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Intestinal obstruction in the elderly: what to do, symptoms and predictions

If there is an intestinal obstruction in the elderly, what to do if there is such a dangerous disease? Where to go? What drugs to take? Can I be cured qualitatively, without surgery?

One of the guarantees of good physical well-being is the normal operation of the intestine. Violation of the natural movement of the contents (half-digested food masses) causes in this body a state of obstruction, very dangerous and in most cases inherent in people of advanced age.

Types of intestinal obstruction

If there is an intestinal obstruction in the elderly, what to do is decided only by a specialist. This disease, depending on the causes of appearance, is divided into two types:

  1. Mechanical. Most often caused by the presence of adhesions in the abdominal region. It can be caused by internal tumors, vertebral hernia, foreign bodies in the gut, tangles of parasites, gallstones (if they form decubitus in the walls of the intestine).
  2. Dynamic. It is the result of unsuccessful surgical interventions, acute conditions of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, acute appendicitis, peritonitis, inflammations of the gynecological nature).

In turn, the first of them is divided into:

  • Obturation - intestinal walls are simply squeezed;
  • Strangulation - squeezing the walls is accompanied by a violation of the nutrition of their vessels, the pain is permanent.

Intestinal obstruction in the elderly is two subspecies:

  1. Spastic, in which there is an increase in peristalsis (wave-like contractions that help to push food through the small and large intestine), which provokes intestinal spasm;
  2. Paralytic. The walls of the intestine are relaxed, which causes complete stoppage of peristalsis.

Constipation is the main sign of intestinal obstruction

The obstruction of the intestine in the elderly, whose causes are mostly due to malnutrition, age-related illnesses, internal formations, is indicated by such a clear sign as constipation-the absence of gases and feces. Most often, it is caused by a sedentary lifestyle typical of most elderly and providing insufficient blood supply to the pelvis and weakness of the pelvic muscles.

One of the options to ease the situation is a light massage of the abdomen, relaxing gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures aimed at stimulating intestinal peristalsis.

If there is a partial obstruction or localization of its focus in the upper part of the intestine, the stool has a scanty character, and the escape of gases is insignificant. In passing, there is obvious "skewness" of the abdomen, swelling, frequent vomiting.

Phases of the disease

Next, consider what else has an intestinal obstruction in the elderly symptoms. Treatment is determined depending on the stage of disruption of the work of this body. The disease occurs in three main phases:

  1. The initial. It is manifested by severe pains in the place where the focus is concentrated, which spread throughout the abdominal region. The patient has a constant loud bubbling, which can last 12 hours, after which the noise completely disappears: the disease develops into another stage.
  2. Intoxicating. It is characterized by a difficult feces removal, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, cramping constant pain, each attack lasts about 10 minutes. Bloating is asymmetrical, the patient has a significant loss of strength, the body covers a cold sweat. The duration of this condition lasts from 2 to 3 days and signals a complete failure of the motor function of the intestine.
  3. Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum.

If suddenly there was an intestinal obstruction in the elderly, what should I do? How to help a sick person?

At the slightest suspicion of the presence in the body of such a dangerous disease that directly poses a threat to human life, one should go to the hospital as soon as possible, thereby increasing the chances of an early amendment.

Possible consequences of self-treatment

It is important to understand that before examining the doctor should not self-wash the stomach, do enemas, take laxatives and pain medications. Because the intestinal obstruction in the elderly, the symptoms of which are primarily determined by constipation and pain in the abdominal area, threatens with such undesirable, life-threatening consequences as malfunctions in the heart, as well as renal and hepatic insufficiency.

The necrosis (necrosis) of the bowel can cause squeezing of the vessels. At a neglected stage of the disease, even surgical intervention can not give a firm guarantee for the patient's recovery. Therefore, reluctance to go to the hospital, a lack of understanding of the seriousness of the situation, the decision to be treated independently, without consulting a doctor, can only harm an elderly person who has digestive problems.

