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Vascular spasm often happens as a trigger for triggering the mechanism of diseases of internal organs. People who are often concerned about headache, unstable blood pressure, vasospasm, discomfort in the heart, often diagnose vegetovascular dystonia.

Vascular spasm or angiospasm is often a consequence of hypotension or hypertension, and coronary heart disease can cause vasospasms in response to the stimulus.

Most often, vasospasm manifests in vegetative-vascular dystonia, and manifestations occur as vascular crises (hypotonic and hypertonic seizures).

The vascular crisis is a pathological state of the body, in which the filling of blood vessels with blood circulation in violation of the central circulation can suddenly change.

There are regional and systemic vascular crises. The first are characterized by local impairment of blood supply to organs and tissues. The second is characterized by a pathological increase or a decrease in the tone of the arteries or veins, and they are manifested by a sharp fall or jump in blood pressure.

The hypertensive attack begins with a headache that pulses in the area of the temples. At the same time there is an increase in heart rate, painful sensations in the heart. There can be reddening of the face and increased sweating, the temperature rises and there is a feeling of cold, chills.

A hypotonic attack is caused by a decrease in blood pressure, in which a person experiences muscle weakness, pale skin appears on the skin, the head turns, and even a syncope may occur.

One of the most common spasms is spasm of peripheral vessels. As a result, blood is collected in the central parts of the vascular bed, the very first is provided the perfusion of organs that are most sensitive to hypoxia of the heart.

The most important mechanism that compensates for acute blood loss is peripheral vasospasm with a decrease in total capacity, an increase in peripheral resistance. This reaction is due to an increase in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, a sharp stimulation of the adrenal cortex.

It's the adrenals that increase the release of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood many times. Spasm of peripheral vessels impose its imprint on the course of post-traumatic syndrome. Unbalanced spasm in different anatomical areas can determine a different number of A-receptors, which are very sensitive to noradrenaline and adrenaline.

Given that these receptors are least in the heart and brain, these organs suffer the least.

The problem of the pathology of the vessels of the eye is currently one of the most important in ophthalmology, due to the fact that all known eye diseases are associated with impaired vascular circulation or cause a spasm of the vessels of the eye.

With the initial development of blepharospasm (spasm of the vessels of the eye), the patient has a rapid blinking and a feeling of irritation of the eye. Then follows the increase in the strength and frequency of spasms, which leads to temporary discomfort - the patient becomes problematic to read or write, watching TV is also difficult.

The causes of spasm - poorly lit workplace, lack of sleep, inappropriate selection of furniture in relation to the growth of the child, long TV viewing.

For the treatment of spasm it is necessary to perform a general examination with an ophthalmologist who prescribes special gymnastics and exercises for training the muscles of the eye. In addition, it is necessary to make a general program for the recovery of the whole body, to do physical exercises.

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