
Chicken broiler: who he is and how to grow it correctly

The name "broiler" we hear very often and even more often see him himself in stores in the meat departments. But what exactly do we know about this category of poultry and how it happens? Let's understand together.

The broiler chicken is primarily poultry, which is a breeding hybrid. Characteristic features are that their cultivation is not carried out for longer than 2.5 months, since the nutritional qualities of the product after this age start to get lost. Why use broiler meat? It is great for baking, frying and cooking broth, it is customary for our diet and is easily digested. The weight of the poultry should not be more than two and a half kilograms. Ideal is the body weight of the chicken, which is 1.4-1.6 kg.

An interesting fact: the crossing of chickens should be inter-breed, and it is conducted between individuals of specially selected lines of meat or meat-egg directions. The result is "crosses" or hybrids - broilers. The breeds of chickens used for such crossing are different. For example, it could be May Day, New Hampshire, Plymouth, Jubilee, Rhode Island, Kuchin. In the basis of the fact that at this dilution the descendants have well expressed meat qualities, there is such a phenomenon as heterosis. By the way, it is widely used not only in poultry farming, but also in other branches of productive agriculture.

How the chicken broiler is grown

The room should be suitable for moisture and heat conditions. For small chickens, the temperature is maintained at 26-33 o C, for weekly babies 26-28 o C are optimal, then this figure is reduced to 18 o C. It is necessary to organize good ventilation, avoid drafts that are harmful to young animals of any poultry.

Lighting of the coop should be at least 17 hours a day, but too bright light is harmful. Chicks are not necessary for chickens. Norms of their maintenance: up to 18 heads per square meter provided excellent ventilation. Deep litter from dry sawdust is periodically changed. Feed broilers as well as normal chickens. Cereals make up two-thirds of the diet, and green mass, vegetables (carrots, potatoes), oil cakes, mineral fodders (chalk or bone meal), vitamins, especially A, E and D, dairy products (whey, whey) should also be present.

Small gravel is needed - the chicken-broiler uses it from an early age, it is necessary for normal digestive digestion. Water should be given clean and not cold. Dishes for drinking are thoroughly washed daily. The feeding regime in full: eight times a day in the first week, the second - seven times, the third - six. This category of chickens is suitable for cellular content, then increases increase, and feed costs are reduced. Two weeks before slaughter, you need to transplant the bird from the cells, so that the dents on the breast do not form dents from the net.

One chicken broiler for ten weeks of cultivation adds from 2.1 to 2.6 kg, the minimum feed consumption for the first week is 0.8 kg per kilogram of growth, the maximum - for the tenth week - 2.3 kg.

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