HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is chronic fatigue? Symptoms and Treatment

Many are inclined to perceive this problem as a normal fatigue: we must switch, rest, and everything will pass. But do not mix one with another. If simple fatigue can be easily overcome, then completely different manifestations have chronic fatigue. Symptoms and treatment of the disease - and this is the disease - also have their own characteristics.

Who is more prone to this disease?

Strangely enough, most often problems arise in people active, positive, immersed in work. Work for wear and tear, do not give yourself any indulgence, in short, do not feel sorry for yourself - this is not the lot of those who are phlegmatically and rhythmically fulfilling their duties and do not go beyond the intended circle. It is noted that women are prone to such failures more often than men who simply have more strength, and the psychic warehouse is crucial.

Also for other reasons, chronic fatigue can be observed. Symptoms and treatment of completely other ailments - influenza, acute respiratory viral infection or other viral diseases - may be accompanied by the mentioned syndrome because of the general decrease in immunity.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

First of all, it is, of course, depression, an indifferent attitude to everything around us. Often other forms of mental disorders also appear: apathy, neurotic reactions, constant headaches, dizziness, anemia, general muscle weakness. There are often pains and cramps in the muscles, almost always a sleep disturbance. Deteriorated attention and memory, there is a feeling of chilliness. Often there are gastric disorders: nausea, vomiting without previous causes - this is also often chronic fatigue. Symptoms and treatment of consequences without taking into account the cause, in this case the psychological background, usually do not give either a correct picture or a result. In more severe cases, a person has pain in the heart, in the throat, shortness of breath, fainting may occur. It affects all external stimuli: loud sounds, bright lights, someone's voices or steps.

How to cure chronic fatigue

It has already been said above that simply a respite can not be dispensed with, a more detailed and consistent approach to the problem will be needed. Most likely, a visit to the therapist and the course of treatment with antidepressants, vitamin therapy will be necessary. And the rest of the person needs to make the most effort not to revel in their suffering, and try to put himself in order and live on.

Of course, relatives should understand it and protect it from annoying moments - from unwanted guests, noise, nervousness in the family and other stresses. If there is chronic fatigue, the symptoms and treatment are mutually conditioned, and the first steps to healing should begin with rest. Only not on the couch, not behind tightly closed curtains, but preferably in the fresh air - by the river, in the mountains, in the forest. Nothing so treats as nature!

After a quiet pastime and contemplation, you need to gradually move on to a more active rest - swimming, jogging, gymnastics. And do not forget at the same time about delicious and healthy food: whatever the nutritionists say, and food is one of the main pleasures in life, contributing to the development in the pituitary gland of endorphins - the hormones of joy. And without them how to cope with chronic fatigue? In defense of diets, it is worth noting that heavy food can have the opposite effect. Preference should be given to dairy products, vegetables and fruits. A glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey before going to bed is a great thing. Delicious tea with melissa or mint and with the same honey - too.

Life is still beautiful, as the poet said.

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