Health, Medicine
How to quickly get the alcohol out of the body in simple ways
"It would be better if I died yesterday!" - exclaims the man, who had had a lot of power the day before. A hangover is a horrible thing, but how to get the alcohol out of the body as quickly as possible to make it easier? Especially this issue worries those who need to come to work, get behind the wheel or go to a meeting, and just as soon as possible to recover.
Alcohol in the body
Before you quickly get the alcohol out of the body, it does not hurt to find out how he behaves there. To begin with, if you feel all the characteristic signs of a hangover syndrome (unbearable headache, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, coordination disorders, memory dips, shaking hands), then you simply poisoned with alcohol. And this is the same poisoning, as, say, mushrooms or overdue sprats. In the sense that the body is attacked by poisoning substances - toxins (products of ethanol decay). And they, while doing their own black deed, lead to the aforementioned indispositions. If you think how to quickly get the alcohol out of the body with improvised and available means, then it will not be possible to do it in a couple of hours. Because now there is a complex biochemical process, the speed of which depends more on the work of organs and the general state of human health.
How does alcohol get out of the body?
Getting into our cells, alcohol is derived from them as follows: 70% of alcohol processes the liver into acetaldehyde (which also poisons the body) and only 30% is excreted in its original form (in the form of alcohol) through the kidneys, lungs and pores of the skin. The rest after oxidation of acetaldehyde is transformed into acetic acid. So, how to quickly get the alcohol out of the body?
How to get the alcohol out of the body quickly
It is clear that harmless domestic means is not achieved. Quickly come back to normal can be only medicamental methods, namely the purification of blood by special intravenous drippers. This procedure should be carried out in a hospital or a home-based medical worker. He will introduce the preparations "Reopoliglyukin", "Gemodez", glucose in combination with vitamins of group B (to facilitate the work of the heart), riboxin. It makes sense to try products that remove alcohol from the body: juices (fresh) with a high content of vitamin C, pickles (cucumber, tomato), lactic acid foods, hot meat broth.
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