HealthDiseases and Conditions

Nails on legs grow: methods of treatment

This diagnosis is accompanied by very unpleasant, and often quite painful sensations. If you understand the nature of the disease, you can avoid many problems.

Why nails grow on legs

Growth of the nail on the legs occurs for very many reasons. Improper circumcision of the nail plate is the most common cause. Trim the nail straight, without any rounding. It is not recommended to cut the skin around the nail, so as not to increase its growth and not to provoke ingrowth. Calcium deficiency in the body responsible for the strength and condition of the nails is another cause of this trouble. The ingrown toenail on the toe is very influenced by poor-quality and narrow shoes.


At home

If your toenails grow, you can try to alleviate suffering at home. First, the nail is roasted so that it becomes supple and soft. After this, the nail plate should be dried at the site of ingrown iodine or alcohol tincture of calendula. It will also require treatment at the site of suppuration with an antiseptic. After carrying out all anti-inflammatory measures, the skin around the nail plate will need to be well moistened with glycerin or vaseline oil. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day until the painful sensations disappear completely during walking and the mechanical effect on the nail. If the nails on the legs grow, try using antibacterial ointment, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. It removes inflammation well, and the skin around the nail hole becomes more supple and soft.

Operative treatment

If your nails grow on your feet, and home treatment does not help, you need to visit a doctor. Depending on the condition of the nail, during the surgical treatment, the nail plate can be cut off half or completely removed. After removal for a painful place, special care and hygiene will be required. However, such treatment does not guarantee that the nail will no longer grow in the future.

Traditional methods of treatment

In order not to bring the case to the operation and achieve good results, when the nails on the legs grow, it is necessary to start treatment in time. Mix in an equal proportion of the vinegar essence with glycerin and every day, drip a few drops of this composition on the nail of the nail. After a while you will feel the result, and the pain will pass.

Treatment in the beauty salon

Masters of a pedicure suggest to treat this trouble by means of imposing on a fingernail of a special plate which leveles it. It is best to resort to such a procedure in the summer months, because wearing a brace will take several days. This procedure is reliable and effective, as it promotes stretching of the nail and eliminates deformation.

Laser correction

Correction of the nail with a laser is the newest and least traumatic method for treating this problem. With laser correction, only the ingrown portion of the nail is removed along with the skin. Thus, you get rid of inflammation and a hotbed of infection.

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