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Anti-Comintern Pact

The Comintern (Communist International) is an international organization that unites the Communist Parties of various countries until 1943. The Anti-Comintern Pact was concluded against it. The Comintern was organized in March 1919 on the initiative of V.I. Lenin for the dissemination and development of the ideas of socialism. A pact is an international agreement, a treaty between two or more parties. The subject of the contract can be anything. In this case, the Anti-Comintern Pact Was concluded between Japan and Germany on November 25, 1936 in Berlin. The official goal was the joint struggle of these two countries against the countries of the Comintern (the Third Communist International) in order to prevent the spread of the ideology of communism in the world.

In November 1937, the fascist Italy, represented by Benito Mussolini , joined the Anti-Comintern Pact . Later several states joined it, where people came to power who sharply opposed the communist idea and the Union of SSR, as well as the governments of those states that shared the ideology of Italian fascism and Hitler's Nazism.

In February 1939, Manchukuo and Hungary joined the pact. Under the strong pressure of Germany during the ongoing civil war in Spain in March 1939, Franco Also signed it.

The Anti-Comintern Pact was actually turned into a military alliance. It included new states - Romania. Finland, Bulgaria, and besides them, the governments of the countries of Denmark, Croatia and Slovakia, which were occupied by the Germans, as well as the puppet rulers of Nanking, where the Japanese hosted, joined.

In essence, the Anti-Comintern Pact was a bloc of aggressors led by Hitler's Germany. This pact was strengthened by other alliances - the Steel Pact of 1939, and the Berlin Pact of 1940. This aggressive bloc took the form of a fight against communism, but in reality it was just a cover for the real goals of the countries included in all the pacts headed by fascist Germany and masked their true intentions.

In fact, intensive preparations were made for war against the USSR, as well as Britain, the United States of America, France and other states.

JV Stalin on this occasion said that in our time it is not easy to rush into the war, without regard for public opinion. Therefore, the fascist leaders, before starting to fight, decided to process public opinion, misleading the people. They began to say that they were waging war not against Britain, the United States, France, but against the Comintern. The events that followed the signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact only confirmed the real plans of these states. Germany together with Italy was in solidarity with the aggressive policy in the Far East of Japan, and the latter recognized the fascist government of General Franco in Spain and the annexation of Ethiopia. Italy and Germany recognized officially the puppet government in Manchuria, which the Japanese created by invading and conquering this territory.

Later, the chain of aggressive acts grew even more. Japan, having seized Manchuria in 1937, invaded Central and North China. Germany in March 1938 invaded Austria and seized it, and in March 1939 the Germans captured Czechoslovakia.

On May 22, 1939, Germany and Italy signed an agreement on union and friendship. According to it, the parties assumed the obligation not to enter into agreements that would be directed against one of them, and should assist each other in the event of military action with a third party. On December 11, 1940, Japan joined this treaty, nicknamed the Steel Pact.

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