Every fisherman knows that only a ragged boot or a tin can with a colorful name "Sprat in tomato" can bite on a bare hook. In order to catch even the smallest fry, you need bait. For fishing, it can be different: dough, bread, corn, pasta, parsley and even lettuce leaves. But most often fishermen use an animal attachment, which is usually called bait. The beginner of the fishing business does not need to know everything about fishing. Going to the pond, you can make an uncomplicated rig for the easiest float fishing rod. But in order not to remain without a trophy, albeit not too heavy, it is necessary to know what bait a particular fish bites.
There are a number of animal baits that work equally well for catching predators and herbivorous species. The most common bait in spring is the bloodworm. It is the basis of the diet of fish in rivers until the transformation of larvae into mosquitoes and their mass flight. When choosing a bloodworm, special attention should be given to the following nuances. First, the best larvae have a darkish shade and very easily turn into a ringlet. The bright crimson color of the bloodworm speaks of his immaturity. Of course, because of the saturated color, this bait for fishing is extremely attractive to fish. But the unripe larvae do not live long and are sensitive to any temperature changes. It is almost impossible to store them.
In the spring for fish, too, there is great interest in sparrows - larvae of milk-colored flies. This bait for fishing is traditional for roach, yazya, baster and podleschika. Many experienced anglers have long noticed that fish biting in many respects depends on the smell emitted by these larvae. That is why it is better to make a number of manipulations with the purchased caoutchouc, which will improve their appearance and aroma. So, the acquired bait is placed in a kapron stocking and washed under cold running water. A conventional detergent powder is used. After such a kind of washing, the sponge becomes slightly "crispy" to the touch. Further, this bait for fishing is mixed with sawdust to release it from the internal mud. About a day later, the larvae are screened out and transferred to dry bran. In this form, sponges can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.
Another bait for fishing - caddisfly - is very revered by fish at any time of the year. But its application is complicated by the inability to store. The thing is that these butterfly larvae are extremely sensitive to temperature changes. At any changes it perishes.
You can see that the bloodworms and oparyshy peck smallfish, and heavy individuals are swimming in search of something bigger and nourishing. That's when the queue of all known and very popular worms comes. They are deservedly considered the best bait for fish. In addition to traditional rainwater, manure, earth, waterworms, pads and creeps are also used. Recently in the market of fishing baits appeared Californian worms - very tenacious and catchy bait.
This is not all bait used in catching river fish. If you have to travel to an unfamiliar pond and there is a problem with the choice of bait, it is better to take them all for fishing. After all, we know that the fish is very capricious and you never know exactly which menu it will prefer today.