HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to win a hangover syndrome?

A small dose of alcohol can help relieve tension, elevate the mood, causing a feeling of relaxed and fun. For the sake of this, alcohol is consumed, but euphoria is temporary.

If you take a dose of alcohol that exceeds the allowable rate, the state of joy is replaced by a loss of self-control and overexcitation. Who did not happen "bust"? An indication that you are "carried away" is an alcohol withdrawal syndrome. The most frequent reason for its occurrence is the excess of alcoholic drinks last night. The popular name for this phenomenon is "hangover syndrome". This is the most common condition in the field of narcology.

Symptoms of hangover syndrome include: insurmountable thirst and a feeling of dryness in the mouth, puffiness, headaches, trembling of the whole body, depression, apathy.

Have not invented yet pharmacologists a single universal remedy in order to eradicate the hangover. Treatment of it is carried out on the basis of the arisen symptoms in each specific case. For example, if you have a headache, it is better to take a tablet of citramone or aspirin.

To remove the general intoxication of the body, you need to take a significant amount of sorbents, such as Enterosgel, Sorbeks, Smekta, Activated Carbon, and Belosorb.

If the hangover syndrome takes place accompanied by vomiting, a purgative enema will help to remove excess alcohol from the body. Dizziness can be removed by drinking Sweet strong tea.

When there is a strong intoxication, and a person "dead" is drunk, you need to dilute ammonia in cold water at the rate of: 5-6 drops per glass. Then, open the mouth of the victim with alcohol and pour in the solution.

The effective procedure for getting rid of a hangover is to cleanse the stomach. You can artificially induce vomiting, then drink a solution of potassium permanganate or soda. For safety, you can take a laxative, and as a result, no "remnants of the holiday" in the stomach will not be delayed.

If you drink a cup of tea or coffee on an empty stomach, you can overcome an easy hangover syndrome. These drinks relieve the feeling of fatigue and weakness. But in this case, the main thing is not to "get through", as a double portion will increase irritability and nervousness. In tea it is recommended to add honey, lemon, currant jam. Also these ingredients can be stirred in mineral water, which, by the way, is desirable Drink in large quantities, when there is an alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

If there are no contraindications, in the morning you can go to the bath to get rid of a hangover. The release of sweat in large quantities reveals the pores, and through them the waste of metabolism is removed from the body.

What should I do to prevent hangover syndrome? It is advisable not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. It is best to pre-eat a little fatty foods, for example, a piece of fat. Try not to smoke when drinking, or limit the amount of tobacco at this time. Be sure to drink alcohol and recommended to sing. Juices, water remove faster from the body of alcohol, and singing, like active communication, invigorates.

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