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If your arms and legs go numb, what should you do in such a situation?

My arms and legs are missing. What to do? Among the residents of any major city, this problem is widespread. According to doctors, this phenomenon is explained very simply: physical inactivity, lack of physical activity, sedentary work ... We come to the service in a car, on it we return home in the evening. We prefer to spend weekends not on the nature with friends, but on the couch in front of the TV. It's a familiar picture, is not it? Meanwhile, all this has a certain effect on the state of our muscular apparatus. Let's give an example, what is called, from life. On admission to the therapist comes a young man with a complaint that his hands and legs are numb. "What to do?" He asks. Aesculapius sends the sufferer to a complete examination. X-ray of the lumbar and sacral parts of the spinal column, ultrasound, vascular scanning, all analyzes ... No pathologies can be identified. The specialist prescribes an anesthetic, sedative and a course of vitamins - just in case. After a while the patient returns: at night, arms and legs go numb, nothing helps. During the conversation it turns out that the young man is an amateur watching television before going to bed. For a day he is so tired that he often falls asleep right in front of the screen, putting his head on the back of the sofa. Naturally, the doctor advised the unfortunate patient to change the narrow and uncomfortable bed on the orthopedic mattress and soft pillow. The treatment helped - the boy did not have any complaints.

Possible reasons

So, if you are tormented by the question: "Do not have your hands and feet - what to do?", First you need to find out the cause of the phenomenon. The fact is that the muscular apparatus of the average person is not too adapted to the loads. To the blood circulation is not violated, it is very important not to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time.


If the arms and legs go numb, the reasons can be varied. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you will have to change your way of life. Make it a rule to do exercises every morning. Of course, no one forces you to jump vigorously to energetic music, it will be enough just to stretch out properly, make a couple of slopes, stretch your joints and muscles. Doctors also recommend walking daily. Pass at least one kilometer at a rapid pace, and numbness will never arise. In addition, you need to monitor your diet. Try to exclude from the diet all artificial preservatives and colorants - they are badly reflected in the state of blood vessels and nerve fibers.

My hands and feet are missing: what should I do?

Be sure to consult a doctor and describe in detail all the manifestations. It is better to begin an examination with a therapist. If necessary, he will refer you to a vascular surgeon and neurologist. The latter will conduct a spine examination for scoliosis, hernia and pinched nerve endings. If it turns out that your health is in order, you can drink vitamins. By the way, alternating injections of vitamins B1 and B6 are good. It is also advisable to enroll in a therapeutic massage and do a contrasting douche.


Do not forget that the problem may be more serious than you think. Often, the numbness of the limbs conceals such serious diseases as myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accident.

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