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The third pregnancy, the third birth: reviews of mothers, doctors. Third generations: what are they, how are they going?

The birth of a child is in most cases a planned event. To this process, about 70 percent of couples fit very responsibly. Primitive women during pregnancy can face various difficulties. However, if the representative of the weaker sex already has offspring, then everything changes. How are the third births? Comments of mothers giving birth to this event will be presented to your attention in the article. Also you will learn about the opinion of doctors on this issue. It is worth saying that the third pregnancy, the third birth and the postpartum period have their own characteristics.

How it all begins: the process of fertilization

The third pregnancy (third birth) practically does not differ from the previous ones at the very beginning. The process of conception of a child occurs in a standard way. During the period of ovulation, sexual contact occurs, during which the male cells enter the female body. When the gamete leaves the follicle, fusion or so-called fertilization takes place. As a result, a fetal egg is formed. It descends into the genital organ through the fallopian tubes and is securely fixed there.

It is worthwhile to consider another way of fertilization. It happens that for some indications the couple need help from reproductive specialists. If the first two babies were born through in vitro fertilization, then the third pregnancy can occur on their own. There is still no explanation for this coincidence. However, the fact remains.

Happy news

The third pregnancy is rarely a surprise for a woman. In most cases, the representative of the weaker sex consciously goes to this step. Often the joyful news about an interesting situation does not come as a surprise. In most cases, the future mother feels from the very first days that a new life develops in her body.

Reviews say that many of the fairer sex before the receipt of a positive pregnancy test were confident in fertilization. Everything is explained by the fact that these sensations are already familiar to the future mother. She knows perfectly well what is toxicosis and hormonal changes in the body.

How is the third pregnancy?

Before the third birth occurs, the woman has many months to nurse her baby. In most cases, this time is no different from the previous ones. The future mother will still have to visit the gynecologist regularly, take tests, be examined by ultrasound and pass many doctors. Only in some situations during the third pregnancy additional tests can be shown.

It is worth saying that the third birth usually occurs after 30-35 years. During this period the woman has already taken place as a mother. She knows perfectly well what will be best for her baby. That is why all purchases for the child are done with complete certainty. Also the age of the future mother plays a big role in the genetic issue. After 30 years, the risk of a baby with developmental disabilities increases. That's why the representatives of the weaker sex must undergo a thorough examination.

Features of the third pregnancy: the opinion of women and doctors

Reviews of women suggest that the third pregnancy becomes noticeable much earlier than the two previous ones. The tummy is rounded already at the very beginning of the second trimester, while the first time it happened only in the third trimester.

Women also testify that for the third time the wiggling can be felt much earlier. There are representatives of the weaker sex who claim that they felt slight tremors of the baby even before 12 weeks. However, doctors are hesitant about such statements. Gynecologists say that to feel the baby's stirring in the third pregnancy can already from 15 weeks, whereas for the first time this occurs only after 20 weeks.

Another feature of the course of the third pregnancy is ishmiko-cervical insufficiency. This diagnosis is put about 20 percent of expectant mothers. All because of the fact that the uterus and its neck is a muscle. Over time, it begins to wear out. An important role in this is played by abortion and diagnostic curettage. Iscico-cervical insufficiency is characterized by the fact that the cervix begins to flatten out and open before the time comes. Often, women who wish to become a mother for the third time, have to put seams on this area and put a pessary. Doctors say that this condition can be controlled. However, it is necessary to contact the doctor as soon as possible with the problem that has arisen.

Third birth - how is it?

The doctors say that the process can be carried out in two known ways: this is a natural delivery or a cesarean section. The choice of methods directly depends on the state of the woman's health and the ways in which her previous children were born. There may be several variants of delivery. Consider these:

  • Natural childbirth. This mechanism of the process is chosen when the first two babies were born by this method. There is also a chance for a similar outcome of the representatives of the weaker sex with one caesarean section behind the shoulders. In this case, it could be held for the first or second time.
  • Cesarean section. This version of delivery is chosen when the first two babies were born exactly this way. For natural births, in this case, the units of doctors are decided. At the same time, the condition of the scar and uterus should be ideal, which is very rare in the third pregnancy. Cesarean section can also be performed for the first time with third births. This can be a good reason, consisting in the condition of the fetus and the future mother. It should be noted that over the years, various chronic diseases are acquired.

