
Insect bites: how to provide first aid

When bites of insects in the wound gets poison, which is a powerful allergen. It spreads quickly and is capable of causing serious trouble. So, severe allergic reactions cause a person to bite insects from the detachment of Hymenoptera - bees, bumblebees, wasps and hornets, which sting more often in July-August. The most aggressive of them is wasps, in addition, unlike bees and bumblebees, pollinating plants, they sometimes cause significant damage to the harvest, eating fruits. Having discovered an aspen nest on the plot of land, it should be destroyed so as not to jeopardize the health of family members, especially children. To do this, use insecticides or simply fill the nest with a lot of boiling water.

Bites of insects cause burning and short-term pain, sometimes - quite strong. After that, the skin turns red and swells. To relieve the bite symptoms, a wet bandage is applied over it - it can be moistened with vodka, ammonia. An unpleasant sensation will help to remove a piece of raw potato: it needs to be applied to the skin, periodically replacing with a new one. Useful and well-known balm "Star": its use will help get rid of the itch, which causes a bite of an insect. The tumor will then drop much faster. If the bee stings, the first aid is also to remove the sting - without taking it completely, you risk getting suppuration. The wound is then treated with iodine.

Normally, the swelling lasts only a couple of hours. However, if it does not pass and, on the contrary, increases and reaches a large size, you should consult a doctor : sometimes insect bites are fraught with serious consequences. This is especially true of the head area: swelling here usually lasts longer, up to several days. But the most dangerous bites in the language: it can happen, for example, if the insect got into food or food and was not noticed in time. Immediately consult a doctor if a bee or wasp stings a person in the area of the tongue, lips or neck: in some cases, the insect bite can be fatal. Reaching the larynx, the poison causes her swelling and, as a result, suffocation. The reaction may occur already within an hour, and sometimes a shorter period. If you are addicted to allergic reactions, you must be very careful when you are in nature, and always have an antihistamine recommended by your doctor.

Serious discomfort, especially to small children, is delivered in the summer and mosquitoes. Their squeaking and itching of insect bites interfere with the normal sleep of the child. Therefore, going to the country, you need to take care of protection from mosquitoes. The most effective means used in the room is a fumigator with interchangeable blocks. Windows should be protected by mosquito nets, and a cot - with a mosquito curtain. In case of an evening walk, you should stock up on repellents that are applied to the body - for example, from the Mosquitall series or Gardex Baby. Choose them carefully: some of them are contraindicated for young children, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

When biting mosquitoes, in particular, numerous, you should wipe their place with cotton wool soaked in vinegar, lemon juice or a weak solution of citric acid. The tumor in this case will be much faster. If the child will sit or lie still, it is better to moisten a bandage in the liquid and apply a moist compress to the bites - this is much more effective. Eliminate the itch will help a solution of drinking soda or gruel from it, rubbing the skin with liquid ammonia or diluted cologne. Traditional medicine recommends applying fresh leaves of lime, bird cherry, mint or plantain to bite places - they must be washed beforehand and slightly crushed. The juice of the onion also helps well: the onion is rubbed on a fine grater, then squeezed. Juice is smeared with bites 2-3 times a day.

To repel mosquitoes, it is good to use essential oils of cloves, tea tree, anise and eucalyptus. These funds can be applied to adults and to insect bites, for children they are used with caution and only if the child is already three years old. To scare mosquitoes will help and fresh or dry plants - wormwood, chemist's daisy, as well as spruce or pine needles.

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