
The medicine 'Imudon'. Instructions

The drug "Imudon" describes the instruction as a complex agent of bacterial origin. The drug is used topically in otolaryngological and dental practice. The drug "Imudon" helps to increase local immunity, normalization of the microflora of the oral cavity. In addition, the medicament has antagonistic properties in relation to a large number of opportunistic and pathogenic microbes.

The remedy "Imudon" is produced in the form of white (or almost white) tablets for resorption.

The drug is used for preventive and curative purposes in infectious, inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and mouth. Pathologies include glossitis, pericoronitis, periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis. The drug "Imudol" instruction also recommends with pharyngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, dysbiosis of the oral cavity. Medication is prescribed to prevent and eliminate infections after dental operations.

Tablets "Imudon" instructions for use does not recommend chewing. The drug is kept in the oral cavity until complete resorption. Dosage is established taking into account the features of the course and form of pathology.

In acute inflammatory diseases in the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as with exacerbation of chronic ailments, the "Imudon" tablet recommends that patients over fourteen years old should be prescribed eight pieces per day. The interval between meals is one hour. Children from three to fourteen years of age are recommended six tablets a day. The interval between meals is two hours. On average, the therapeutic course lasts ten days.

Experts recommend that three to four preventive courses be conducted throughout the year. In this case, the dosage of the medicine is six tablets per day. The interval between meals is two hours. The course, as a rule, lasts twenty days.

Treatment and prevention in children should be carried out under the strict supervision of adults.

After taking the drug, "Imudon" instruction does not recommend rinsing your mouth for at least an hour to avoid a decrease in the therapeutic effectiveness of the remedy.

When prescribing a medication to patients on a low-salt or salt-free diet, one should take into account that one tablet contains fifteen milligrams of sodium.

The preparation "Imudon" abstract admits to reception in a complex with other medicines.

The use of medication can provoke some adverse reactions. In particular, nausea, allergy in the form of rashes, vomiting can be noted. In some cases, the tablets may cause irritation to the oral mucosa.

Contraindicated drug "Imudon" to children under three years old, as well as with individual intolerance.

Due to the lack of reliable data on the safety of taking medication during the antenatal period and with lactation, no medication is given to the lactating and pregnant.

In the course of the studies, the effect of the drug on the ability to carry out activities in which it is necessary to exhibit a high rate of psychomotor reaction and concentration of attention was not established. In connection with this, there are no restrictions on taking medication.

The agent "Imudon" is a multivalent antigenic complex or, in other words, an immunostimulating drug. In its composition there is a mixture of bacterial lysates.

About the drug "Imudon" reviews can be found different. Some patients noted a sharp deterioration in the condition when taking the medication in the acute stage, others did not notice any effect of using the medication. In some cases, a fairly rapid disposal of the symptoms of the disease was observed.

Given the ambiguity of the reviews, experts recommend that the drug "Imudon" be consulted before using the medicine.

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