Methods of diagnosis

Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction consists in a primary interrogation and a thorough examination of the patient by a gastroenterologist. The doctor appoints general tests of urine and blood, and after receiving the results - certain methods of examination:

  • Ultrasound of the abdomen is the most common method of detecting intestinal obstruction, which makes it possible to clarify the clinical state in both dynamic and mechanical forms;
  • A biochemical blood test that examines indicators such as protein, lipids, carbohydrates, enzymes, minerals, electrolytes, inorganic substances, protein metabolism products;
  • X-ray diagnosis of the abdominal cavity;
  • An expanded blood test;
  • Schwartz's tests, helping to determine small intestinal obstruction;
  • Colonoscopy - examination of the surface of the colon from the inside.

By vaginal or rectal examination, it is possible to detect congestion of the rectum, as well as tumors in the small pelvis. With an external examination, the peristalsis of the intestinal loops can be determined by the medic by a dry tongue covered with white coating and an asymmetrically swollen abdomen.

If you suspect a bowel disease or a confirmed diagnosis, hospitalization is simply necessary.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction

In the presence of symptoms such as constipation and abdominal pain, medical examination in most cases confirms the diagnosis of "intestinal obstruction" in the elderly. How to treat this disease in a hospital?

Initial therapy consists in the use of conservative methods, combined if necessary with specifying diagnostics. This enema (removal of stagnant stools), drainage of the stomach, the introduction of drugs that relieve pain and help to remove toxins. Such measures are effective for a dynamic variety of the disease and, in part, for a mechanical one.

Effective therapy is considered when the patient's pain, bloating and absence of emetic pangs disappear. In passing from the intestine, gases and feces must be evacuated. Assignable radiography allows you to record how positive the changes in the patient's physical condition are.

Of the therapeutic activities carried out:

  • The introduction of a flexible probe into the stomach, which causes the release of stagnant contents in the upper part of the digestive tract;
  • Intravenous solution to normalize the water-salt balance;
  • The appointment of analgesics and antiemetics;
  • The introduction of the drug "Proserin" in order to stimulate the activity of the intestine.

Intestinal obstruction in the elderly: surgery

If after 12 hours no improvement is observed, an operation is urgently assigned, during which spikes are dissected, curls are cleared, and loops, knots, and tumors are removed that prevent the bowel contents from moving. In severe cases, several surgical interventions can be used. These manipulations can restore the intestinal obstruction in the elderly.

After surgery, the patient should not eat or drink for 12 hours. Nutrition, which is based on special mixtures, is administered intravenously or using a probe during this period. Only after approval and permission of the attending physician the patient is transferred to a "zero" meal, consisting of easily digestible products. Salts in the diet should not be more than 1-2 grams per day. Serving size is very small, meals are divided by 6 or 8 times during the day. Dishes should be served in a jelly or frayed state, warm (hot and cold forbidden). The basis is low-fat meat broths, homemade berry-fruit jelly, juices and decoctions.

How to cure intestinal obstruction in the elderly? The operation (the forecast of which, with its timeliness, is mostly favorable) may not give the proper effect, when referring to the doctors in the late stages or the belated diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. Also, the neoplasm of inoperable form can indicate an undesirable outcome of this disease.

If the intestinal obstruction was diagnosed in the elderly, the operation, the forecast of which we have already named, can give a bright hope for a speedy recovery. But patients need to carry out such preventive measures as constant examinations and timely elimination of helminth infections. If possible, avoid injuries and adhere to a balanced diet.

Intestinal obstruction in the elderly: diet

An important role in the treatment of intestinal obstruction is played by a diet whose action is aimed at ridding the body of complex work and excessive food loads. Its main principles are:

  • Moderate and frequent meals. Any overeating causes the aggravation of the symptoms of the disease, and a fractional meal does not cause a feeling of hunger;
  • The absence in the diet of products that cause gassing: cabbage, legumes, whole milk;
  • Low calorie: 1800-1900 kcal.

