
Harvesting Harvest

Here comes the hot time - harvesting. And the most important thing in cleaning, not to damage vegetables, damaged badly preserved, quickly deteriorate.

For each vegetable there are own storage rules that prolong the shelf life and keeping quality of the crop. Before storing vegetables, the storage room should be brought to a proper appearance. If too wet, you can put a bucket of quicklime, ash or some desiccant. For example, salt or red brick. To prevent the appearance of fungus and mold can be fumigated with a checker "Fas".

Pepper and tomato storage

Undisturbed, green formed fruits should be stacked in boxes of not more than two layers. Place the boxes in a cool room. Produce a regular bulkhead of vegetables. With these rules, tomatoes are stored for about a month. To make the tomatoes ripen well, pour chips, sawdust, hay, straw into the bottom of boxes (cardboard, wooden). To settle the first layer of immature tomatoes and completely fill them with sawdust, then by the degree of maturity, loosely up to five layers of tomato. Ripen only healthy and undamaged tomatoes, without cracks, bruises and dents and traces of late blight.

Also we put pods pods, it is possible to wrap paper, they have a shelf life of slightly more than a tomato, about two months.

Root storage

. Root crops are cleaned from the ground, well dried, hardened one or two days. Only dry root crops are planted.

Beets are removed on the third week of September, in dry, warm weather. Trim the tops, leaving 0.5-1 cm of long petiole. After the sections are covered, we put it into storage. The temperature in the room is +1 - 2 degrees, stored in boxes or just on the floor, piles inside the roots. Ideally the beets are stored together with the potatoes.

Carrot storage

The temperature is about one degree of heat. Store in boxes with sand or sawdust, laying so that they do not touch each other. Sand should always be damp. It is still possible to store the carrot crop in onion husks (it has bactericidal properties).

Potato storage

Ways of storing potatoes are many: they are cellars, underground and even in an apartment in a storeroom or just in a secluded corner. It is advisable to sort the tubers by Size, select small change and seed potatoes.The seed potatoes are hardened from the autumn, about two weeks in the sun, while the solanine (poisonous substance) is produced, the green color of the tubers will turn green.This potato is well kept, less prone to rot, it is no longer suitable for food. potatoes in the basement constructing wooden panels (for fan If the tubers are damaged it is better to eat immediately, they are not stored for a long time and can rot, which will damage the storage of the remaining potatoes .To mid-October, the temperature should be lowered from 12 - 15 degrees to 8 - 10 in the room, at this time the room is ventilated and we do a bulkhead of the tubers (during this period, the disease manifests itself). Potatoes should be stored without access to light. It is advisable not to mix the variety.

Cabbage storage

The temperature is the same as for potatoes. Excess heat and high humidity can cause rotting. Sometimes you need to inspect the heads, remove rotten sheets. Pay attention, if there were small black spots (pinpoint necrosis, a disease caused by a metabolic disorder). Such a disease occurs in fruits either overfed with nitrogen, or improper storage.

Storage of garlic and onions

. Well preserved and at room temperatures. A house bow can be weaved into a wreath in wreaths, bundles. Can be stored in nylon nets or pantyhose (easy to get).

When storing a crop, it is important to remember - vegetables continue to live breathing, evaporating moisture and should not be left without attention.

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