Sports and FitnessFishing

Vipers on the pike. The most catchy oscillations on the pike: rating

In recent years, the variety of spinning baits has grown so much that sometimes, when going fishing, you do not even know what to take with you. Specialty shops offer various anglers, wobblers, twisters, vibro-worms, jig nozzles, spinnerbates, etc. to the attention of the fisherman. Understand all these names, and even choose a suitable bait from them - the task is not simple. It's the case 20-30 years ago, when, apart from the spinner, we did not have any other bobbin for spinning. And they caught, and even very good.

A bit of history

The spinner is a classic spinning bait, known from the middle of the 19th century. The first such nozzles used by American amateur anglers. They were in the shape of a spoon, and often they were made from it. Over time, the bait was modernized and spread throughout the world as the best artificial bait for catching a predator. There were various modifications, adapted for a certain type of fish, the season and different fishing conditions.

Today spoon-bait has not lost its relevance and continues to be successfully used for catching predatory fish. So what is the secret of such popularity?

Main varieties of spoon-bait

Pike is the most common large water predator in our region. It was for fishing that the majority of spinning baits were invented, among which the spoon-baits occupy the first place. These nozzles are always made of metal and are designed to simulate the natural movements of peaceful fish in the water.

If you do not delve into various modern fishing theories, then there are only two main types of spoon-baits: oscillating (oscillating) and rotating (turntables). Each of them has a number of modifications that have arisen in the process of modification, taking into account a particular type of fish, season, features of the reservoir, gear, etc.

Advantages of wavering lures

The oscillating spoon bait has a number of advantages over other types of spinning baits:

  1. Low price and the possibility of self-manufacturing.
  2. Universality of application. Catch on a shovel in open water you can any predatory fish at any time of year and on any pond.
  3. The ability to adjust the depth of immersion by changing the intensity of the wiring.
  4. Reliability. The design of the oscillator is so simple that the probability of its failure (excluding the breaking of the tackle) is reduced to zero.
  5. Far casting. The weight of the oscillating lures allows you to throw the tackle for a distance of up to 70 m.
  6. Efficiency. By catching even self-made vibrations are not inferior to the most expensive wobblers.

Spoon-bobbin for pike

For pike fishing, medium-sized or large-sized spoon-baits are predominantly used, depending on the predator's activity. They are a single metal plate with one or more hooks, curved in a certain way. Classical spinner-bobbin in most cases has a coloring for peaceful fish, and sometimes a texture that mimics fish scales. For greater similarity, sometimes various attachments can be attached to it in the form of plastic colored plates resembling fins or bright "flies".

With a steep flock from a boat or for winter fishing, tri-granges are often used - weighted paddles on a pike. They are not very similar to fish, however, this does not affect their catchability.

How to behave fluctuating spoon-bait in the water

Depending on the shape of the lures, their behavior when wiring in water is different. According to the type of movement, they are divided into three groups:

  1. Rotating. When wiring, the spoon turns around its longitudinal axis, which attracts the predator perfectly in the spring on the clean areas of the vegetation.
  2. Swaying. When driving, the spoon bobs are evenly swinging from side to side. This is the most catchy oscillation on the pike. In autumn, even in difficult conditions, this way you can get yourself a very good catch.
  3. Combined. Depending on the type and speed of wiring, the baits can rotate and swing. Not recommended for use by novice anglers, as if they are not properly maintained, their behavior in the water is unpredictable.

Pike fishing on the ripple in autumn is carried out mainly with the use of second group spoon bats, but on summer hot days it is recommended to use rotation or even primitive behavior of the trihedral. The latter, by the way, does not differ any special game. Its main purpose is vertical movement from the bottom to the surface. Also, trihedral swingers on the pike perfectly proved themselves in the winter hole fishing.

If fishing is performed in crooked areas or overgrown with bottom vegetation, it is very important to avoid hooks. Otherwise, you can stay not only without catch, but also without baits. Because of this, some spinnerets on the pike have a special lateral edge, not allowing them to quickly descend to the bottom, and as if to plan in the water column. Such baits are most often used for slow wiring during periods of small predator activity. For fishing in difficult conditions, so-called "non-disengaging" can also be used. This kind of spoon-bait is equipped with additional protective threads on the hook, which protect it from an accidental hook.

How to choose the color of a spoon-bait

In addition to the shape, the color for the spoon is very important. Its coloring is selected based on several criteria:

  • season;
  • Times of Day;
  • Features of the reservoir (type of bottom, transparency of water, the presence of vegetation, flow velocity, etc.)

The color of the spoon-bait should correspond to the activity of the pike. In the spring and early autumn, when this predator is most hungry, the spoon-bait must be as bright as possible. In the hot summer and after the first frosts it is better to use lures of discreet natural colors: white and yellow without additional drawings.

As for the time of day, here color also has a significant effect on the reaction of the predator. Early in the morning, when a hungry pike walks in search of food, it is better to use bright colors, after dinner and in the evening - neutral colors.