Menu with intestinal obstruction

We propose a presumptive menu for intestinal obstruction, but its contents should always be consulted with the doctor in charge:

  1. The first breakfast - cooked on the water and grated oatmeal porridge, soufflé from cottage cheese and tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a blueberry or quince broth.
  3. Lunch - a light, low-fat broth, grated porridge of rice or semolina, steam meatballs, jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack - a decoction on the basis of rose hips.
  5. Dinner - cooked on the water buckwheat porridge (in grated form) or steam omelette, tea.
  6. Before going to bed - fruit or berry jelly.

Symptoms such as prolonged constipation and pain in the abdominal cavity may indicate intestinal obstruction in the elderly. What to do if you confirm this diagnosis?

Treatment of a dangerous disease requires qualified medical help. The use of folk methods is possible only after consulting a doctor, because for a patient an attempt at self-therapy may end very sadly. Folk methods can be used if the disease is chronic, in which the obstruction is partial and does not require surgical intervention.

Sea buckthorn to the rescue

Remove the internal inflammation and heal the wounds with sea buckthorn juice and butter, which also has a mild laxative effect. To do this, you need to rinse and grind 1 kg of berries, pour 0.7 liters of boiled cold water. Squeeze the juice. Eat half the glass 1 time per day for 30 minutes before meals.

To make butter from sea buckthorn, you need to rub 1 kg of berries with a wooden spoon. The resulting juice should be poured into enameled utensils and left for a day, after which time to collect the oil found on the surface. Approximate yield of 1 kg of fruit - 90 g of product. The oil should be taken on a teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Available methods for treating intestinal obstruction

How to cure intestinal obstruction in the elderly? What to do? Folk remedies recommend the use of vegetables: pumpkins and beets. Helping to calm intestinal colic, such products have a lax effect on the body.

Boiled beets (100 g) should be combined with honey to taste and 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil or sunflower oil. The mixture is recommended to eat 2 times a day for 2 tablespoons. L., Washing down with water. Useful for the body will be a small portion of pumpkin porridge with honey, taken every day.

Ancient healers with constipation, associated with poor permeability of the intestine, advised to introduce into the diet bran. Every morning it is required to steam a glass of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of the product and to insist for an hour. Then the cooled water should be drained, and the settled thick mass, thoroughly chewed, eat. In a week the chair will be adjusted and the physical condition will improve markedly.

As an effective laxative, we recommend the use of a decoction of fresh plums: half a glass three times a day. Half a kilo of fruits should be emptied of seeds, filled with water and boiled. Boil for about an hour on the fire. Finished means to add water to the original level and boil again.

Herbal solutions in the treatment of intestines

The bark of buckthorn (1 tablespoon) is required to brew with a glass of boiling water, to insist and drink instead of the usual tea. The drink has a mild laxative effect, without the appearance of any side reactions.

Intestinal obstruction in the elderly, a diet in which one of the main factors in restoring the work of an important organ, is eliminated by infusion of flax seeds. It is recommended to take it shortly before going to bed. A teaspoon of raw material should be steamed with a glass of boiling water, wrap and insist until the morning in a warm place. Further, an agent characterized by a slight laxative effect, is required to drink along with the seeds.

Linseed seeds are also an effective basis for anti-inflammatory and cleansing enemas: a spoonful of raw materials should be steamed with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, the liquid must be filtered out and used as directed.

An excellent laxative property has an infusion of blackberry leaves. A tablespoon of raw materials should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and insist in the thermos for 4 hours. A healer should take a quarter cup during the day before eating.

Useful recommendations

It is important to remember that in order to restore intestinal patency, foods containing high percentage of dietary fibers (bread with bran, cereals, fruits, vegetables) should be included in the diet, and drink enough liquid to help swell the food fiber, which causes improvement in peristalsis.

Of great importance is the mobile way of life (physical exercises, jogging, dancing), which contributes to the quick adjustment of the work of internal organs.

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