HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chronic colitis occurs for various reasons

Colitis is called inflammation of the mucosa of the large intestine. This disease is common, and in all age categories. Chronic colitis is characterized by inflammatory, strophic and dystrophic changes that occur in the mucosa of the colon, accompanied by violations of secretory and motor functions. Quite often this disease is combined with enterocolitis and inflammatory lesions of the stomach.

Causes, because of which develops chronic colitis, quite a lot. First of all, it is dysentery, salmonellosis and some other infectious diseases, various parasitic infections, as well as irregular and irregular nutrition. The disease can develop due to the constant exposure to humans of toxic substances such as arsenic, mercury, lead, as well as taking antibiotics and laxatives, without prescribing these drugs by a doctor. If a person has such diseases as pancreatitis and gastritis, then the food is not completely digested and, getting into the large intestine, constantly irritates her, which can cause chronic colitis. This disease can have an allergic nature.

Patients complain of aching, dull, sometimes cramping pains and stools. Characteristically, with such a disease as chronic colitis, the symptoms become more intense after eating, and defecation can significantly reduce their manifestation. Strengthening of painful sensations is possible at strong shaking, and sometimes and simply at walking. With chronic colitis, diarrhea is possible, in which there is mucus in the stool, and in quite a large number, and sometimes also blood. But often there are constipation, in which painful sensations resemble intestinal colic. It is possible to alternate between diarrhea and stool delay, which can last several days. When carrying the palpation of the abdomen along the thick bowel is marked soreness.

To clarify the diagnosis, X-ray and bacteriological examination of the large intestine is prescribed. With the help of an endoscope, you can find areas of erosion, atrophic changes, zones of hyperemia (plethora). Coprological examination allows to determine the presence of pathological impurities in the stool.

Chronic colitis in the acute stage is treated in a hospital. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed:

  • In severe cases, a combination of sulfonamides and antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action is necessary;
  • If the disease is mild, then the use of bacteriostatic drugs is sufficient.

To relieve pain, antispasmodics are used: no-shpu, papaverine.

To cure chronic colitis, a diet is simply necessary, especially during the period of exacerbation. Eat at least 6 times a day, but in no case overeat. When exacerbating a good effect gives fasting within a day, and sometimes two. But it is acceptable not for everyone and must be under the supervision of a doctor. The diet should be gentle both chemically and mechanically. In the diet can include: a thin broth, white bread crumbs, porridge on the water, omelets, dishes from chopped meat, boiled fish, kissel, broth of wild rose, sweet tea. When cooking, the following cooking methods should be used: steaming, wiping. When the condition improves, the diet is significantly expanded at the expense of fruits and vegetables. But from it it is necessary to exclude spices and spicy seasonings, rye bread, beets, cabbage, sour berries and fruit. It is not recommended to consume grapes, because it promotes fermentation in the intestine. If diarrhea is observed, then do not eat figs, prunes and other fruits with a lax effect.

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