
Bones on legs. Treatment and causes of appearance.

Most older women, and some men, can only dream of narrow feet and ankles, shod in a beautiful model shoes. They have to buy shoes for one, or even several sizes more, more like home slippers. And all because deformed metatarsal bones on the legs.

Treatment should begin with finding out the reasons for the appearance of this pathology. They consist in the imbalance between the heel and bones of the fifth and first finger. As a result, the main load and thrust are transferred to the area of the thumb. The organism has to adjust and increase the fulcrum. Most often, this deformation occurs in people whose relatives were relatives who suffer from this disease. But sometimes it arises because of wearing tight, too narrow shoes with a large heel. The result is ugly and rather painful bones on the legs. Treatment should begin with an immediate visit to an orthopedic specialist.

The doctor will perform the necessary examination, assess the overall condition of the joint and find out how the load is distributed on the foot. If even in the initial stage of its deformation there is a bone on the big toe, the treatment will include a series of physiotherapeutic sessions, physical exercises and massage procedures. If there is flat feet, you must wear special shoes.

First you need to work your toes, and, exercise to perform daily. Throw a crumpled piece of paper on the floor and try to pick it up. After mastering the first task, we move on to more complex subjects, a cube, a pen, a lighter. Try moving your toes separately. This is not all at all, but the attempts themselves have a very positive effect, strengthen and develop the ligaments and small muscles of the ankle.

If there are bones on the legs, treatment can be carried out and with the help of folk remedies. First, make an ointment. To do this, you need fifty grams of acetic essence (not less than seventy percent) and one fresh chicken egg. Put the whole egg in a glass and pour it with essence. Put it in a dark place and wait two weeks. Under the influence of acid, the shell will dissolve. Remove from the egg shell, and in the remaining mixture add one spoon of turpentine and butter. Every day before bedtime, lubricate the ossicles on the legs with ointment. The treatment is carried out for twelve days.

It is very good to use compresses in the fight against this disease. Soften your fingers with a piece of propolis, attach it to a sore spot and leave it overnight. In the same way, you can apply burdock leaves and turpentine. If a bone is formed on the big toe, the treatment can be carried out and with the help of trays with healing decoctions. Prepare them from the root of valerian, St. John's wort and chamomile. Especially powerful effect has a bath of leaves of poplar, sulfur, thyme, lemon balm and birch warty.

Treating the bones on the big toe can also be done using dandelion tincture. To do this, you must grind a handful of flowers and pour them completely with iodine. This composition should be infused for four days. Pour it into a glass container and keep it in a dark place. Before the application of the feet, we can steam out well, wipe it dry and cover with iodine net in painful places . In two weeks there will be a noticeable relief.

If the treatment of the bone on the big toe in the above ways has not yielded positive results, then the pathology is in a serious stage and radical measures are required. One of the most effective methods is foot correction, performed under local anesthesia. In a couple of weeks, all of its functions and attractive appearance will be restored.

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