Health, Diseases and Conditions
Than to process a place of a bite of the tick or mite? How to pull a tick at home?
With the onset of heat, people begin to travel to the forest, to nature. She so beckons the rustle of leaves, the murmur of rivers, the intoxicating aroma of herbs. However, in addition to the amazing enjoyment of nature, sometimes you can meet with a danger.
Poisonous plants, mosquitoes, snakes - and this is not all "surprises" waiting for people in nature. One of the formidable enemies is a tick. How to protect yourself from it? And if the tick still bit, how to be? It is important to understand how this can be dangerous. And most importantly, it is clear to know what to process the site of a tick bite.
What is a tick?
These insects - a fairly large group of arthropods, numbering about 40 000 different species. Some of them, we are talking about ixodid mites, parasitize, feeding on human or animal blood. They have a very sharp sense of smell. It is by the smell of mites that they find a victim. Insects cling to clothing or animal hair and get to the surface of the skin. Puncture her, they suck blood. What does the tick tick look like? The photo below shows this. At the same time, know that the bite itself is completely painless, therefore it is quite often invisible.
Usually the mite selects soft, warm and damp areas of the body. Therefore, bites can often be found on the calf muscles, buttocks, groin or anus, neck, armpits, behind the ears, between the shoulder blades. The shoulders suffer much less often. In addition, all these places have a shallow disposition of blood vessels, which, in fact, is necessary for an insect.
Pushing the jaw into the surface of the skin, the mite injects saliva. It is an anesthetic, an analgesic. Therefore, a person does not feel a bite at all and painlessly tolerates such a procedure. The insect can suck blood for several days. At the same time, it grows quite large in size.
How does the bite look like?
A person who has never encountered ticks before, can be somewhat confused. After all, the affected area of the body really looks pretty unpleasant. Therefore, it is very important to know what a tick bite looks like. The photo below will help in this. Carefully consider it, this will help to make the right decision in case of a collision with an insect.
The site of the tick bite reddens and swells. This manifests the body's response to the poison contained in the mite's saliva. Under normal conditions, redness will disappear after removal of the insect. To make the symptoms go much faster, you can take certain drugs that the doctor will appoint.
Dangerous danger
The bite itself is not dangerous if you know how to get rid of a tick. Serious consequences can arise only if the insect itself was infected. A tick is infected from a sick animal or human. However, he does not fall ill, but becomes a dangerous vector of infection, infecting them with subsequent victims.
As you know, the tick releases saliva into the puncture. For an insect, this process is very important. Firstly, being a natural analgesic, saliva makes it absolutely imperceptible to make a puncture. Secondly, with its help the proboscis is glued to the site of the victim's body. In addition, it reduces local immunity. This contributes to the rapid spread of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to combat it as soon as possible. To do this, you need to know what to handle the tick bite site.
The wound can easily become infected and fester. In addition, a person risks getting serious illnesses after a tick bite, such as encephalitis and borreliosis. However, not all ticks are infected. Visually distinguish the infected is impossible. The infection test is carried out only in the laboratory.
Tick borreliosis
Infection with this disease occurs only when bitten by an infected tick. But Borrelia themselves can get into the wound only when combing. That's why people after a tick bite are rarely infected with this disease. When ingested in the skin for several days borrelia reproduce. Then they begin to spread to the following areas of the skin. In this case, affect important internal organs - the brain, heart, joints. Pathogens of the disease for years can be in the body, "drowsing" or provoking the development of chronic form. This makes the treatment incredibly difficult.
After a tick bite, the manifestation of the first symptoms can take 2 to 30 days. The onset of the disease can be determined by sufficiently characteristic symptoms. At the site of the bite, there is a strong redness. The spot begins to increase, reaching up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Sometimes you can watch and buy more forms. The spot is almost always round, oval. Very rarely can have irregular outlines. The outer layer is more brightly colored and slightly above the surface of the skin. The central part after a while begins to turn pale and acquires a cyanotic shade. The very place of the bite is immediately covered with a crust, and then it becomes scarred. Spot, regardless of treatment, over time (about 2-3 weeks) passes. Approximately a month, and sometimes several years later, the symptoms of heart, nervous system, joints develop.
Be very careful. Do you observe such if there was a tick bite, symptoms? Treatment should begin immediately.
Tick-borne encephalitis
A disease in which a nervous system affects the nervous system. Quite often, encephalitis causes severe consequences, which result in paralysis, and sometimes death.
The incubation period is from 7 to 14 days. There is severe weakness in the legs, numbness of the neck and face. The disease begins very sharply. Typical symptoms are if the source was a tick bite, temperature (38-40 o C), severe chills. The febrile condition lasts from two to ten days. The disease is accompanied by severe headaches, vomiting, nausea, high fatigue, sleep disturbances. The acute period is characterized by hyperemia of the face, chest, neck. Pain occurs throughout the body, especially by concentrating in the muscles. Often it is in those in which paralysis may occur.
