HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is evidence of dizziness at normal pressure

It happens that after a long ride on the carousel or traveling on a ship (especially during pitching), we feel dizzy. This is quite normal: the vestibular apparatus, located in the human body in the inner ear, gave a temporary failure from the abrupt change in the position of the body in space. Then the surrounding objects slowly swim before our eyes, and the soil "leaves from under the feet." Sometimes this feeling is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. But if we stand on firm ground, the sense of balance returns. But there are people who often suffer from dizziness. What are the reasons for this?

The head is spinning as from stress, nervous tension and quarrel, and from sudden pleasant sensations - to lead about a big win, recognition in love, etc. This is due to the release of adrenaline into the blood, which in turn leads to a spasm of cerebral vessels and a temporary oxygen starvation of nerve cells. Sometimes we feel the same feeling from height. This is also quite normal, although it is not observed at all: eyes after contemplating distant objects find it difficult to focus on their loved ones. The most frequent pathogenic causes of severe dizziness are increased or, conversely, low blood pressure. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to measure whether this indicator deviates from the norm.

But what if you often experience dizziness at normal pressure? This sensation can be a symptom of hidden diseases. First of all, those that lead to a breakdown in the supply of the brain to oxygen and blood. Vegetosovascular dystonia is only one of these numerous ailments. If you are a slender physique and you often get numb during sleep, your frequent dizziness is most likely caused by this disease. Anemia, or iron deficiency in the blood also causes this unpleasant feeling of instability. Exhausting diets most directly affect the saturation of the brain with oxygen.

Dizziness at normal pressure is a true companion of osteochondrosis or bending of the ridge. In this case, the vertebral artery is compressed, and the supply of blood to the brain is impaired. But at the same time the ailment of the feeling that everything is double in the eyes is long and accompanied by impaired coordination of movement, weakness and headaches. The same symptoms, plus the feeling of "cotton feet" a person experiences when approaching a stroke. Then you need to call an ambulance. Similar, but transient, phenomena can occur when taking certain medications. Headache with dizziness and nausea indicates a migraine.

There are other reasons. Vertigo at normal pressure can be caused by a disease of the vestibular apparatus itself, responsible for a sense of balance. Vertigo is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, a cold sweat and a worsening of the general condition. Also, "turn" the head may be trauma, concussion, otitis and labyrinthitis (inflammation of the middle ear). Danger of rupture of the eardrum also.

If you have dizziness at normal pressure, then there is no better means than lying on a flat surface, so that the head is at the same level with the shoulders - so your brain will receive the missing blood. If this feeling caught you on the street - just sit on the bench and close your eyes. You can not make sudden movements. If the unpleasant sensations do not leave you for more than two days or if the attacks of dizziness attack you too often - call the doctor at home. Neglect these symptoms in no case should not be.

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