HealthDiseases and Conditions

A firm abdomen during pregnancy - what does it mean?

A firm abdomen during pregnancy indicates hypertension of the uterus. This diagnosis is put to many pregnant women. With timely access to a doctor, this disease is quite treatable and does not cause any cause for concern.

Hypertension of the uterus can occur during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. With such a disease, weight in the abdomen, pain in the lumbar region, in the region of the sacrum, a feeling of bursting in the lower abdomen, severe pain in the center of the abdomen may appear. When the symptoms manifest themselves for the first time, a woman waiting for a baby may not know why a hard belly and pain. Perhaps it's just the effects of stress, not the disease itself, and pain can go away. But, if they are repeated, you need to see a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

A hard abdomen during pregnancy is such a symptom that requires in-depth diagnosis and examination, otherwise there may be a threat of miscarriage. The reason is that if the abdominal hardness occurs, uterine contractions begin long before the birth, and this is a pathology. It can lead to spontaneous abortion. Hypertonus causes circulatory disorders in the placenta, and the fetus lacks oxygen. There is a delay in the growth of the child before childbirth, as well as after childbirth.

Hormonal and endocrine disorders, inflammations and infections in the female genital organs, underdeveloped uterus, weak immune system, stresses - all this causes a hardness of the abdomen during pregnancy and increased uterus tone. Hypertonus can develop because of polyhydramnios or very large fetuses. The causes may be injuries, and heavy physical activity during pregnancy.

If you have hardened your stomach, and then there was a pulling pain in the lower part and a heaviness in the abdomen, the causes of which are unclear, you need to lie down to rest, turn on soothing music and, if possible, relax. After a rest at the onset of relief, you need to visit a doctor and describe in detail the nature of the pain. In case of severe growing pain, urgently call for an ambulance and wait for the doctor in a lying position.

The disease itself is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, however, after a timely examination and treatment, painful sensations tend to pass and do not recur. If the improvement does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo inpatient treatment in a specialized department of pregnancy pathology in order to save the fetus and normalize the course of pregnancy. Very many women carelessly refer to possible inpatient treatment, which is extremely imprudent in their situation. Because only in the in-patient conditions of a medical institution under supervision of qualified specialists, complete rest and round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of your body and development of a future child can be provided. At the same time, spasmolytic and sedative medications are prescribed. In some cases, may prescribe hormonal drugs that can normalize the disturbed background of hormones. All these activities will help to bring the current pregnancy into normal, normal mode.

As we see, in such cases, the prevention of a phenomenon such as a hard abdomen during pregnancy should be the first place . Timely measures taken will help prevent the appearance of hypertension of the uterus. Ideally, it is recommended to start prevention before the onset of pregnancy during the planning period. Future parents should undergo a checkup for various diseases, whenever possible, refuse to use tobacco and alcohol. With active sports, you should reduce physical activity. The mental state must be maintained normally, and avoid unrest and stress.

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