Abundant vegetation at the bottom significantly reduces the visual contact of the predator and prey. No wonder that most peaceful fish prefer to stay in the thickets. They are not only food, but also reliably hide from the eyes of the aggressor. In this situation, the oscillations on the pike, regardless of the time of day, should be as high as possible, that is, bright.

For spinning fishing there is one more axiom - the lighter and more transparent the water in the pond, the darker and darker there must be the bait-oscillation.

Is the size important?

The size of the spoon-bait is one of the most important criteria for its correct choice. Active pike is inherently gluttonous and greedy, therefore it will be carried to a small bait only during the summer heat or autumn cold.

For catching the spring pike, the spoon-bait is most often used in sizes from 8 to 17 cm. During this period, the predator is the most hungry, and such a bait will be to her liking. Fishing for pike in September and the first half of October can also be carried out by such spoon-baiters. In summer and late autumn, it is better to use vibrations not longer than 7 cm.


Any spinning bait, including a vibrating baubles, allows you to choose the desired size of the hook. Most often it is fixed on the winding ring. Its size is selected based on the size of the spoon-bait and the type of fish to be hunted. It is important that the hook does not exceed the size of the spoon-bait in width, otherwise the predator will suspect this trick.

Typically, the pike vibrations are equipped with one tee in the tail section. But some models may have additional hooks in front or on the side of the "abdomen". Sometimes anglers themselves upgrade lures by changing the type, size or number of hooks.

The best domestic spoon-bait

Among the variety of fluctuating spoon-baits, domestic models, successfully used by amateur fishermen in the 60-70s of the last century, still occupy a leading position. Passed through the decades of Soviet oscillators have become a prototype of modern lures used to fish for pike. The most popular domestic models were and remain:

  1. "Atom" is the legendary Soviet spinner, who heads the rating for fishing for pike, pike perch and "humpback". Produced by many companies and firms, including foreign ones. It has a smooth, measured game. Can have different colors. The best color for fishing for pike is "wet stone".
  2. "Chernospinka" is a heavy (16 g) Soviet baubles, distinguished by a dark upper part. Modern analogues are produced both in Russia and far beyond its borders. These are the best pike ripples in autumn, which have excellent efficiency at a depth of 3-4 m and a smooth low-amplitude game.
  3. "Colored" is a little-known, but very effective hesitant spinner of domestic production. Has a texture that resembles a fish scales. Works great when catching pike on stream at shallow depths. In the tail part has a red plastic "flag".
  4. "Sturling" - one of the oldest and famous pike shakes. Successfully used on the pike during the spring and autumn zhora. It is not suitable for use in high flow conditions, since, when gaining speed, it begins to rotate randomly around the longitudinal axis.
  5. "Successful" is our classic bauble with a narrow elongated body. Can have silver or copper color. Despite the name, not very much such a paddle waggon to pike. But when hunting pike perch and asp, they are not equal.
  6. "Baltic" - a large old Soviet baubles with a red and green coloring. Modern analogues are the best paddles on a pike for catching it in shallow water. When wiring creates significant hydrodynamic oscillations, capable of attracting a predator from a long distance.
  7. "Triangle" - a heavy domestic bait, designed for bottom catching predator. Excellent proved itself with a steep flock from the boat in the summer.

Of course, not all of the most catchy shakes for a pike of domestic production are presented here. It's impossible to describe them all, but the old fishermen remember perfectly such models as Crocodile, Norway, Karelia, Murena, Dnepr, Gnome and others. Some of them eventually forgot, and others are produced now under other names.

The best imported spoon-bait

Abroad, it turns out, is also interested in fishing for pike, so most good spoonbills are produced in Western Europe. Asia does not lag behind it, and sometimes it is ahead of it. Today's market of fishing lures is full of Chinese goods. In most cases, these are unsuccessful counterfeits of known models. As for the real imported branded pisces for pike, their rating looks something like this:

  1. "Syclops" is a very successful spoon of the French company Mepps. Known and popular all over the world. Has a double bend, a complex profile and a multi-faceted body, which allows it to lead an excellent hydrodynamic and light game. "Syclops" is the best imported pike for autumn pike in the period of zhora.
  2. Effzett is a very effective model from the German company DAM. For the first time it was applied about 100 years ago. The prototype of our "Stortling". Produced by different manufacturers around the world. Works well in standing water and on a small current, producing low-frequency oscillations.
  3. "Rasanen" - a universal wobble from the legendary Japanese company Kuusamo. This model is included in the permanent list of spoon-baits recommended by specialists for hunting a large predator. Can have different colors and sizes.
  4. "Kastmaster" - a unique American long-range baubles. It has proven itself for summer fishing of pike during periods of its low activity.
  5. "Minnow Spoon" - a good "nezatseplyayka" from the Finnish company Rapala. Allows you to catch the bottom predator in conditions of abundant vegetation.
  6. "Eira" - an excellent ripple on the pike in autumn from the French company Rublex. Has a classical form. Equipped with an additional tee at the head. Characterized by a smooth wide-amplitude game. Available in two sizes: 55 and 76 mm.
  7. "Mr.Cro" is the universal bauble of the Swedish company ABU. The analogue of our "Crocodile". Suitable for pike fishing in spring and early autumn.

