Food and drinkDessert

These 24 amazing cakes are too gorgeous to eat them

Sweets like everything! But apart from the holiday of the belly, this is also a place for creativity! Some confectioners make each dessert so beautiful and unusual that their place should be in the museum, and not in the mouth of the sweet tooth. Or maybe making such a wonderful and unusual cake for 8 hours in a row, you can keep the figure, simply forbidding yourself to him then to touch?

We suggest you look at the creative ideas of holiday treats. These desserts are great, take a look!


"Red Dragon"


Based on the cartoon "Up!"

To all archeologists

Malteser's and M & M's

Paradise for sweet tooth

"Sorting Hat"


Heinz beanz

Sweet "Starry Night" by Van Gogh

Beer cake


"James Bond"



For booksellers



Cake "Ice Age"


Would you be able to eat such beauty?

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