HealthHealthy Eating

Protein diet - menu for real meat lovers

What are the most common problems in people who often sit on different diets? The most common answer to this question is the following: "I returned to my former weight as soon as I stopped dieting."

There is a huge amount of mono-diets - carbohydrates, carbohydrates , etc. Their main problem is the low protein content, which is why the muscle mass, rather than fatty deposits, is lost .

The solution to this issue was the protein diet, which is perfectly combined with strength exercises and is equally suitable for both men and women.

What is a protein diet? Its menu includes foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats. The main products are dietary chicken meat, tender veal or rabbit meat, skim milk, sea fish, skim cheese and egg whites.

The protein-vitamin diet also includes certain vitamin complexes that feed the body and support the metabolic processes at the proper level. Its advantages are as follows:

  • Rapid weight loss. This property of the diet makes it the most popular among the fair sex.
  • Dropped pounds are almost not returned, if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle and do not abuse banned fat and sweet foods.
  • Variety of products. Thanks to a variety of nutrition, a person does not have a desire to eat something else immediately after eating.

Naturally, it also has certain drawbacks:

  • Imbalance. A large amount of protein can trigger the excretion of trace elements and calcium from the body, which can lead to stratification of the nails, worsening of the hair condition, and increased brittleness of the bones.
  • Huge burden on the kidneys. They begin to work actively, because of which more water is removed from the body. This leads to dehydration, and, as a result, to apathy and loss of vitality.

Given all the pros and cons, we can say that the protein diet, the menu of which is well thought out, can last a maximum of two weeks.

For a diet, perfectly suited baked or boiled dishes cooked in a barbecue, oven or a double boiler. Salads should not contain much salt or sauce, vinegar and mayonnaise should be excluded from the diet. As a dressing it is better to use a little olive oil.

For those who are interested in the protein diet, the menu is presented below:

1 day: 300 grams of boiled beef, 100 grams of sauerkraut or green peas, a slice of black bread, 150 grams of boiled fish, 2 potatoes, 100 grams of beetroot salad, green tea without sugar.

Day 2: 100 grams of boiled beef, 300 grams of boiled fish, 100 grams of salad or carrots, apple, apple juice, green tea.

Day 3: 250 grams of boiled pork, apple, 200 g of beans, 200 g of vegetables, green tea.

Approximately such a menu you need to adhere to two weeks. Products can vary, but you need to strictly follow the percentage of fat content.

Vitamin-protein diet does not include almost no bakery products, except for a small piece of black bread. This is due to the fact that flour products provoke the appearance of extra pounds and thus do not do any good to the body.

The number of meals is not limited to three, you can eat the prescribed amount for 1-2 times or for 7-8, as you prefer. Do not forget to drink at least a half or two liters of mineral water to prevent dehydration.

If you liked the protein diet, the menu of which is distinguished by its democratic character, it is worth remembering that you should not give yourself indulgences and include in the diet prohibited products. It is necessary to include active physical exercises in the slimming program in order to obtain an excellent result and to fight with your figure on the spot!

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