Education, The science
Associative thinking
Associative thinking takes part in the process of information processing. Logical analysis is not applied. The life experience of a person contributes to the formation of a set of associations on which associative thinking is based. It should be noted that his principles formed the basis of many teaching methods. Practice shows that people easily remember not abstract data, but associations. This way of perception and memorization helped people in ancient times solve vital issues, make discoveries, survive.
The association is the connection between the views. Any image contributes to the emergence of another image or concept. For example, the word milk , most likely, will be connected in consciousness with the word cow .
Associative thinking contributes to the solution of a number of problems. It helps people to create new and original ideas, to form connections in meaning, to develop imagination and imagination.
There is a certain classification of associations. For example, words may have a similarity ( match-fire ), they may be close in space and time ( flowers-flowerbed, pie-dough ). Concepts can have a connection in contrast or opposite characteristics (for example, black - white, round - square ) or cause-effect relationships (for example, bruise - pain ).
The connection of one object can be established not only with another object, but also with the attributes of the object (sensation, image, color, smell and other characteristics).
The development of associative thinking promotes the development of memory. It should be noted that man has, to some extent, a limited range of concepts. In this regard, associative thinking is not being used by one hundred percent.
In humans, the process of remembering is based on experience. The perception of events, objects, facts, phenomena is connected with the work of the imagination - a person ties a new word (the designation of something) to an already familiar image.
There are certain methods of developing thinking.
The simplest exercise is to search for a number of related concepts. You can take two words (for example, a museum - a brush ), and then compose a series that would start from the first and end with a second word. Thus, the following series can turn out: a museum - a picture - an artist - a canvas - a brush .
With the help of the following exercise, you can develop the ability to create a number of associations. For example, if you take a word, you can pick up another one related to it. The next word will also be the association of the previous one, and so on. For example, compasses - iron - alloy - metal - welding , etc. In this case, unique chains will be created, which is due to the fact that each person will have his own set of related concepts.
You can choose words that are associated with one characteristic. For example, with words large and dark one can associate different concepts or images.
The development of associative thinking is greatly facilitated by the creation of original associations. In this case, the connection between the concepts is not supposed to be as explicit as usual.
Very often these simple exercises are used in pedagogy. It should be noted that such developmental activities help students to analyze information, quickly, easily and for a long time to memorize information.
Such exercises are popular in the advertising business. Based on related concepts, slogans, advertising concepts are created.
For more profound and serious improvement of associative thinking, more sophisticated tools are used. The exercises are divided into three groups. The first class includes methods liberating thinking, to the second - guiding methods, the third category includes methods that facilitate the creation of an associative circle.
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