To avoid such severe consequences, it is very important to understand what to treat the tick bite, and to take the treatment as soon as possible.
Prevention of disease
It is best not to let a tick bite happen. Treatment, even the most effective, will not return former health. Therefore, going for a walk in the forest or park, you should take precautions.
They include:
- Protecting the body with clothing. If you are going to places where the probability of a tick bite is great, try to pick up clothes with long sleeves. Not bad if the pants are tucked into socks. Better yet, put on your boots. Do not give the insect a chance to get close to you!
- Means against insects. Today you can buy quite a lot of effective substances. They scared off not only ticks, but mosquitoes, wasps.
- Lemon, lavender. Ticks do not tolerate these smells at all. Therefore, cut all unprotected body parts with these oils. Unfortunately, 100% protection by such means is not guaranteed.
- Inspection of the body. If the tick hits the surface of the skin, within two hours, it can travel on it, before sucking to a specific place. Therefore it is very important to carefully inspect the surface of the body every two hours. This will allow much earlier in case of danger to get rid of an uninvited insect.
First aid
If you notice a tick bite during the inspection, you must take immediate action. As a rule, people behave quite differently. Some alone remove it, completely forgetting how to treat the tick bite. Others fall into a hysterical state. Both approaches are incorrect.
Of course, there is a risk of contracting an infection. Therefore, you need to get a doctor's advice, and if necessary, and prevention. But do not get hung up on the bite. Ticks bite a lot of people for the season. Serious consequences occur in a much smaller amount. Even if an insect is the carrier of an infection, this does not mean that the person who received the bite will necessarily fall ill. In addition, encephalitis does not always end with death.
Finding an insect, it must be removed. The most important thing is not to forget how to treat the tick bite site. Be sure to use an antiseptic with the addition of a local antibiotic. It is strictly forbidden to crush the tick. Otherwise, viruses that can be found in the body of an insect are likely to fall into the victim's body.
The best option would be delivery of the person bitten to the hospital. The doctor knows how to get rid of the tick. Therefore, very carefully remove the insect and properly treat the wound. In addition, he will send an uninvited "guest" to the analysis to determine if the individual is infected.
Self-extracting mite
Of course, it is best to entrust this matter to professional doctors. But if you can not get help from a medical institution, you can pull out the tick at home.
Seeing an unpleasant sight, I want to get rid of the insect as soon as possible. But it is not necessary to hurry. Abrupt removal can trigger a rupture of the trunk and head. It is very unpleasant if part of the tick remains in the wound. As a result, blood infection and inflammation can develop.
If the tick sucked under the hair, soak them and comb them in different directions. Be sure to disinfect hands and all devices that you use. Try not to touch the insect with your bare hands, so as not to expose yourself to the risk of infection. For such purposes it is best to use tweezers. In case of his absence, you can use a napkin.
Method 1: Vegetable oil
There are several very simple, but very effective methods that allow you to pull the mite out of the wound without crushing it. When bitten, the insect completely immerses its head under the surface of the skin. Breathing functions at this time occur through special moves located in the posterior part of the body of the mite. Knowing this, you can perfectly use this opportunity. It should be gently dripped with vegetable oil on the exposed portion of the insect. Oily liquid will block the flow of oxygen. In this case, he will have to independently choose to surface.
Sometimes oil is advised to use kerosene. This fluid is also a good fit for this manipulation. Only it is important to use the substance very carefully so that there is no irritation.
If you do not have either the first or the second component, you can apply a conventional candle. Light it and carefully drip the melted wax on the mite. In this case, you need to be as careful as possible to prevent skin burns. The insect, deprived of the ability to breathe, will not slow to get out.
Be sure to remember how to treat the site of the tick bite. For this purpose, any antiseptic is suitable. You can apply zelenok or iodine. Some doctors even allow alcohol. The main thing is to achieve a disinfecting effect.
Method 2 Using tweezers
When you are going to extract the insect yourself, do not forget how to treat the site of the tick bite. Any antiseptic available at hand will help you. Grab the insect with tweezers. It is best to use a device with blunt ends or rounded ends. Grab as close to the skin as possible. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to pull strongly, otherwise part of the uninvited "guest" will remain in the rank. Remove it with a uniform moderate force, strictly vertically. Do not use twisting movements.
It is very important not to damage the tick during extraction. But if there are fragments of an insect in the wound - do not panic. Some physicians believe that parts of the mouthpiece do not pose a serious danger if antiseptic treatment is properly performed. After a while they will leave on their own.
But there are those who give good advice on how to pull the head of a tick. Be sure to treat the wound surface with an antiseptic. Thoroughly pierce the needle on fire. It is with her help get the head of the tick. Use the same method that is used to pull the splinter. Pulling out the fragments of the tick, you should again carefully treat the wound surface.
