Health, Diseases and Conditions
Constant drowsiness: causes. Causes of permanent fatigue and drowsiness
If a person tends to sleep at any time of the day and in the most unexpected places, from the office to the gym, it can be argued that he has a problem - constant drowsiness. The causes of this unpleasant phenomenon can be very diverse: lack of sleep, diseases, wrong lifestyle, taking medications and much more. In any case, with a constant state of drowsiness it is impossible to be reconciled, it is necessary to find and eradicate its source.
Many doctors recommend people who have constant increased drowsiness and fatigue, visit an endocrinologist. The problem can be diabetes. Insulin serves as a supplier of glucose for cells. If the desire to go to bed accompanies a person throughout the day, it can be a signal of a decreased or increased concentration of glucose in the body.
Immediately suspect that diabetes, faced with a constant sense of frustration, is not worth it. It is necessary to be cautious only when there are accompanying symptoms, peculiar to this disease. Main manifestations:
- low pressure;
- Itching;
- Regular dizziness;
- Incessant thirst;
- A feeling of dryness in the mouth;
- Chronic weakness.
These symptoms indicate the need for an immediate visit to the endocrinologist. The doctor will prescribe a blood test for sugar, urine analysis.
List the main causes of persistent drowsiness, you can not forget about apnea. This is a syndrome, which is primarily faced by elderly people, obese people. This is a short-term stopping of breathing, which occurs in a dream. The snoring of a person is suddenly interrupted. The breath stops. Then again snoring is heard. In such conditions, the body does not receive the necessary rest and therefore makes attempts to compensate for what was lost during the day.
A symptom that indicates an apnea is a sudden awakening, a sense of lack of oxygen. During the night, this can be repeated several times. In the morning, the patient is under high blood pressure. In such cases, you should register for an appointment with a doctor-somnologist - this specialist works with sleep disorders.
The cause of the disease is established with the help of a special study - polysomnography. The patient spends the night in the hospital, during sleep he is connected to a device that fixes all changes in the body.
Problems with pressure
Frequent causes of persistent drowsiness are hypertension or hypotension. With increased pressure (hypertension), men from 40, full people, people with diabetes mellitus, owners of bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes) most often face. There is also a hereditary predisposition.
Hypertension claims not only sleepiness, disturbing a person during the day, and pressure rising above 140 in a calm state. Its main symptoms are:
- Distraction;
- Night insomnia;
- Constant excitement, nervousness;
- Redness of the eyes;
- headache.
Another potential source, which is part of the cause of persistent drowsiness, is hypotension. If the pressure stays in a stably lowered state, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, there is a shortage of oxygen, which leads to weakness and the desire to go to bed. Hypotension can indicate such manifestations as lethargy and weakness, headache, dizziness. It is necessary to consult a therapist if the pressure is constantly reduced.
If a person is constantly drowsy, the reasons may be to take certain medications. First of all, these are psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers). Their action can continue the next day after admission. Also, drowsiness can cause the following drugs:
- Antihistamines;
- Soothing;
- Sleeping pills;
- Means of motion sickness;
- Anesthetics;
- Anti-cold.
If a person who is drowsy takes a drug belonging to one of these groups, start with a careful study of the instructions. Perhaps, the rules of admission were violated, the recommended dose was exceeded. If the constant craving for sleep is listed among the side effects, you can contact your doctor to replace the drug with another. Also, one should not get carried away with sleeping pills released without a prescription, "prescribing" them independently.
Iron-deficiency anemia
The production of hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to the organs, is broken if the body suffers from a shortage of iron. The human brain in this case "suffocates," which results in weakness, craving for sleep. What symptoms does drowsiness have, which indicate anemia:
- dizziness;
- A taste disorder;
- hair loss;
- pallor;
- dyspnea;
- weakness.
Suspecting iron deficiency anemia, first you need to take a blood test. If the results show a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, you should immediately register with the therapist. The doctor will prescribe iron-containing preparations and select the course of vitamins. It is also worth changing the diet, including grenades, apples, carrots, red meat. All these products serve as an effective preventive remedy.
