
Shevelux Hair Spray: customer reviews and composition

The condition of the hair largely depends on the lifestyle and deteriorates under the influence of various factors: stress, stress, lack of vitamins, improper care and many others. Today hair restoration is a completely solvable task, with which medical cosmetology successfully copes. One of the means actively promoted in this market is the Shevelux Hair Restoration Spray. What are the features of this tool and how do consumers respond to it?

The natural basis of the drug Shevelux

According to the manufacturer, the spray is universal, because thanks to the natural extracts it contains it solves many problems of skin and hair on the head. Shevelux, whose composition, in addition to stemoksidina, includes essential oils and extracts, is considered unique. Spray, which has no analogues in the world, is created and manufactured in Japan.

As the base for the drug, it was chosen an enoter oil. Enotera (or evening primrose) is a flower with a unique composition. The ratio of components in this oil helps to increase the effectiveness of the ingredients of the spray and accelerate the process of therapy. Enotera nourishes the skin, restores the structure of the hair, provides care and activates their growth. As an independent nutritional supplement, enoter oil is very effective in combating dandruff, loss and many other problems.

Shevelux hair conditioner stimulates renewal in hair growth zones. The essential oil of the Bey tree that enters it stops the loss and strengthens the hair. Bay oil does not just stop baldness, but also increases the thickness of hair, restores their natural structure and eliminates dandruff.

The composition of the spray includes a vitamin-rich extract of black pepper. Pepper is a powerful antioxidant, stimulating blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin. The resulting irritation of the skin and an increase in the influx of blood to them has a beneficial effect on the head of hear. Hair becomes less fatty, grows faster. Vitamins nourish the bulbs and enliven the curls.


The plant, from the seeds of which receive the enoter oil, is grown in many countries of the world. Enotera has several names: onagra, evening primrose, oslinik, "night candle", as it dissolves in the evening and at night. Primrose oil is actively used in cosmetology, the spectrum of its medicinal properties is very wide. Rich in vitamin E, essential fatty acids (gamma and alpha-linoleic), the oil has many cosmetic and therapeutic effects, so it is included in the Shevelux. Reviews of the drug as a whole are positive and suggest that this spray has a beneficial effect on the hair. What are the positive effects of evening primrose oil?

  • Evening primrose oil nourishes the hair, softens the skin and promotes cell regeneration. It has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, therefore it allows treating dandruff and many skin diseases.
  • Primula is an immunostimulant, has antithrombotic properties, it can help people with arthritis, kidney disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis.
  • Eneter can be successfully used to normalize blood pressure and hormones, to regulate the formation of cholesterol, to prevent heart attacks and strokes.
  • The substances contained in the primrose oil strengthen the bones, blood vessels, purify the blood and exert an antitumor effect.

Bay tree

Shevelux - a hair spray, the composition of which includes butter bei, widely used as a cosmetic and medicinal product. The bay tree grows in Central America and eastern Africa. Oil Bay effectively removes bacterial and fungal infections, improves skin condition and stimulates hair growth. It is perfectly suitable for stimulating the renewal and activation of the metabolism in the hair growth zone. Among other oils, the bay oil gives the best result for solving the problems of loss. Bay operates in a comprehensive way: preventing loss, stimulating the appearance of new hair, strengthens, improves structure and thickness. It is a tool for combating dandruff.

Bay oil has contraindications: it is not recommended for pregnant women and hypertensives, as it increases blood pressure. For internal administration is not intended, in contrast to the enofered oil, can cause allergic reactions. This oil in its pure form on the skin is not applied, but is diluted in certain proportions with base oils or shampoos. It is used in small doses, because it is able to "burn" hair in large amounts.

After application to the scalp, bay oil irritates it, stimulates blood flow, while increasing the inflow of nutrients to the hair follicles. The oil contains substances that prevent dandruff and other skin diseases. Thanks to this effect, the hair is healed and compacted after one course of application of the Shevelux spray. Reviews tell us that the loss stops due to the strengthening of the roots and the growth of new hair.

Pepper extract

Pepper is not just spicy, but the owner of medicinal unique properties. It is widely used in Indian medicine, as it has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, but has not been sufficiently studied by Western medics. Pepper extract improves cerebral circulation and enhances oxygen flow to the brain, it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory, musculoskeletal system. In addition, pepper has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses toxins produced by cancer cells.

For what in the composition of the spray Shevelux, whose reviews confirm its effectiveness, is there an extract of pepper? It enhances the positive effect of other substances, extracts and herbs, improving blood circulation. Pepper extract is easily absorbed, warms the epidermis from the inside, thereby improving the permeability of nutrients and active substances. Exciting and irritating the skin, pepper improves metabolism, improves skin tone, relieves pain. Increased blood flow to the hair follicles, they are saturated with vitamins. The extract is effective in the treatment of fatty, weak, thinned hair, damaged during the staining process.

What are the problems of hair?

