ovarian hormones. Due to hormonal disorders, hyperplasia appears, which is a proliferation of the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium. Over time, the hyperplastic endometrium is rejected, and this long process is accompanied by arbitrary non-cyclic bleeding, lasting up to several weeks.

To provoke and even aggravate dysfunctional metrorrhagia physical overloads, strong stresses, reception of separate medical products and change of a climate are capable. With prolonged dysfunctional bleeding, anemia is likely to develop. Usually women who suffer from this ailment feel constant drowsiness, increased fatigue and have heart palpitations, low blood pressure and pale skin.

Organic hemorrhages

Organic metrorrhagia usually occurs against the background of gynecological ailments, as well as inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and uterus. Organic bleeding, different in intensity and duration, may occur during the menstrual cycle. To recognize pathology, a woman can, if necessary, frequently changing the pads or tampons (after every 30 minutes-1 hour).

Obstetric bleeding

Obstetric metrorrhagia is associated with pregnancy and childbirth. The most frequent causes of it are spontaneous miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, premature detachment and placenta previa.

Uterine hemorrhage due to miscarriage is accompanied by cramping pain localized in the lower abdomen. The blood thus has a bright red color, and the bleeding itself is quite intense.

Bleeding in ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by strong permanent or paroxysmal pains in the lower abdomen. Metrorrhagia, whose symptoms are numerous, is often accompanied by vomiting, nausea, cold sweat, and sometimes even fainting. Dark spotting is heterogeneous in its consistency, with a significant number of clots.

Bleeding during placenta previa can occur in the 2 nd and 3 rd trimesters of pregnancy. Placenta previa is an abnormal condition in which the placenta, due to the fact that it is attached to the wall of the uterus very low, blocks the way out of it. Metrorrhagia in this case may occur even in an absolutely healthy pregnant woman. Bleeding is not Accompanied by pain, but more often it is abundant, which creates a serious threat to the health of the fetus and the woman.

Bleeding associated with placental abruption can be diagnosed in the second half of pregnancy. Such metrorrhagia can contribute to severe stress, abdominal pain or excessive physical activity. The intensity of bleeding can be different.


It is not enough just to know, metrorrhagia - what it is, it is necessary to establish reliably the cause of its occurrence. To this end, a woman should undergo gynecological examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, and pass a biochemical and general blood test.

Women of reproductive age spend scraping of the cervical canal and the uterine cavity with further histological examination of the scrapes taken. This method will not only diagnose the causes of bleeding, but also produce a therapeutic effect, as during the manipulation of the removal of blood clots and defective endometrium.

Features of treatment

With the diagnosis of "metrorrhagia," treatment that is aimed at stopping bleeding and preventing their occurrence in the future, it is required to begin immediately. The termination of metrorrhagia is achieved with the help of diagnostic curettage of the uterus, as well as by the introduction of hormonal drugs, which include progesterone, androgens and estrogens. This operation is especially necessary for women with menopause, if previously they did not scrape it. This will help prevent the development of uterine cancer.

Scraping in adolescence is carried out only in exceptional cases, when other ways to stop strong, life-threatening bleeding is not possible. In other cases, funds are prescribed to stimulate uterine contractions, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and haemostatic drugs, iron preparations, vitamins, and in some cases hormone drugs.

If the uterine bleeding is caused by organic diseases of the reproductive system, then the first step in fighting metrorrhagia should be their treatment, which can sometimes consist in surgical removal of the uterus.

So, we have considered the features of such a disease as metrorrhagia. That this is a dangerous disease, there is no doubt. If there is uterine bleeding, not due to the onset of menstruation, regardless of the cause that caused it, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist immediately.

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