Are you worried about constant drowsiness? And its causes, and the duration of such a condition may be associated with depression. If a person has stress, the body can react to it with constant drowsiness. A prolonged stressful state leads to endless experiences that the brain can not cope with. To begin struggle with weakness in a similar situation is with the definition of the problem that gave rise to stress, and the search for an optimal solution. A good psychologist can help in this.
With depression, vitamins help effectively fight. It is best to choose them with the help of a doctor. Also recommended are frequent walks, sports and a lot of pleasant emotions.
Hormonal disbalance
If there is constant fatigue and drowsiness, the reasons can be a hormonal failure. Hormones shchitovidki control a large number of functions: weight, metabolism, vitality. If hormones are produced in insufficient quantities, this leads to a violation of metabolic processes and a constant desire to go to bed. To address to the endocrinologist it is expedient at presence of following signs:
- Memory impairment;
- Dry skin;
- The appearance of excess weight;
- Increased fatigue;
- Brittle nails.
The doctor will prescribe an analysis for thyroid hormones, prescribe effective treatment.
If drowsiness is accompanied by constant hunger, this may indicate a pregnancy that has just come. So the future mother's body is protected from overwork and stress. In the fight against drowsiness will help vitamins, frequent rest, full sleep, including daytime, regular walks.
General recommendations
A full-fledged sleep, lasting at least 8 hours, is an effective remedy for such phenomena as constant fatigue and drowsiness. The reasons for them can be natural. It is advisable to go to bed before 23 hours, since it is at this time the body is set to maximize the production of carotid hormones. It is also worthwhile to achieve the establishment of a sleep regime, to lie down every day and wake up at the same time.
Fresh air is a proven remedy for drowsiness. On the street it is desirable to spend at least 2-3 hours daily. Regular gymnastics, a diet rich in all important microelements and vitamins are welcomed. You should not drink alcohol, smoking before bed. Ideally, it is worth completely abandoning bad habits.
Speaking about specific products that drive drowsiness, the first thing to mention is fish. Mackerel, trout, sardines, tuna - this food is saturated with fatty acids Omega-3. Tomato, grapefruit, kiwi, green apples help to sleep. Sweet peppers and asparagus are useful.
Folk recipes
Many herbal teas provide the body with invaluable help in the fight against drowsiness. Drinks with peppermint, chicory, and lemon grass are known for their effectiveness. They have a strengthening effect, have a calming effect on the nervous system and provide cheerfulness. Proven means - bogolodskaya grass. On a glass of boiling water you need about 15 grams of grass. The drink is infused for 30 minutes. Take it three times a day, using a tablespoon.
Solving the problem with constant attacks of sleep during the day will help and leaves dope. It is necessary to brew 20 grams in a glass of boiling water, soak for about 30 minutes. "Medicine" is taken half an hour before a meal in half a glass. Two times a day is enough. Inhalations based on Datura grass are also useful .
A drink that charges vivacity for the whole day, is prepared from lemon juice, a small amount of honey (enough tea spoon) and warm water (about 200 ml). The drug is taken immediately after awakening, works just as well as coffee, unlike the latter, it has no side effects.
It must be remembered that folk remedies are effective only when there is a natural constant drowsiness. The reasons should not be associated with the disease.
Tablets from drowsiness
Modern pharmacologists pay maximum attention to drowsiness, one of their latest achievements is the drug Modafinil. This medicine has an activating effect on the brain, without causing insomnia. The role of the guinea pigs during his trial was performed by soldiers of the American army who were able to effectively resist sleep for 40 hours.
The drug is valuable not only by the absence of side effects and addiction. It also positively affects memory and intelligence, makes a person more enduring. Often physicians prescribe it in the following diseases:
- Age problems with memory;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- Postnarcosis condition;
- depression.
In addition, with lethargy and drowsiness, amino acids help to fight. This glycine, glutamic acid, which are taken depending on the weight of 1-2 tablets per day.
Leaving chronic weakness and incessant craving for sleep without attention is dangerous. Are you constantly drowsy? Causes, symptoms and treatment will be determined and prescribed by a doctor.
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