
Tripper: symptoms and productive treatment

Gonorrhea in the common people was called a tripper. Symptoms of this disease not only bring a lot of inconvenience to the patient, but also require timely medical care.

So, the gonorrhea characterizes the venereal disease caused by the activity of the gonococcal microbe, which affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system. If we talk about the method of transmission, then most often this pathology is transmitted sexually, but there is also a contact infection through household items, although this phenomenon is extremely rare because of the instability of gonococci in the external environment. In some clinical pictures, a person does not suspect that he has a characteristic disease, possessing strong immunity to the tripe, but this does not mean that he is not a source of infection.

Tripper, the symptoms of which begin to appear after a couple of days in the affected body, requires timely treatment. Before treating, it is necessary to diagnose this disease. The incubation period in the female body lasts from 5 to 10 days, and in the male - from 2 to 5 days. At the expiration of this period, the signs of the tripper become obvious.

If we talk about the male body, then the patient first experienced the sensation of heat, itching, and burning sensations in the penis, which are especially worse with urination. In addition, sticking and redness of its outer opening is possible. Also, the early stage of the disease is accompanied by a moderate discharge from the urethra mainly of gray color. However, after a couple of days, the gonorrhea begins to progress rapidly, the symptoms of which already cause severe anxiety. So, the once meager secretions become more abundant and acquire a thick consistency and a greenish hue, and at night a painful erection may occur. It should also be noted that the lack of timely treatment can complicate the course of the disease and entail its chronic form, which can provoke the development of a disease such as gonorrhea arthritis.

If we talk about the female body, then the tripe and its symptoms in most clinical pictures remain invisible. Thus, purulent discharges from the vagina, burning and itching in the perineum, cutting pain and frequent urges with urination quickly and imperceptibly disappear, and in view of the absence of anxiety symptoms, the risk of chronic disease of the tripper increases substantially. Symptoms practically do not bother the woman, which contributes to the ascending purulent lesion of female reproductive organs. This pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of adhesions, as a result of which the uterine tube is clogged, becoming impassable for the ovum and spermatozoa, which leads to infertility. The accumulation of pus in the tubes causes pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, in addition, similar purulent formations are intensively absorbed into the blood, contributing to intoxication. Also, the menstrual cycle is lost, differing in the abundance of bloody discharge and the irregularity of the arrival of another menstruation.

If you suspect a tripper, the symptoms of which are pronounced, you should immediately contact a specialist who, through laboratory tests, will accurately deliver the final diagnosis. After that, the doctor selects a special treatment course, which both sex partners must undergo. It is important to understand that only an expert can effectively eliminate the gonorrhea by intensive combination therapy, which includes the use of characteristic medications, including immunomodulators, and the performance of certain physiotherapeutic procedures.

In general, in most cases there is a positive clinical outcome.

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