Sports and FitnessFishing

Float with your hands. Homemade floats. Luminous float

The float is a constant companion of avid fishermen. This ancient invention is used to see the bite in time. Over time, the appearance, shape and materials from which this tackle is made have changed greatly, but the principle of action has remained the same.

For successful fishing, the choice of floats plays a crucial role. And in some cases it makes sense to make them yourself. After all, for certain weather conditions, depths, places of fishing, floats of various shapes, weights and sizes are used. If it is difficult to choose the optimal model, you can make a float with your own hands, or even a few, as they say, for all cases. To do this, you will need simple tools, handy materials and, of course, your imagination.

Materials and Tools

For the manufacture of floats can not do without such tools as calipers, vise and manual or electric drill. As materials it is possible to use polystyrene, tubules of different diameters, wire, paints, glue and many other things.

Of great popularity are self-made floats, made of natural materials, for example, wood, bird feathers, porcupine or balsa needles. When using feathers, it is very important to completely clean the surface of the feathers, then cover them with varnish in order to prevent moisture ingress. Such self-made floats for fishing are very light and suitable for almost any water body.

Requirements for self-made floats

Generally, making a float is quite simple, but this product must have certain qualities, otherwise fishing with it will be simply impossible. The main requirement is sustainability. Also it is necessary to make a float from bright materials or to cover with a varnish. If this is not done, the tackle will be poorly visible on the water. Self-made fishing floats should be strong enough, waterproof and durable.

Any product that meets all of the above requirements, can be considered quite successful. Yes, there is one more condition. This is a high sensitivity, due to which you can catch even the slightest touch of fish to the bait.

And still the manufacture of a float should be quite economical. After all, if rare tools or expensive materials are required for its creation, production will be inexpedient.

Manufacture of float from balsa

Balsa is an ideal material for making floats of various types. Among the advantages should be allocated high density, strength and durability. In addition, the dried balsa is very soft, so you do not need special tools to work with it.

After manufacturing the body of the float, it is necessary to produce a high-quality coating. The fact is that the balsa absorbs moisture very quickly, therefore it is necessary to perform the initial primer with an alcohol dye, and after that it should be carefully dried. And only at the end of all these manipulations can you start painting the product. If it is not enough to paint the entire surface of the float well, then its load capacity varies greatly with contact with water, which affects the functionality of the tackle.

The float with its own hands made of balsa is easy to make, suitable for any kind of fishing and it serves a very long time.

Float made of foam plastic

The most popular material for making floats is polystyrene foam. It is recommended to use a material that has a high density. The fact is that such a foam with small cells is much easier to process.

The structure of this material resembles wood. Therefore, in contact with water, the foam will absorb moisture, which will negatively affect its function. Therefore, after manufacturing the body of the product, it is necessary to carefully coat it with varnish. But you should avoid contact with the material with solvents that destroy it.

Sometimes, in order to make a high-quality float made of polystyrene by one's own hands, it is recommended that the body of the product be slightly burned, reducing its water permeability. And to compact the structure the material can be rolled between two boards.

Manufacturing procedure

First you need to make a preliminary drawing in order to keep later the size of the tackle. Then you need to cut the workpiece, focusing on the size of the layout, while it is desirable to make them a few millimeters more.

It is most convenient to carry out this work with a machine with an electric saw. It is necessary to fix a wire or a bicycle knife in a stationary drill to make a hole. To make a body tackle, it is best to use a chisel. To make self-made floats not inferior as factory ones, sandpaper should be carefully polished.

As a keel, wire is used, which must be zaludit to protect against corrosion, and then covered with epoxy glue and inserted into the body of the product. It remains only to paint our float. For this, it is best to use dark nitro paint and a light fluorescent one. And for the antenna is suitable white, red and black paint.

Float from a feather

If you want to make a float with maximum sensitivity, then you will not find a better material than a goose quill. Thanks to the keel-shaped form, such a tackle is able to convey the slightest touch of the fish to the hook.

To make such a float with your own hands, you need to clean the feather from the fluff, leaving only the stem. It is very important that during the cleaning process it remains intact, otherwise water will enter inside. Therefore, it is best to sing down on a small fire.

Then it is necessary to put on the lower part of the feather a rubber ring, which will serve as a fastener for the line. In order for the float to be well visible in the water, it is necessary to paint its upper part in a bright color. An excellent option - a combination of contrasting tones, for example, red and green or black and orange. Use only waterproof paint, and on top of the product must be opened with a layer of clear lacquer.

Tackles from plastic tubules

Among the ways how to make a float with your own hands, one of the most popular is making gear from plastic tubes. Such material is similar to natural feathers, but more even and aesthetic. The float from the tube has such qualities as strength, high sensitivity and ease of manufacture.

