HealthDiseases and Conditions

Trypnaya disease: symptoms of flow

Today, let's talk about what a trypnaya disease. Symptoms of it are very similar to many similar diseases. It is also called "gonorrhea". This infection affects the mucous membranes of the reproductive system, oral cavity, eyes and rectum.


Trisernal disease begins to develop after entering the body of bacteria, which are called "gonococcus." As a rule, these parasites are transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. And this can happen both with vaginal, and with oral or anal sex. Infection occurs even in the case when the genital organs come in contact without penetration of the male member into the woman's vagina.

There are also cases when the tri-partisan disease was also transmitted by the household way. Symptoms, as a rule, in this case are manifested in women and girls, because by virtue of their physiological characteristics they are able to easily catch the infection. Bacteria penetrate from infected bed linen, sponges, clothes, towels, etc.


As for children, they are also at risk, when they pass through the birth canal of a sick mother. The child in this case is affected by the eyes, and the girls in addition to this and the genitals. According to statistics, more than half of the cases of blindness of newborns are caused by the gonococci of the mother.

We have understood what constitutes a triple disease. Symptoms also need to know. The period of latent flow (incubation) lasts from one day to two weeks. But often the disease manifests itself on the third or fifth day after the penetration into the body of bacteria. Symptoms of the tripper in men are plentiful secretions of pus and mucus, with the feeling of pain and pain during urination.

Allocations occur both during pressure on the head of the penis, and spontaneous. There is an adhesion of the external opening of the urethra and redness. Erections at night are accompanied by painful sensations. At the same time the general state of health remains unchanged, but sometimes there is a slight increase in temperature.

As for the beautiful half of humanity, up to seventy percent of girls and women simply do not notice anything, because their disease is asymptomatic. Thirty percent who still feel something, there are purulent-mucous discharge, a constant urge to urinate, and this procedure is rather painful. Also the labia become inflamed, which leads to their swelling and sensations of sharp pain.

Detect in good time

It is impossible that the trial illness remains without treatment. Symptoms of it should alert you. At the slightest suspicion, consult a doctor, because a neglected disease can lead to irreversible changes in the genital organs, which provoke infertility and impotence. These bacteria also have a negative effect on the kidneys, heart, lungs and other organs, disrupting their work. Therefore, it is very important to promptly identify the disease and cure it.

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