
Drops "Grippferon" with breastfeeding: particularities of application, instructions and reviews

The lactation period is very important in the life of a woman. After all, she must take care not only about herself, but also about the health of the child, who receives with breast milk everything that her mother uses. An especially considerate woman needs to be in times of illness. Most drugs are not allowed during lactation, as they can harm a baby. Therefore, more recently, doctors recommended that a woman stop breastfeeding during a cold. But now there are many antiviral drugs, safe for both mother and baby. One of them - a drop of "Grippferon". Breastfeeding is one of the few tools that can be used.

How to properly treat a nursing mother

A woman during lactation is particularly susceptible to various infections. Therefore, colds at this time appear often. The difficulty is that it is almost impossible for her to drink medicine. How to treat a nursing mother?

  • Lying to allow the body to cope with the disease.
  • Drink more. With the help of liquid, the body will be cleansed of toxins. This will speed up the recovery.
  • You can use some safe folk remedies: tea with honey and lemon, black currant mors, lean chicken broth. If there is no temperature, it is good to steam up your feet with mustard.
  • Use antiviral agents authorized by lactation: "Grippferon", "Viferon", "Interferon" and others on the recommendation of a doctor. It is very important that their use be started at the first symptoms of the disease.
  • To bring down the temperature is necessary only if it is above 38 0 . For this, only Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can be used.
  • With pain in the throat, it is better to use topical agents that do not penetrate into breast milk: rinsing with iodine solution, soda, sprays "Cameton", "Chlorophyllipt".
  • If there is a cough, the most effective and safe way to treat a nursing mom is by inhalation.

How to protect your baby

The nursing mother must strictly follow what medicines she takes. You should carefully read the instructions and in no case should you exceed the dosage. It is also very important to protect the child from infection. Therefore, it is so often used "Grippferon" with breastfeeding: it helps not only to cure your mother more quickly, but also prevents the release of viruses with her breathing. Modern doctors recommend several more ways to protect the baby from a viral infection if the mother is sick.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. You need to do this every time you need to approach the baby. After all, during the illness many viruses can remain on their hands. It is best to use laundry soap or special antiseptics.
  • It is advisable to approach the child in a face mask. This will reduce the concentration of viruses in the surrounding air.
  • Several times a day you need to ventilate the room and often do a wet cleaning.
  • Do not stop breastfeeding. Together with the mother's milk, the baby will receive her antibodies. This will help him to develop immunity, and even if he gets sick, the body will quickly cope with the infection.

It is very important to carefully monitor your condition, if it worsens, it is better to see a doctor.

Characteristics of the drug "Grippferon"

This drug belongs to the antiviral drugs of the new generation, which possess not only antimicrobial, but also immunomodulatory action. Its action is based on the properties of the main active component - interferon alpha. This substance in a stable form was synthesized only in the late 90s of the 20th century.

This product is available in the form of a spray, drops in the nose and rectal suppositories. Most conveniently, "Grippferon" when breastfeeding used in the form of drops in the nose. This drug has a quick healing effect as an independent agent and does not require the use of additional medications.

When to use this tool

Many women are interested in whether "Grippferon" can be breastfed? All doctors give an unambiguous answer to this: it is not only possible, but also necessary to prevent infection and protect the baby from infection during the illness of the mother. This drug allows a woman not to use more harmful drugs during illness. It is best to use the "Grippferon" drops immediately for treatment . The instruction manual recommends doing this in the following cases;

  • At the first signs of a beginning cold;
  • With a cold;
  • With a sudden hypothermia;
  • For the prevention of infection during an outbreak of viral diseases;
  • When there are incomprehensible headaches, cough, high fever.

Very effective "Grippferon" with influenza, rhinovirus, coronavirus and other infections.

What effect does this agent have?

Drops "Grippferon" with breastfeeding - the most effective and safe remedy. This is explained by the features of the main active component of the drug - recombinant interferon alfa. This substance stimulates the production in the body of biological enzymes, inhibitors, lymphocytes and antibodies, which prevent penetration into the blood and reproduction of viruses. Therefore, the "Grippferon" drops are so effective. Instruction for use notes that the drug has such an effect:

  • Restores natural immunity;
  • Stimulates the body's defenses;
  • Destroys viruses and does not allow them to enter the respiratory system and the surrounding air;
  • Clears nasal passages and restores normal breathing;
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Heals a cold, sore throat;
  • Lowers the temperature.

"Grippferon" with breastfeeding: instructions for use

For treatment, the drug is applied for 5 days. In each nostril, 3 drops of the drug are instilled. Pre-nasal passages must be cleaned of mucus, crusts and other secretions. After instillation distribute the drug over the entire surface of the mucosa, rubbing the nose. Carry out the procedure every 3-4 hours.

If "Grippferon" is used in lactation as a prophylaxis during epidemics or in contact with the sick, it should be done once a day, preferably in the morning, before going out. And after contact with the sick or hypothermia, the drug should be dripped twice a day, preferably as soon as possible.

Features of the drug use

"Grippferon" with breastfeeding can be used to treat colds and to prevent infection during epidemics. It is not addictive, has no contraindications and very rarely causes allergic reactions. You can apply the drug after a short break again, since microorganisms can not develop resistance to it.

Drops "Grippferon" with breastfeeding not only help a woman to recover faster, but also protect the child from infection. With the milk of the mother, the baby gets antibodies and persistent immunity. Therefore, only this drug is sufficient for treatment. In addition, it is not recommended during treatment to use other drops in the nose, especially with vasoconstrictive effect. At the same time, excessive dryness of the nasal passages and formation of crusts are possible. It is impossible to use other immunomodulating agents together with Grippferon. But that drug can be replaced by analogues, also containing recombinant human interferon. These are drops of "Nasoferon" or "Interferon".

"Grippferon" with breastfeeding: reviews

Many women only this drug and save themselves and the child from viral diseases. Judging by the reviews, "Grippferon" is really effective. If you start treatment at the first sign of a cold, you can prevent complications and quickly get rid of the disease. Therefore, "Grippferon" in lactation is very popular, and women buy it more often than other drugs. And this despite the fact that it is quite expensive - about 400 rudders for a small bottle. But no one pities this money, because the health of the baby is more expensive. I like women that it is possible to use the drug for the whole family, even a babe with a cold will drop it in the nose. It has no taste and smell, so it is well tolerated.

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