Sports and FitnessFishing

Pike in March on the gills on the river and on the pond

From time immemorial, our great-grandfathers-great-grandfathers caught a pike on the winter zharglitsu. This simple adaptation due to its simplicity and efficiency and today remains quite in demand among anglers. Of course, I made a few such pieces myself, came to the pond, drilled holes, put the sticks - and know yourself to walk until one of them gives a signal.

But in fact, not everything is so simple. First, you need to know where to put the tackle, and secondly, when it's best done. We'll talk about how the pike is caught in March for the jailbirds, and also discuss their designs and rigging.

What happens to the pike after winter

In most regions of Russia, March can not be called the beginning of spring. In the first half of it there are still frosts, only occasionally replaced by short-term thaws. Experienced fishermen know that during this period the most effective method of "predatory" fishing is fishing for pikes with javelins. February, March, and in some areas the beginning of April is not yet the beginning of the summer hunting season for the predator, but the end of the winter season.

Pike, as you know, does not rest during the winter, although its activity is significantly reduced. With the advent of spring, namely, with the onset of warming, it "wakes up" the very first of all predators, so for now there is ice, you can try the fishing happiness.

Pike in March on zherlitsy it is caught not worse, than in the winter. During this period, she, excited from the pressure drops, becomes more active and begins to intensively seek her livelihood in order to stock up the protein for the forthcoming spawning period.

Where to look for a pike on the river

On the rivers, ice begins to melt earlier than on ponds and reservoirs. This is primarily due to the presence of the current. If the site has the first flanks near the fallen trees, thickets of reeds or islands, you need to go to them, observing all the rules of behavior on the ice.

Catching pikes in March on the gills on the river will be most effective in these places. Here, water is richer in oxygen, and there is more food, because peaceful fish also aspires to the flats. If there are no such sites, it is necessary to place the jockeys at the ice edge, again observing extreme caution.

Searching for pike on the pond

Catching of pike in March to the jailbirds on the pond is also carried out near the thickets of reeds, cane or along the shore. If there are islets on the pond, it makes sense to install gear near them.

Pay attention to the places of confluence of streams and springs. Their flows also carry oxygen, which attracts fish better than any bait.

Look for a pike in March at a depth not worth it. Most often it is all on the shallows. And this applies not only to small grasses, but also to large individuals as well.

Time for catching on the jail

As for the time of day, then traditionally the best hours will be morning - from 6 to 11 am. But if there is a bite, you can continue fishing around the clock. And this tackle is good, that you can catch on it day and night. By the way, it is noticed that in March the pike in the pond is more likely to take in sunny weather, and on the river, on the contrary, to overcast, even with precipitation. Why this happens, as if no one knows.

Construction of the mantel

For fishing from ice, two types of jaws are used:

  • Ice (with the placement of the structure should be ice);
  • Subglacial (when all the gear is dipped into the hole).

The latter type is more often used in severe frosts and during night fishing. The essence of the ice structure is that even when the hole freezes, the tackle will continue to work, as it is under the ice.

In spring there is no special need for such a joker, so we will talk about an icing structure. It consists of:

  • Platform (plastic or wooden);
  • A coil fixed to it vertically or horizontally;
  • Main line with a leash and cargo;
  • Bake indicator (steel or plastic bar with a bright flag).

The coil can be fastened to the platform in any convenient way, so long as it can rotate, giving a fishing line when bitten. The signaling device is installed vertically, bent and fixed in such a way that, with the slightest movement of the coil, it could straighten and "throw out" the signal flag. Here, in principle, and the whole design.

Accessories for daggers

It's time to discuss the rigging rig. There are no complicated installations here. Usually pike fishing in March is carried out using rods with a cross-section of 0.4-0.5 mm. This thickness is quite enough, even if a trophy specimen is caught on the hook. As for the length of the line, it is usually 25-30 meters on the reel. But if the depth in the fishing area does not exceed 2 meters, then it will be enough and 10 m.

The end of the line is necessarily equipped with a steel or tungsten leash: the pike is not the same fish that can be trusted with a snap. Feeling wrong, she immediately tries to eat a fishing line.

The use of cargo is advisable only in cases where fishing is carried out in deep water areas. It is attached to the main line by a sliding method in front of the leash and is limited to lead pellets. For catching a predator on the shallows, the cargo is not used.

Catching the pike in March on the jiggers is performed on a double or triple hook. The type and size is determined based on the size of the bait. Usually it's hooks No. 6-8.

Lure for a dagger

For this type of tackle, there is only one lure - the lover. No other nozzle is used here. Pike in March on zharglitsy goes more willingly, when the bait is a live fish, and not cunning, although at night you can use this.

Obtaining a bait is the easiest thing in the market, just by buying it. The prices for it are low, but only to transport it to the fishing site is quite problematic. Without special dishes - canes - there is no way.

And if you do not have the opportunity to buy bait, you can always catch it right on the pond where fishing for pike is planned. To do this, drill the holes on the shallows and catch a small crucian or plover with a winter fishing rod using a conventional mormyshka. As for the size of the bait, the pike reacts more willingly in March to the javelins, equipped with large baits. It's all about hunger and the desire to quickly fill up the belly before spawning. Ideal for this time of year will be a bait measuring 10-15 cm. Some anglers recommend using zhivots in different sizes, alternating through the hole.

Peculiarities of planting bait

If you want the lover to remain mobile for a long time, it must be properly planted. When catching on the jailbrothers, they usually do not use the methods of nasazhivaniya for the lips or nostrils. Most commonly used are:

  • For the back;
  • By the tail;
  • Through the gills.

The most reliable way to plant bait is the way "for the back". It consists in the fact that one of the stings of a tee or double pierce the back of the live bait between the spine and the dorsal fin. Do this with extreme caution: one wrong move, and your lover will turn into a "dead man."

The way "through the gills" implies the dismantling of the rigging before planting the bait. The leash is unfastened from the fishing line, it is passed through the mouth of the fish and one of the gills, and then stretches until the hook has touched the lips of the live bait. Of course, this method can not boast either the humanity or the longevity of the bait, but it provides reliable protection against its withdrawal from the hook even during a predator attack.

For beginners in catching on zherlitsy the way "for a tail" perfectly approaches. It does not need to injure the fish, because fixing the bait is done in a slightly different way. On the tail of the live bait, a piece of a rubber band is tightly fitted, for example, from a balloon, and the sting is hooked for it. This most "humane" way allows the bait to live as long as possible and behave naturally.

Catching pikes in March on gerlitsy: secrets of seasoned

Finally, we will share with you a few secrets of ventless fishing for pike from experienced anglers.

  1. For catching a large pike an excellent bait is a small perch.
  2. For fishing on a trophy pike, it's best to plant a livebrain through the gills: a large predator first grabs the victim across, and then unfolds it to himself.
  3. To the resident, planted behind the back, did not go off the hook, on his sting, which was punctured body bait, you can put on a piece of silicone tube or cambric.
  4. On sites with an encased bottom, do not use a long line: the pike, caught on the hook, can thoroughly confuse the tackle.
  5. To get a pike, especially large, from the hole is much easier, if you use a special hag.

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