Self-made oscillators

Despite the wide range of different lures presented on the market, some amateur anglers prefer homemade models to purchased models. The simplest oscillations on the pike with their own hands have been made from an ordinary spoon for a long time. Aluminum, because of its low weight, of course, will not work, but it will be just made of stainless steel.

For fishing on a small pike a dessert spoon will fit. It has a weight approximately equal to the mass of medium and medium-sized lures. For a trophy specimen, it is better to take a tablespoon. As for the tools, you will need a hacksaw for metal, a file, sandpaper and a drill with a thin drill (1-2 mm).

It is enough to saw off the handle, grind the place of the saw, drill two holes along the longitudinal axis to fasten the leash and the hook, and the elementary oscillation is ready. It remains to get into the holes of the ring and attach the tee. For greater persuasiveness, it is possible to apply incisions on the outside of the spoon that mimic scales, as well as bright plastic flags in the tail section. In times of total deficit, these were the best ripples for pike in autumn and spring.

Do not discard the handle from the spoon. From it you can easily make a small "pellet" for perch or asp.

Having more or less "straight" hands and a piece of sheet metal, you can easily make a great spoon. This is suitable for copper, brass, stainless steel, galvanized iron , etc. After marking, cutting out and polishing the workpiece, it is given the desired shape with the help of a metal ball, a hammer and a support made of softwood. In order for the future bait to behave in the water predictably, for the sample take a ready-made purchase nozzle and transfer its shape to the workpiece.

Copper and galvanized homemade products are easily painted with nitrocellulose.

Tackle for Vibrating

Fishing for pike ripples will only be effective if the gear is properly selected. It is important to correctly choose and test the rod, and its structure, and the coil with a fishing line.

For fishing on pike, medium or medium-rapidity forms are used. Its length is selected based on the conditions of catching. If you plan to catch from the boat, it will be enough 2-2.5 m. For fishing from the shore you need a blank of at least 3 meters in length.

Given that the oscillating spoon-bait basically have a significant weight, the rod test should be appropriate to the bait weight. To avoid trouble in the form of a broken tip, it is better if the test figure is one-third greater than the mass of the oscillation.

It is not recommended to use cheap coils of unknown origin for pike fishing. A large predator easily breaks the tackle if it is not protected by a reliable clutch. Excellent if the friction brake has a rear adjustment. When vyvazhivanii large pike, this option is much more convenient. The approximate size of the coil is 2500-4000.

As for the line, you can use both a braid and a monofilament. The first option, of course, will be more reliable than a monophyle, especially if it is a matter of large-scale mining. The minimum thickness for the cord is 0.2 mm, for monofilament - 0.25 mm.

Applying a leash to a pike is mandatory. She easily bite any braid, not to mention the usual line. Usually use steel or tungsten lead lengths of 15-30 cm.

When using small spoon-baits, the rigging can be weighted with an additional load, which is placed on top of the leash. This option is used for strong flow, as well as for increasing the casting distance.

Posting Features

But good tackle and a set of catching baits is not enough to return from fishing home, having a decent catch. Correct wiring of the ripple to the pike is the most important factor influencing the predator reaction. There are dozens of ways to bait in the water, however, they are all applicable to a certain type of spoon-bait. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. Uniform. Classics in spinning fishing. After casting, the trolley is allowed to sink to the bottom, after which the tackle is smoothly rewound with a constant intensity coil. Ideally it works in open transparent water with a clean bottom. Most often for this type of wiring is used "Atom", "Chernoshenko", "Stolling", "Effzett", "Syclops", "Eira". Fishing for pike in September and the first half of October will be most effective when using this method.
  2. Stepped. Applied during periods of weak pike activity on "clean" water bodies. The essence of this wiring is that after casting and immersing the spoon the rod is sharply raised upwards while simultaneously winding the fishing line. After that, the spinning is lowered down, stopping the rotation of the coil. Then these movements are repeated. With this wiring, the bait moves along a broken line from the bottom to the surface and back. Catching in this way in the absence of vegetation can be anything shiny.
  3. Twitching. This method does not provide for any mandatory rules. This jerk wiring is selected for a specific oscillation by trial and error. Most often the jerks of tackle are carried out horizontally with the tip of the rod, lowered downwards. Although twitching is more designed to use wobblers, oscillations are also applicable here. Most of all for this purpose, "Syclops" and "Kastmaster" are suitable.
  4. "Shivering" wiring. Its essence lies in the fact that the bait is conducted in small jerks. The spoon, as it were, flinches, resembling a frightened fry.
  5. Acceleration-braking. This is a kind of uniform wiring. The only difference is the changing tempo of winding the tackle. After dipping a spoon-bait, for example, five turns are produced with high intensity, and after - three turns with a low speed. Then this cycle is repeated.
  6. Mixed wiring. This method is more suitable for experienced anglers who have got their hands on spinning fishing and are able to feel the behavior of the bait in the water. It provides for a kind of mix of different entries. Spoons can be used in any way.

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