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Density of the population of Russia

The population of the country is a factor that greatly influences the development of the economy, its production sector and social. Therefore it is very important to know and keep records of labor resources, the population as a whole, its density. This allows time to identify problems in this area and solve them.

The population is a set of people who are dispersed throughout the country unevenly, depending on the prevailing historical conditions. The indicator "population density of Russia" has its own characteristics. It depends on geographical, climatic, ethnic and other factors. This indicator influences the development of the production sphere in certain regions of the country, the location of industries and their economic potential.

The average density of the population of Russia varies within the limits of the value of 8.6 people per square kilometer. The population inside the country is unevenly distributed. Thus, about 78% of people inhabit the European part and the Urals. This territory is 25.4% of the total area. Therefore, the density of Russia's population in this area is much higher and fluctuates around 36.7 people per kilometer in the square. Naturally, this is above the average.

At the same time, in less populated areas, in the Far East and in Siberia, 21.6% of the total population live. These areas account for about 74% of the total area of the country. Therefore, here the density indicator will be much lower than in Russia as a whole, and will be 2.5 people per one kilometer of area.

The unevenness of such an indicator as the density of the population of Russia is explained by many factors. First of all, these are natural and climatic conditions and geographical location. These conditions also affect the development of the infrastructure of these areas.

Considering the density of the population of Russia on a smaller scale, there is also a non-uniformity of this indicator. So, the most populated is the Central Federal District. The density of population in its territory is 61.3 people per square kilometer.

The highest value is reached in Moscow and the surrounding area. It has a value of 320.8 people per square kilometer. One of the densely populated regions is the Northern Caucasus (49.6 people per square kilometer). The same density of population has the Central Chernozem region.

If we consider the Urals, then the territories are inhabited also unevenly. The highest density is observed in the Chelyabinsk region (41.8 people per unit area). This is due to the concentration of large industrial enterprises in the area. The Kurgan region has the smallest population. There, the density of population reaches 15.6 people per unit area.

Such a spread of the population is explained by the numerous climatic zones and zones that Russia has. The density of the population depends on the economic situation of the specific region and employment of the population. This indicator in the regions of the North is the lowest and is 4.0 people per square kilometer. The reason for this became harsh natural conditions and, as a result, a low level of development of industry and other branches of the national economy.

In the Far East, the population density reaches 1.2 people per unit area. There live about 5% of all people in the country.

The size of the population and its main characteristics can change as a result of many factors. One of them is migration, which along with the natural movement of people has a strong influence on the density of settlement.

The smaller the area under study, the more accurate will be the indicator of its population, and the more it will differ from the overall indicator taken throughout the country.

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