Hair thinning today becomes not only a male, but also a female problem. What are the reasons? As a major negative factor for the hair, especially for the weaker sex, dermatologists highlight excessive stress, stress, emotional and physical stress, an incorrect lifestyle. Stress shock holds the hair follicles in the sleep stage, which is interrupted by the Shevelux spray. The reviews of many patients indicate that loss and "fading" of hair can often be associated with pregnancy, childbirth, complicated operations, weight loss.

Every year, from 8 to 10% of patients come to the specialists with a problem of thinning hair. And a huge number of people do not turn to trichologists even at the initial stages of baldness, as they are sure that hair loss is more than normal - this is natural. In most cases, patients resort to the help of a doctor when the changes become visible: the parting expands, the hair looks unaesthetic, baldness can not be hidden. According to statistics, up to 90% of people come to trichologists, when hair loss increases many times. A very small percentage of patients are being treated due to other problems, for example, exhaustion or dandruff.


Shevelux, whose reviews confirm the effectiveness of the drug, contains active molecules of stexoxidine. How does this substance work? Hair follicles have their own life cycle, in which periods of activity are followed by periods of rest. Norm when the phases alternate continuously. But sometimes, for various reasons, the process is violated, the follicles freeze, the hair is not synthesized and thinning. Stimoxidine "awakens sleeping" follicles, removes them from the resting stage, stimulating the appearance of new hair. Thus, the spray creates optimal conditions for active hair growth. Stemoksidin today becomes the basis of innovative drugs to stimulate hair growth.

How it works?

Shevelux hair spray with stexoxidine solves many problems and initiates the process of hair restoration. The creation of the active substance stemoksidina directly associated with the study of stem cells in the follicles. How does it work?

Stem cells, intensively interacting, trigger the regeneration of the "sleeping" hair follicle and the appearance of a new hair. The activity of stem cells is provided by the creation of a certain medium (hypoxic) with a low oxygen content. It is the molecule of stenoxidine that creates the conditions of hypoxia, pushing the stem cells to development. In the course of the research, it was found that more than one-third of the follicles are activated after 3 months of using drugs with temoxydin.

What problems does Shevelux solve?

Shevelux - a hair spray, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness in solving many problems. The use of a spray regardless of the type of hair allows:

  • Prevent falling out and resume growth in the areas of alopecia;
  • Make hair more dense and lush;
  • Strengthen hair and restore to them natural shine;
  • To solve problems of fragility, dryness and split ends;
  • Ensure moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • Normalize the blood flow and ensure the intake of vitamins and other elements necessary for nourishing the hair;
  • Increase the resistance of hair to the effects of negative factors;
  • Eliminate dandruff, itching and other problems.

Instructions for use

Shevelux - a hair spray, reviews of which are generally positive, convince in its effectiveness. Applying this drug, it must be remembered that the essential oils contained in it are useful for hair with moderate use. Unlimited application of oils can lead to the fact that the hair is "oversaturated" and will become dry. Separately, the essential oils that make up the spray, preparations with pepper extract are cheaper than the Shevelux itself. The high price is due to the presence of an active substance - stemoxidine.

One of the advantages of the Shevelux hair spray, which should be reviewed before buying the drug, is ease of use and no contraindications.

  • Spray in small amounts is sprayed into the base of hair and rubbed with massage movements into the scalp for 2-3 minutes. The hair must be clean at the same time.
  • After this, it is necessary to put on a cap made of polyethylene (should be included). The agent gives the greatest effect at a temperature of 35 degrees and above. To create the necessary environment, you can wrap the hair under the cap with a towel.
  • The composition is aged on the head for at least an hour, then washed off with a large amount of water. It is important to rinse off all remnants of the drug as best as possible.

Reviews about Shevelux with Stemoxidine

Spray Shevelux, according to consumers' reviews, really restores, provides quality care and solves many hair problems. And helps to tidy up even heavily damaged hair and other effects, so already now "competes" with expensive salon procedures.

Opinions of consumers about this drug are divided. Most customers support the manufacturer and note that thanks to the spray:

  • Hair became healthier, shiny and quickly restored;
  • They are less dirty, easy to comb, do not stick together and do not require careful installation;
  • Ceases increased loss, new hair grows on the bald places;
  • The split ends disappear;
  • Hair grows faster;
  • - hair growth on bald areas is activated.

In order to get a really high-quality product, it is worth ordering only on the official website or purchasing a Shevelux spray in the pharmacy.

Reviews negative about the drug are mostly associated with high costs. Operators from the official site recommend buying several bottles at once, which is not acceptable for all consumers. On the manufacturer's website, you can buy a spray with a decent discount, much cheaper than in the store or through intermediaries. Each bottle should be in its original packaging and have its own identification code.

According to the advertisement, the effect should appear after a two-week application, but it does not appear as quickly in everyone. There are individual customers who, after applying the spray, did not get the desired result. Many expect a rapid growth of hair a few centimeters a week, but hair will not grow so quickly. Their treatment and recovery takes time and effort. A negative result may result in an unclear execution of the instruction or the acquisition of a fake. Buy only a quality product and carefully study the instructions.

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