Sports and FitnessFishing

Non-grip on the pike with your own hands

For sure, any fisherman came across the situation when the desired individual is almost there, and it is not possible to catch it. A warm summer pops up in memory and a pond full of duckweed, in which there is a lot of pike, or a river with branches of flooded trees, where a flock of zander dwells. In such places there is a lot of fish. However, is it possible to catch it in such areas? If you fish for ordinary baits, then no! And if you resort to special devices (just for such places), then catching becomes a joy.

And you do not need to leave in water tons of expensive baits that are not designed to catch fish in these hijacking areas. In this case, in addition to a bad mood, you will not get anything. Even a fish caught in such conditions will not be a comfort to you. Therefore, in this case, of course, fit devices such as nezotseplyayka to pike. Such fishing opens up huge opportunities. This will be discussed later.


Let us consider this point in more detail. Non-grip on the pike - these are the adaptations that you can carry out without fear of hanging places. Namely, where it is impossible to use ordinary bait. A peculiar effect of non-loosening is carried out by protecting the stings of hooks. And in this case, this lure through the thick undergrowth sneaks at ease and easily. Non-grip on the pike works great and when they are wired in dense grass. For example, you can try to catch on an ordinary spoon-bait with an unprotected hook. At the same time, such a bait will not be lost, but it will collect a lot of grass, and the fish will get frightened. In this case, the non-grip on the pike, the photos of which are given in this text, are simply irreplaceable. They will be of great help in catching fish in sheltered water bodies.

The hook must be protected by a wire or hidden in the body of the lure. This is an essential condition. And it is not so important how the bait is not entangled. Basically, the effectiveness of this device for such a reservoir is taken into account. On the pike nezotseplyayka should be simple and at the same time reliable. Also, it should provide protection from the hooks and splendidly detect the fish.

Fishing for pikes on non-loops

In this case, there are many peculiar nuances. In dense thickets of grass, which often cover with a continuous layer many sections of water bodies, pike, and perch, and many other carnivores are active. They are a very welcome catch for most anglers. They are visible to professionals in this area, even in those periods when there is simply no biting on open water. However, not every spinner will start trying to get a fish in such places.

Predators for this reason begin to feel much safer on such sites. Because they are more bold and willing to take even artificial lures. Very good for such purposes fit such adaptations, as bait-nezotseplyayka. Now a large number of them are on the fishing market. In this case, they are very diverse.

But there are also some that are designed to ensure successful fishing in certain places: in the most dense thickets, in the water, on its surface, and also among algae, water lilies, grass, reeds and horsetails. That is, even in places where there is no possibility to exploit baits with hooks. They can be used in partial shallow water. They are especially convenient in those times when pikes have not yet passed into the grass and are more on its borders and edges, and popper can not be used at the same time (due to the presence of filamentous algae). This happens in the spring and on the eve of summer. Such baits are also suitable for fishing among flooded logs or in the deaf large coiled ones. But these irreplaceable adaptations can also be divided into several types. This will be further discussed.

Fluctuating spoon-baiters

These are rather peculiar adaptations. For example, for a pike-perch the traditional pattern of a spoon-bait are any of the wavering narrow nezatseplyayak large or medium-sized. As a rule, in the fishing industry it is believed that the wavering wide spoons are so-called pike. But narrow devices - the best option for pikeperch.

This distinction is determined by a kind of factor. Namely, the fact that in this case the selective feature of the pike-perch plays a role is played by narrow-fry fish. The pike also feeds absolutely any individuals that will only meet on their way. This includes even podleschiki, and karasiki. Therefore, in this case, there will be indispensable oscil- lation-noncatching for the pike. Also in this division, the habit of pike-perches to keep on strong currents also matters. This is in contrast to the pike. Wide swimmers are less suitable for fishing on stream. This is because they have quite a busy course. Therefore, they are used much less often for fishing on pike perch.

Silicone baits-nezotseplyayki

It is also quite a popular device. Today, they are often used during pike fishing. These individuals willingly peck at such baits. In general, silicone soft non-loosening on the pike shows quite good results. Such baits are inexpensive compared to other analogs. They are also much more effective in certain hijacking places. That is, where expensive lures of various kinds can come off or tear, it is possible to catch easily such non-loosening. This is an important feature.

Techniques and tactics for catching non-engaging baits

When you come to a pond with similar devices, you first need to identify places with large hooks. On these sites, almost no one is fishing. Therefore, you will have considerable chances. Also, you should observe complete silence. This is very important when catching a predator. During fishing for non-traction on the pike use a different wiring. Everything depends on the individual desire. Wiring must be played. This is so that the vegetation does not cling to its parts, but also in order to interest the fish.

Non-self-made homemade

Fishing for predatory fish often leads us to places full of snags, various vegetation and other water obstacles. That is why, in this case, it is advisable to use non-grip on the pike. With their help, such an animal can be caught in the grass, and in snags, and in other places of hassle, where a simple wobblers or blest can not get. It is not difficult to make such an adaptation yourself. There would be a desire. We will go further in how to make nezatseplyayka on pike own hands.

Production methods

There are many methods that allow you to build such a device. Let us single out some of them:

  1. In the first case, steel wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm should initially be prepared. Then we take a simple spoon-wobble and we solder a double or a single hook to the end. After this, from its inner side we attach the antennae, which are directed toward the twin. This connection is also carried out by soldering. This is important to know. Proceeding from the fact that the hook is chosen, it is necessary to solder either one or two antennae. As a result, catchy self-made nezotseplyayki to pike.
  2. The second variation of this device is much easier. In this case, we solder the hook to the spinner. Then slightly bend it down. After that, we put on it baits from silicone. It is selected according to the size of the hook. This product will be more effective in branches and grass than the above.

The result

As you can see, the process of making a non-clutch on a pike with your own hands is not that difficult. It is enough to have patience and to equip with the necessary tools and materials. With the experience of making these products will become quite commonplace.

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