Method 3: Using a thread
If there are no tweezers at hand, you can remove the mite with your hands. Only be sure to protect your fingers. To do this, use a bandage or put on rubber gloves. Wrap the insect once with gauze, try to grasp it as close to the skin and gently pull it to the surface. Make manipulations perpendicular to the surface. After removing the insect, be sure to wash your hands with soap. It is better to treat them with an antiseptic.
You can remove the tick using the most common thread. To do this, build a loop and put it on the body of an insect. Pull the thread off the proboscis. After this, very gently pull the ends of the thread left-right, trying to pull the mite. This method is not very convenient, since it requires you to accurately calculate the applied effort. After all, with strong pressure, the abdomen risks breaking away. In this case, the head of the tick will remain under the skin. Use a sterile needle and pull out the remains as a splinter.
Taking out the tick, you need to take security measures. To do this, close the nose and mouth with a medical dressing. If the insect is accidentally crushed during the extraction process, the viruses in the aerosol form will fall directly into the air. Inhaling them, you can get asthmatic or allergic syndrome.
Laboratory analysis
The extracted insect should not be crushed. It is much more useful to put it in a tightly closed dish and take it to the laboratory. You need to deliver the insect for testing within two days. This will allow doctors to more accurately determine the diagnosis of a person who has received a tick bite. Treatment in this case will begin without delay, and consequently, it is possible to hope for a positive prognosis. Some centers take only the whole insect for analysis, but there are also those who take the tick in parts. The analysis is performed within a few hours. The answer is usually issued immediately. And do not forget to go to the polyclinic. Preventative treatment is compulsory. Do not risk your health.
Condition after bite
Quite often after getting rid of an insect, a person simply forgets about the wound. It is not right. The question arises: "If you pulled a tick, what to do next?" Initially, you should carefully treat the wound with an antiseptic.
Carefully observe the condition of the victim. Urgently consult a doctor if the following symptoms appear after a tick bite:
- In the wound there are signs of an inflammatory process;
- There is an increase in temperature;
- Enlarged lymph nodes;
- Regular headaches and muscle pains occur;
- The surface of the body was covered with a rash.
Very often, the question arises as to whether an antibiotic should be used with a tick bite. The doctors explain: if the territory is not endemic, and the insect was on the skin for less than a day, there is no need for such prevention. It has been scientifically proven that even an infected tick, eating less than 24 hours, will not be able to infect the victim with borreliosis.
But if the insect was fed for more than 72 hours, or the duration of its presence on the surface of the skin is unknown, any doctor will definitely prescribe an antibiotic with a tick bite.
It is very important to remember that the drug is prescribed only if the period of 72 hours has not elapsed after the removal of the insect. If more time has passed, antibiotic therapy will not be of use, so it is no longer used.
The most effective drug is the Doxycycline. Adults injected once 200 mg. For children older than eight years, the norm is 4 mg per kilogram body. But not more than 200 mg. To date, this is the only effective drug, the positive effect of which has been proven in clinical trials.
Contraindicated drug "Doxycycline" pregnant, breastfeeding mothers and children under eight.
Emergency Measures
If the area in which the tick is bitten is considered the site of an epidemic, or if a laboratory test results that the insect has been infected, it is necessary to inoculate. It should be done in the first 96 hours. It will take an injection of a special anti-malignant immunoglobulin. The vaccination is completely free. But if the product is not available, you will have to purchase it yourself. The dose is calculated depending on the body weight. Contraindication is an allergic reaction to blood products.
If the mite is not infected, then the vaccine is not done. Because it often provokes the emergence of allergies. In addition, in itself, it is not useful to the body and does not give full protection against the possible occurrence of encephalitis or its complications. In this case, everything depends on the human immunity and the activity of the virus.
For preventive purposes, medications containing interferon are usually prescribed ("Viferon"). Sometimes they recommend drugs "Arbidol", "Anaferon", "Amiksin", "Remantadin". It is best to take them in the first day after the bite.
There is no vaccine against borreliosis. Until now, experts have not come to a common conclusion when it is necessary to drink antibiotics and what medicines are most effective. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the mite can infect both encephalitis and borreliosis. Therefore, some drugs can significantly increase the severity of one of the diseases. Remember: having felt bad after a tick bite, do not rush to take medications. Be sure to go to the doctor and consult on the treatment. And most importantly - donate blood for laboratory analysis.
Precautionary measures
- You can meet with ticks in the grass or low bush. That's where they most often wait for their victim.
- Almost always, the insect creeps up, that's why, having tucked your pants into your socks, you will protect yourself from it a little.
- Before going out on the nature, always use anti-flesh repellents. If not, use a regular antipersperant. The tick is very attracted by the smell of sweat.
- Emergency vaccination of immunoglobulin is not as effective as pre-prophylaxis with antitussive vaccines.
Remember this when you are going for a walk in the forest, and protection to you, albeit not one hundred percent, will be guaranteed.
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