Before the birth of a child, be sure to talk with your doctor. Despite the fact that the future mother already knows what to expect, unforeseen situations can arise. Third generations - what are they? Ask your gynecologist about this. After such a conversation, a positive attitude is ensured, you will know exactly what to prepare for.

Third birth - on what date?

The doctors' comments say that the third time the baby may appear a little earlier. All due to the fact that the muscles of the pelvic floor are not so elastic. During the previous two pregnancies, they stretched out. Often this leads to a premature birth of the child. It is worth recalling that urgent deliveries (held in time) are those that occurred in the period from 38 to 42 weeks. When the process of opening the cervix or the outflow of amniotic fluid occurs earlier, it is a question of a premature process.

Similarly, a woman giving birth for the third time can face the weakness of labor. Often this is due to a strong stretching of the walls of the uterus or inadequate production of hormones. It should be noted that this process is exacerbated in some pathologies. To such it is possible to carry polyhydramnios, hypochlorism, inflammation, the presence of scars on the uterus and so on. In these cases, physicians resort to stimulation of labor during the period after the 41st week.

How does it begin?

How does the third birth begin? Feedback from mothers who give birth suggests that the process starts quite unexpectedly. In most cases, the third pregnancy does not have obvious training fights, which inform the future mother of an imminent meeting with the baby. Also, the first two times a clear harbinger was a belly drop, occurring about a month before an important day. At third birth the baby can fall into the pelvis in just a few hours. Often a woman does not experience any precursors.

How will the third birth start? The doctors' comments indicate that the process can begin with fights or the outflow of amniotic fluid. Statistics argue that the fetal bladder in a third baby is ruptured much less often than with the first two pregnancies. Sometimes a woman may simply not feel how the cervical canal opens and the fetus goes down. However, after the discharge of the amniotic fluid, normal labor begins, which the expectant mother will not confuse with anything.

Duration of the process

How long are the third births? The testimonies of mothers giving birth indicate that this process is quite quick compared to the first two. This fact has a fairly simple explanation.

Uterus, ligaments, cervical canal and cervix have the property of remembering everything that happens to them. So, if for the first time the fetus descended for a long time into the pelvis, the birth canal was prepared for about a day, and the uterus had unproductive cuts, in the third sorts everything is completely different. Many women say that they barely have time to come to the maternity hospital, as attempts are already beginning. The average duration of the third birth is between 2 and 5 hours. During this time, the woman has time to feel all the "delights" of the process, from the lowering of the abdomen and ending with the birth of the placenta.

Intensity of pain

Are the third pains less painful? The testimonies of mothers giving birth indicate that this statement is incorrect. The appearance of the child for the third time is much faster. Based on this, the duration of pain is reduced. However, this does not lead to the fact that the contractions become painless.

If it is a question of Caesarean section, then in this case the process of the appearance of children for a woman does not differ in any way. In all three births, the future mother is under the influence of anesthetics. That's why she does not feel any pain during the operation. However, unpleasant feelings begin to gain strength, as soon as the action of anesthesia passes.

Postpartum period

What are the third kinds of reviews, you already know. It is worth saying that the recovery in this case takes a little longer. Women say that bleeding can last not 4 weeks, as it was the last time, but 6. This is the norm. However, changing the nature of the secretions should alert every newly mummy. Quite often, the third birth can lead to inflammation or detention of lop-eater.

With regard to breast milk, the third time it comes much faster. If the first child had to wait for his food about 3-4 days, then this time you can feed the baby on the maternity table at the first application.


You have become aware of what sort of third-generation testimonies give birth to. Doctors say that no pregnancy can repeat itself according to its feelings. Even for the same representative of the weaker sex, the process of delivery takes place in a new way each time. Third generations - what are they? Ask about this gynecologist. However, narration is only a small part. Much of this process depends on the woman herself. Follow the doctor's advice and follow all the prescriptions. Easy for you childbirth and quick recovery!

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