Homeliness, Gardening
Removal of hyacinths. How to succeed?
When many decorative and flowering houseplants come to rest, for florists the distillation of hyacinths is a favorite, albeit quite troublesome, occupation, and it is, in fact, worth it. The result is truly impressive - not every window sill and not every apartment decorates such bouquets. It is also gratifying that after the end of flowering, they can be planted in the front garden or used for subsequent distillation in a year, that is, the flowers do not die and are not cut off.
If the outgrowth of hyacinths was successful, after planting the bulbs once, each spring the plant will bring joy with its delicious and fragrant flowering. What do you need to know in order to learn how to drive bulb on the windowsill? It turns out that growing beautiful flowering plants is not necessarily in the ground, but it is possible for water. First of all, it is necessary to select large unaffected bulbs. By September inclusive, they are first kept at a temperature of 25-26 ° C, then lowered to 17 ° C. In the case when hyacinth outgrowth will be carried out in glass vessels (narrow glasses or special vessels), preferably with a wide neck into which the intended bulb is placed, water is poured in such a way that a free distance remains between the water and the bottom of the tuber (1 -2 cm). And the water should be at least 300 ml, it is better to take rain or snow water. The vessel with the bulb is left in a dark cool place (it is possible in the refrigerator) with a temperature of 4 to 8 ° C.
If the outbreak of hyacinths is prepared correctly, all the necessary conditions are met, then in a couple of months, thick roots will appear and the bulb will grow into growth. It must be ensured that during the whole period the water level remains at its original level. When the roots appear in the glass, a weak solution of a special complex fertilizer for flowering plants begins to replenish the water. At the time when the bulb went into growth, approximately 45-75 days, the vessel is transferred to a room with a temperature of 22 to 25 degrees Celsius and until a flower sprouting grows, it is covered with a light-cap. And only when the ten-centimeter length of the peduncle is reached, the plant is exposed to an illuminated place. In the warmth, hyacinths begin to grow rapidly and blossom, however, their flowering will not last long, from the heat of the peduncles excessively lengthen and lose decorativeness, drooping under the weight of the flowers.
To prolong the life of the amazingly beautiful fragrant flower, it is carried to a loggia or balcony with a temperature of 10-12ºС, where it will delight the eyes from 2 to 3 weeks. Depleted bulbs are not suitable for further cultivation. When the pasture is carried out in the soil, the bulbs are left until the leaves become completely yellow and only then they are removed and stored at a temperature of 20 ° C, and in autumn they are planted in the soil. Such plants for the next year will bloom earlier than others, though not too abundant.
The removal of hyacinths by March 8
To please yourself and your close friends with an original bouquet for the holiday, you only need to know that the entire process of distilling, in this case the hyacinth, takes place in about four months. Therefore, we must start in early November, the process itself is not so complicated, but it is necessary to comply with the temperature regime, in general, it will be necessary to tinker, but when the flowering comes, you will see that, in fact, time is not wasted.
In addition to hyacinth, extortion of begonias, tulips, narcissus, crocus and other bulbous ones is also very interesting, curious, giving excellent results and very entertaining. Watching how a bulb is awakened and a delightful flower appears from it, especially in a period of poor to bright colors - it's amazing.
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