
Holistic massage: description and reviews

The modern world with its variety, constant stresses and tasks exhausts people so that at the end of the working day you want something relaxing, like a massage. In some, this word is combined with the word "curative". After all, this procedure is used only if something is sick. But there is a holistic massage, which is completely painless, but very pleasant.

History of origin

Before we understand what this procedure is, let's talk about the history of its appearance. The father of this type of massage was Tovie Browning. For many years he worked as a massage therapist, reflexotherapist, osteopath, which led him to the idea of uniting all his specializations into one and creating a new, hitherto unknown, called "holistic pulsing" (pulsing in translation from English - pulsation).

Tovey proceeded from the premise that a large number of images and memories "found a place" in the human body. You can give an example: the tension in the muscles, stiffness, bezemotsionalnost. Many people simply can not remember and do not realize moments. To help the entries "break out" will be a holistic massage. Often memories that are stuck in our head can affect the present and the future. That's why they have to be released outside. Thanks to this procedure, a person acquires the unity of the soul and body, understanding himself. Not without reason this kind of massage is called anti-stress.

Now about the procedure itself

Holistic massage is a holistic system. It can be: preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitation. Has an impact on the physical, emotional and psychological state of a person. This procedure is considered easy.

Those who decided to master the holistic massage, the training should begin with the study of technology. It is based on simple, rhythmic, pulsating movements, such as vibration and rocking the whole body. Thanks to them, natural processes are started in the human body. No use is needed.

This massage is perfect for people of any age. He has a positive impact on both adults and children. It can be used for overwork, joint pain, insomnia and stress, after trauma. Soft massage is another name for the procedure, which restores blood circulation, relieves stress, improves physical condition.

Difference of palsing from other types of massage and features of this procedure

Holistic and classical massage differ among themselves. The first and most important difference is integrity and softness. It is observed in both technology and therapy.

The second is that a variety of techniques are used, working with blocks, psychological and psychotherapeutic effects.

Speaking about the features, we can distinguish the following:

  • Setting realistic goals.
  • Step-by-step treatment: bodily (massage techniques are used); Manual, psychological.

This method is perfectly suitable for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders.

The holistic massage combines some elements of western and eastern healing and health-improving systems. The first include: yoga, rei-ki, qi-gun, su-jok, zhen-chiu. The second should include: manual therapy, reflexology, bioenergetics and classical massage. In addition, some elements of psychotherapy are woven into this procedure.

The mechanism of the massage

Before proceeding to the procedure, it is worthwhile to understand that the patient is not a passive patient, but an active participant in the process. During the massage, a dialogue takes place that is therapeutic in nature.

  • The procedure is carried out on the floor.
  • The patient lies in the clothes that are convenient for him.
  • All movements are swaying, vibrating, taking place in a certain rhythm.
  • The body swings easily and freely only if the rhythm is chosen correctly.
  • Massage takes place at a calm pace. The patient relaxes, focuses on the sensations of his body.
  • During the procedure, large and small amplitude motions are used. The first is useful for rocking the body and limbs. The second penetrates deeper and acts on emotions.
  • All movements are carried out simultaneously and without stopping.

Like all other procedures, massage should have a basis or, in other words, a base. This is the basis for the principles of its implementation. Only by adhering to them, you can achieve the desired results. Now more about them.

Principles of holistic massage

  • Universal movement. During the massage of any part of the body, responses are seen.
  • Extensions and deletions. When stretching, not only the body lengthens, but the chest widens , the joints and muscles are released, the bound energy goes out.
  • Connections. There are two ways to connect the pole and the aspect of the body. The first of these is ubiquitous movement, the second is massage of borders with adjacent areas. Thanks to them, the synchronous integrity of the procedure is created.
  • Interconnections. During the massage the specialist should only think about his patient, otherwise the person will immediately feel the lack of communication with the hands of the masseur. You can not abruptly stop the procedure, you must gradually reduce the amplitude of the swing. A specialist performing a massage should be calm and confident.
  • There is no coercion. The patient should feel safe. Only in this case his body will not apply a protective reaction.
  • Integrity. Before proceeding to the procedure, the patient should be given the opportunity to independently understand the cause of the disease. Only in this case massage, treatment will unite their forces.
  • Resource. The patient is not a victim, he just needs help, and only a qualified master can give it to him.

Let's walk all over the body

Every specialist knows that there are massage zones. Now let's talk about each of them separately.

  • Back. The patient is placed on the stomach. Massage begins on the left side. To the procedure proceed only after the physical and emotional contact is established. The master must feel the patient's breathing. The fingers of the hands are directed towards the spine. Spinal massage is a swing that mimics the blurring of the border between the right and left sides. After the massage, this part of the body goes to the blades. First one, then the backbone, then go to the second scapula.
  • Legs. Movement is carried up and down. Pulling the legs, the knees do not bend.
  • Arms. Heating occurs, oil is used.
  • Head. The masseur clasps her hands. Raises and tightens. Thus, the neck surface is stretched. The head is massaged with spiral and circular motions along the hair growth. Strands are grabbed and easily pulled up.

Benefits of the procedure

The best thing about what gives a holistic massage, can tell former patients.

  • Some of them felt relief. It became easier to walk, my legs stopped ached, and most importantly, forces came from somewhere. There was a feeling that you want to fly, no fatigue.
  • The second is that sleep has improved, there are no lumbago in the back. Energy is so eager, it feels like a miracle has happened.
  • There is also an opinion that holistic massage perfectly removes stress. Now it is necessary for many people. After the procedure, all the negative goes away, everything bad is forgotten. Problems are solved immediately, and everything is enough.
  • Many people say that holistic backbone massage helps restore flexibility. After it, you can easily engage in manual labor. The strength is enough for a long time.

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