It is necessary to cut off a piece of the desired length from the tube and seal the ends so that water does not get inside. One end of the tube is heated, a hole is made with a wire into which the line is passed. It is possible to put on a nipple. The float is painted in bright colors and varnished.

To produce such a tackle, expensive materials or tools are not needed, and the entire process will take only a few minutes.

Float made of wood

To produce gear from a tree, certain skills will be required. This kind of floats is one of the most difficult in production. In addition, if in the manufacture of equipment from foam or tubing you could do with improvised tools, then when working with wood, special tools will be required.

To extract the body of the tackle, an electric drill will be required. In addition, the finished float must be carefully sanded and painted. As for wood, there are no restrictions in the choice of its varieties. Very often fishermen use bamboo, because it is quite simple to process. But even working with such a simple material will take a lot of time and will require patience and perseverance. If you first try your hand at this art, do not be missed from the sky of the stars. Try to start with a simple float. With your own hands, you can create a real masterpiece, able to compete with store models. But be prepared for the fact that it will not happen immediately. Everything has its time.

How to make sliding floats with your own hands

For long casting or in the event that the length of the fishing rod is insufficient, as a rule, sliding floats are used. Such tackle easily moves along the line between two stops, which restrict it.

The manufacturing process is pretty simple. You can use a float made of any materials, such as straw, foam or balsa. In this case, the stop can also be made independently. Although they are worth a penny, so it's best to just buy this part in the nearest fishing shop.

Mounting such a float should allow it to move freely along the line. In addition, it must be such that the stop is not pierced. The best option is to create a lug from the wire, which fixes it to the tackle. If you thread the fishing line into it, and set it to the required distance of the stop, the sliding float will be ready for use.

Tackle for long-range casting

To make such products you can use a cork, plastic, feathers, polystyrene, wood and much more. However, the ideal material in this case is reed. A self- made float for long-distance casting from cane has a number of advantages, for example, it lies quietly on the water, is convenient for catching light fish, is resistant to currents and waves.

The manufacturing process is as follows: with the help of a clerical knife we make cuts on the workpiece and sharpen them a little. Next, you need to prepare a stick, which is then inserted into the workpiece. As an option - a long wooden skewer.

On the other hand, it is necessary to throw a few pellets, which are used to regulate the loading of the product. They need to be glued with glue. Places of bonding must be well treated with an adhesive compound and rewound with a thread. The antenna of the float is painted in any bright color, most often for this purpose use nail polish. Finally, we open our beauty with varnish for wood.

Luminous float

For fishing at night, floats with chemical elements are most often used, however such devices are disposable, and their cost is quite high.

Therefore, it is possible to produce a luminous float in which a light emitting diode is used, which operates from two batteries. The body of such a tackle can be made from an ordinary disposable syringe. The upper part of it must be cut and inserted LED, which should solder the wires and attach the batteries.

The rod of the piston is cut off. We fix the line securely. To do this, make a hole in the piston and put a rubber tube on it. All joints are carefully covered with epoxy glue to prevent water from entering the product.

LEDs are very economical, so two batteries are enough for several night fishing. In addition, such a light source operates at any temperature, so it is suitable for use at any time of the year. The choice of the color of the LED light depends only on the preferences of the fisherman.

Float for winter fishing

Quite often self-made fishing tackles are more functional and convenient than branded ones. But how to make a float with your own hands, which is suitable for winter fishing?

For this it is enough to take the body of the helium handle, plastic tube and two pins. The body of the future float will be made of a tip and a pen cap that are glued to each other.

Next, you need to cut off two pieces of plastic tube of 0.5 cm each. The edges are rounded and sanded. Inside are inserted pins, greased with glue. As a result, a hinged system having a link connection should be obtained.

One of the tubes should be smeared with glue and insert into the hole in the bottom of the body of the float. Using a marker or varnish, draw a black line just below the top of the product. The top of the tackle should be painted in any bright color with nail polish.

Instead of an afterword

For a real fisherman, preparing gear for fishing brings no less pleasure than fishing. They are ready to deal with this watch! And if it turns out independently to make tackles that are ideal for a certain type of fishing, then the fisherman's joy will not be the limit.

There are a lot of ways to make a float. Choose the option that you prefer. As you could see for yourself, the process of manufacturing these products is not very difficult, but it allows you to save money. Especially when you consider that during the evening you can make not one dozen different floats. Therefore, stock up on everything you need, confiscate the nail polish from the wife or lady of the heart, be patient and ... As they say, no scales to you, no tail!

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