
Growing strawberries on the Dutch technology - a pledge of a rich harvest

Growing strawberries all year round is quite feasible - fresh berries with proper care will appear on your table every day. This culture in our country is the most widespread, easily adapting to a variety of climatic conditions. Strawberry begins to bear fruit before many other cultures, yields a large crop in a fairly short period of time. In addition, strawberry berries are incredibly tasty, can be subjected to various types of processing, which improves their taste, and the first fruits of culture, according to many gardeners, have medicinal qualities.

Thus, the benefits of year-round cultivation of strawberries - a lot, and that is why today in the most developed agronomically western countries plantations of strawberries remain the largest and flourishing. Thanks to the development of foreign specialists and in our country, it has now become possible to grow strawberries on Dutch technology.

If you are interested in this method, then it is worth trying to embody his life. Strawberries are then planted in a closed ground - polyethylene bags, more than half filled with a mixture of land and fertilizers. It should be noted that this technology, although very effective in its simplicity, does not attract much interest in the Russian market, which allows professionals who are just starting "strawberry business" to achieve good results with almost no competition.

Growing strawberries on the Dutch technology will not be difficult for those who already have any experience of horticultural work. First of all, you should choose a suitable room - and this is the easiest step, as a greenhouse, a garage that is not often used, a dedicated room in an apartment or even an ordinary balcony, is suitable as a placement of a covered ground. Further it is necessary to be engaged directly in a ground - in the future greenhouse it is necessary to put boxes with the fertilized earth. It will also require an irrigation system, the construction scheme of which can be found in books or on the Internet, lamps for additional lighting and strawberries themselves - classical, curly or remontant. Some foreign and domestic experts who recommend the cultivation of strawberries on the Dutch technology, suggest using bags as a container for soil - they will be placed in a small area, and the yield of berry culture in them will be as high as in boxes.

Bags in the growing room should be placed a short distance from each other, and if the premises allows, it is best to place them on several tiers. The content required for a full-fledged growth of strawberries must consist, as already said, of a mixture of soil and fertilizers (it is best to use a mixture of perlite and peat). When everything is ready, you can plant the seedlings in the bags, regularly moisturizing it. After that, it remains only to maintain the optimal temperature regime, do not forget to water the growing berries and enjoy the opportunity to submit to their table all year round, which can not be achieved by growing strawberries in the open.

The recommended way - growing strawberries on the Dutch technology - brings good results, if the one who does this, adheres to all the rules of keeping and using seedlings of this berry culture. As the results of the activities of foreign gardeners show, with a fairly small enclosed labor from one square meter of enclosed soil, it is possible to obtain approximately 30-40 kilograms of the freshest and most delicious strawberries.

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