
Violet Raisins: photo and description

Violets are the most popular home colors. Most growers give them preference due to the variety of varieties and ease of care. However, this does not mean that a tender flower does not need care, fertilizing and proper watering. Especially it is necessary to show vigilance to the owners of an unusual type of violets - Izyum. Today, it is very common on the windowsills of apartment buildings and suburban areas. Let's consider more detailed information about this unusual flower.


Violet DS-Izyum (Demetris) belongs to the family of Gesneria (senpolia). It is distinguished by lavender flowers with white patches (sometimes they can occupy a large area of the petal). On the edges of slightly corrugated petals there is a wide white border. On the border of the border is a thin crimson strip. The eye is white in Senpia.

Another distinguishing feature of this brand is a neat and compact rosette. Leaves near the flower are small, medium green.

Violet Raisins, the photo of which is presented below, is also very often called Uzambar. To date, more than 32,000 varieties of this unusual plant are known. Therefore, take a closer look at the flowers on the windowsill, perhaps in one of the pots, it is the St.Petersburg that grows, it bewitches with its image in the photo. Description of violet Raisins and features of care for it will be considered further.

After all, there are still many questions concerning this flower. For example, how to care for a plant? Where is it best to put it? How to water?

Violet Raisins: choice of place

After the appearance of the flower in the house, first of all, it is necessary to determine where it will stand. It is recommended to put the polypy in a lighted place, however, the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Also it is necessary to avoid drafts. Experienced growers recommend to put the violet Raisins on the eastern side of the room. Thanks to this, the plant will bathe in the rays of the morning sun, which is less aggressive and scorching. This will have a positive effect on the flowering of violets.

If the layout of the apartment does not allow you to put the pot in the right place, then you need to protect the tender plant from burns. To do this, you need to hang blinds, curtains or a special darkening film on the window. In this case, you need to make sure that the sun gets on the violets of the violet in the morning and does not burn them in the afternoon.

If lighting is not enough, it will lead to a decrease in flowering. To correct the situation, you can use artificial lighting system. To do this, a special phyto-lamp is suitable, which must be switched on for 10-12 hours daily. . The optimum air temperature for the plant is from +18 to +24 ° C.

In which pot to plant

Violet Raisins, whose photo shows its main advantages, needs a proper planting. Usually plants of this species are planted in small pots (5-7 cm in diameter). If you plant the city in a very large capacity, then it will not look very nice. In addition, too bulky pot will lead to the fact that the plant will grow actively, instead of blossoming.

If you really want the bush to be large, then it should be taken into account that in such conditions the first flowers on the violet will appear no earlier than in 2 years.

The roots of this plant are located quite close to the surface, so a large pot is not required.

If we talk about the material of the container, then it is best to use plastic or ceramic pots. The first are very cheap, they are flexible and have a long service life. However, such pots do not allow the roots of the plant to breathe. Therefore, plastic containers should be bought only if it is sold together with a special tray, differing ribbed surface. Due to this, air will flow to the root system through the drainage holes.

Also on sale are often very beautiful glazed pots. They have the same drawbacks. The best pots are ceramic. Violet DS-Raisins, the photo of which is presented in the article, feels the best in such conditions.

Selection of soil

If we talk about the soil, it is easiest to buy in a specialized flower shop. However, some experienced flower growers do not trust factory factories, and prefer to prepare the soil with their own hands. For this you need:

  • Lay on 1/3 of a pot drainage (for this purpose it is possible to use a charcoal, brick sifting or a building expanded clay).
  • Fill the container with light, nutritious and air-permeable primer. To make it, you can mix a simple land with leaf humus, turfy earth, reparted manure and biohumus. To make the soil soft and breathable, it is necessary to use peat, light garden soil or sphagnum moss. Quartz sand or vermiculite is also suitable as a baking powder.


In order to get a few plants from one bush of Violets, just a few simple steps are enough:

  • Cut the leaf from the main bush.
  • Place it in a container of water.
  • Wait until the sheet appears roots.
  • Transplant it into a small pot of earth.
  • Cover with a glass jar to create a miniature greenhouse.

If the varietal violet is propagated by seeds, then its qualities may deteriorate, besides it is not so interesting.

It is recommended to use phosphorus fertilizers for fertilizing an adult plant and a transplanted plant.

If the flowers do not appear on the violet for a long time, then you need to cut off all the leaves of the plant and put it in a cool place (of the order of +15 ° C) for a day. This will cause the appearance of new buds.

How to properly cut a bush

To violet was smooth and symmetrical, it is necessary to periodically form it. It should be remembered that the rosette of the plant should consist of 3 rows of leaves. If there is a lot of leaves in the center, then the flower will not form correctly, but will start to expand in all directions.

First of all, you need to get rid of yellowed and sick foliage. In order to properly separate it from the trunk, you need to grab the sheet with your thumb and forefinger and press your nail on the base. After this, with enough twisting movements to separate the undesirable element of vegetation.

If, after cutting the bush, the trunk of the violet looks naked, you need to put it a little to the ground.

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