
Schwitz breed of cows: variety of livestock

You rarely meet a person who does not like milk or processed products. Therefore, in livestock production, individuals that are able to produce as much milk as the Schwick breed of cows are very popular .


The native land of this breed is Switzerland. There was a breed from short-horned cattle, long inhabited in mountainous areas, - its remains are still being discovered during excavations. The breed was created by careful selection and selection for a long time in conditions of improved content. As a result, the animals turned out to be adapted to local conditions.

At the very beginning of the creation of the breed, the goal was not only to improve milk and meat indicators, but also to obtain animals that could perform agricultural work. Over time, when the opportunity to use cows in work was no longer considered, the selection was aimed only at the development of the productivity of meat and milk. Much attention was paid to the color of cows. Gradually, the breed penetrated into Germany, Austria and Italy. From the beginning of the 19th century, the breed was exported to European countries and America.

Differences in different countries

Since breeding was conducted in countries that differ in their natural and economic conditions, the Schwick breed of cows from different countries is different from each other. Significant changes have been made in the physique and productivity of animals. So, in Germany and Austria the limbs of the animals are lower, and the body is smaller. France and Italy focused on obtaining large animals with high fattening qualities and good milk. Swiss and French animals have a yield of 6.3-6.7 thousand kg per year. In this case, milk fat content to 4.1% with a protein content of about 3.4%. The Austrian Schwick cow gives less milk - about 5-5,5 thousand kg.

Influence of content on milk yield

In Switzerland, there are differences in the productivity of animals in different pastures. Thus, animals from flat farms, grazing in lush fertile valleys, show higher productivity than the same breed, but living in mountainous areas. At the same time, the fat content remains the same.


In European countries, they obtained up to 10 thousand kg of milk per year from a cow. Fat content can reach 5%. Most often the milk of the Swiss cows is used for the production of hard cheeses of high quality.

Most of the European population has a milky-meat type. In the United States, the cows of this breed came in 1869. There are animals of a dairy type with correct, high limbs, with a broad but flat chest, dense musculature. The mass of female specimens is 700-750 kg, of males - 1000-1200 kg. Productivity of adult animals - 7-8 thousand kg, up to 4,2% of fat content. The brown Swiss breed of cows is one of six bred in the US for milk production.

The Schwick cow in Russia

In our country, this breed came in the late 19th century. Import it into landlord farms, because the peasants could not meet the high demands of the cow for feed. At that time, imports were supplied not only by bulls, but also by the uterus. From the beginning of the 20th century, the producers of this breed began to keep on the side posts. In addition to purebred breeding, the bulls participated in the improvement of local breeds. The best livestock of the early 20th century was bred in the Smolensk region (modern), in the stalls of the Moscow Academy of Agriculture. Tribal animals from here were transported throughout the country to improve local breeds.

The main direction of the Russian Schwick cow is dairy. However, in some farms, meat or meat-and-milk types are derived.


Milk Schwitz breed of cows has an elongated body, angular forms. Musculature in these animals is poorly developed, the mass is smaller, but higher milk yields. Milk-meat type of cows is proportionally complex, has good musculature. By weight and productivity is not much different from cows of milk type.

The prevalent brown color with different shades: from light to dark brown. The cow of Schwick, whose description must meet the standards, has a characteristic sign - blond hair around the nose. The nose mirror itself should resemble dark lead in color. The upper trunk should be more light colored. Bulls have a darker coloration of the head, neck and anterior part of the trunk.


The sale of Swiss breeds of cows is made both within countries and for export. For large livestock farms it is important to periodically purchase animals from other regions or countries. It is necessary to prevent the degeneration of the breed, which occurs with a constant crossing within one herd. In addition, it is important to improve performance.

Private farms prefer to purchase meat-dairy cows to realize the needs of their locality simultaneously in milk and meat. In state and private farms of our country milk is used not only for the production of dairy products, but also for consumption in pure form.

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