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From the mouth of ancestors: proverb about language

"The language of a man is small, but how many lives he has broken." A good proposal was made - briefly, clearly, wisely. But this is not just a sentence, but a proverb about language. Such sparkling remarks are rich in the heritage of the Russian people. They passed from generation to generation, participated in the educational process of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And today we propose to recall the most common sayings about language.

Why do we need proverbs?

The proverb is not only a good sentence with meaning, but also a special linguistic device that shows the strength and weakness of human actions, explains the difference between good and bad actions. Now it is seldom possible to hear proverbs in conversation. But several decades ago in everyday life they were often used, because their meaning has always been and remains relevant.

Over time, the original formulations are forgotten, and new ones replace them. But, as you know, everything new is a well-forgotten old. Therefore, the proverb about language will always reflect the versatility and beauty of the deep truth in a small but capacious phrase.

A word is not a sparrow

Proverbs about the Russian language are always relevant and relevant, as they reflect the true essence of the problem. Take, for example, a saying about a bad word: "A bad word, like pitch: sticking - you will not clean." And indeed it is. After all, if someone throws an incorrect phrase, a person will remember it for a long time, constantly worrying about it.

Another proverb about the language on this topic is: "You can hold the reins in the reins, but you can not bring it back." Often people say more than they think. Therefore, from his mouth flies words that wound the interlocutor. What is said by chance, can be forgotten by its performer, but the listener will forever remember the words that made him suffer.

Silence is gold

Before you say something, you need to think several times. It's not for nothing that the people say: "It's better to say less than to retell." Proverbs and sayings about the language always encouraged deliberate cues and silence. For example, we can cite several of the most popular:

  • Know a lot and say little: you did not talk much.
  • Do not rush to talk with your tongue, hurry to show the deed.
  • With others, you need to talk less, but with yourself - more.
  • Language does not lead to good.
  • He talks from morning till night, but there's nothing to listen to.
  • Silence does not offend anyone: someone who is silent, he does not sin.
  • Good silence is better than a bad grunt.
  • Silent at once two teaches.

This is only a small part of the proverbs and sayings, striving for the purity and intelligence of speech. It has long been thought that if there is nothing to say, it's better to remain silent. Idle talk "about nothing", gossip and gossip were never held in high esteem. Although they could not be avoided. Therefore, more moral representatives of the society often repeated the saying that it is necessary to restrain one's language and not to talk too much.

Word - silver

From all that has been said above, one can draw a hasty conclusion that the people passed from one generation to the next one simple truth: "Be silent, and you will be rewarded." But this is completely wrong! There are sayings that encourage free statements, questions and remarks. Take, for example, the proverb: "Language is a banner, a squad leads and turns the kingdoms". In a skilful mind, words that have flown down from the language can become the root cause of many changes.

"For a just cause, say boldly." This saying encourages people not to remain silent if they see that someone is violent, and defended his position to the end. Another proverb says: "You can not take a spear, you'll bang your tongue". It is not always possible to come to an agreement through a fight. But you can talk with another person and listen to his position. Moreover, the word always had amazing power. Fusing in the sequence of proposals, it seems to light a light in the soul. No wonder the proverb about the language says: "A good word and an animal is pleasant."

Proverbs and proverbs are the heritage of our people, wisdom, collected by bit for generations. And you should listen to them, because there is nothing superfluous, except for useful advice, which are as follows:

  1. Before talking, think.
  2. Never be silent for a good deed.
  3. Always remember: you can injure a word.

Such simple truths are known to everyone, and if everyone adhered to them, there would be much less misunderstanding, quarrels and resentments in the world.

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