
Pattern of a rooster from a fabric. Soft toy, cock of a tilde

By the New Year and Easter, it's easy to sew a beautiful cockerel. It can be presented, used as an interior toy or hung on a tree, on a wall, on a bag. And for sewing the master will require a pattern of the cock from the fabric.

Tilda toys are a charming home decoration

Things in this technique are easy to perform. You just need to remember a few important rules.

  • Toys are made of natural fabrics: linen, cotton, fleece.
  • For the body and face (muzzle, head), it is best to use a monophonic material.
  • Clothing is made from fabric of any color, but it is preferable to use matter with a fine pattern.
  • The fractional seam of the halves of the product must pass through the middle of the face or muzzle, crossing the nose.
  • Puppet-tilde is traditionally made tanned, using for the coloring of cloth dry blush, powder, coffee, cocoa, finely chopped pencil lead. Sometimes masters even apply watercolor paint or gouache brush on the finished product. Original animals look, which are performed according to the canons of making dolls: tanned cockerels, hares, elephants are touched by their similarity with tildas-bathers.

Sowing of a cock-tilde

Most importantly, without which it will not turn out to be a cock-tilde - a pattern. Choosing the most suitable, it should be transferred to paper, polyethylene or cardboard. Then, with scissors, carefully cut each part separately.

If the pattern of a rooster from a fabric does not suit its size for some reason of the master, it can translate a scale into a graph paper, and then, using a grid, draw templates on a different scale.

An interesting variant of an interior toy is considered here. Should get tanned, as usual make bathers, cock-tilde. The pattern is given in full size, but if desired, it can be increased. The drawing shows the patterns for cutting the clothes of the leader of the chicken pack.

It should be remembered that all parts should have an allowance of 2-3 millimeters for the seams. You can sew both manually and on a typewriter. To stuff the toy, leave the eye in the most inconspicuous place, which is then sewn by hand with a hidden seam.

Attic toy "cockerel"

If the tissue is digested in coffee, tea or smeared with a mixture of instant coffee with cocoa powder and PVA glue before cutting, then it will not only get a nice tan color, but will also retain an amazing aroma. In addition, you can add cinnamon or vanilla to this slurry. Stitched from the received material, the toy will not only decorate the interior, but also exude a pleasant smell of coffee, just as it does with toys made in the attic technique.

For sewing the same pattern of a rooster from a fabric on which it is made in the technique of toys-tilde, that is, with an approximation to a human figure, is suitable. It turns out a sort of funny muzhik with a bird's head and wings, but with wide hips and standing on long straight legs.

To give the toy stability, before sewing the paws, the feet are pushed through the wooden skewers of skewers, piercing the filler. Skewers should stick into the body of the cock and go inside for 4-5 cm. You can use them not one piece per foot, but two or even three. The surplus breaks off, leaving protruding tips 5-6 millimeters long for fastening with the foot.

To the rooster firmly on its feet, the feet can not be sewed from the fabric, but molded out of polymer clay, salted dough or gypsum. On the protruding ends of the skewers pierce the not yet dried feet and leave the toy in a warm place. Such a cock can stand. If the feet are made of fabric, the cockerel will need a support. It will need to be leaning against something.

Usually these males are dressed up in clothes. Here is attached a pattern of the cock from the fabric in the technique of sewing a toy-tilde - it is shaded in blue.

Seated cockerel is the easiest option

But you can make a bird that looks very much like the real one. The easiest way is to sew a soft toy in the form of a sitting cockerel. Even an inexperienced master can turn out to be very similar to a live cock. The pattern of a soft toy of this type in the figure above is shaded in red.

Cheerful Cockerel, made of felt

Printed soft toys have always liked children and brought to the emotion of adults. A patient master, who owns a needle and scissors, can easily turn out to be a cheerful creative rooster of felt.

The pattern is given in full size. The first picture shows only a part of the patterns for cutting, the next one shows the remaining patterns.

Master Class. Cock Pattern

Anyone can make their own toys for the New Year with their own hands. This is an exciting and fruitful activity. For lovers of decorating New Year's tree with handicrafts made with their own hands, you probably will like the option - a rooster cock.

The pattern of a bright decoration can be not only taken from any sources, but also built independently. To create it, you do not even need to have the artist's talent. It's enough just to follow the step-by-step recommendations of this master class.

  1. Draw a circle of this diameter, which is assumed at the head of the future toy cock.
  2. Slightly below with an inclination is an oval. It will be the body of a bird.
  3. A little bit aside from the oval-trunk draw another oval. It will form the tail of a cockerel.
  4. Smooth concave lines connect the head and trunk, forming a neck.
  5. Just connect the tail of the tail with the body of the cock.
  6. The lower part of the extreme oval is decorated with several pointed corners - these are the ends of the tail feathers.
  7. Using the oval, draw a notch on the back of the bird.
  8. Another oval will help to make a rounded place under the tail.
  9. Smooth line form the lower abdomen, making it fry. You can again use the oval, drawing it at the right angle and picking the necessary size so that the cock gives the front a chest - keel.
  10. To draw a bird with a beak and legs can easily everyone, even without the skills of drawing.
  11. The wing has the shape of an oval with pointed corners-feathers. It is drawn the same way as the tail of a rooster.
  12. It remains only to draw patterns for the scallop and the beard.

That's all. The pattern for the felt toy is ready!

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