Sports and Fitness, Fitness
How to lose fat from the stomach?
Fat, in whatever place it is, whether it be legs, belly or thighs - not only spoils the figure, but also the overall appearance of the person. Rarely those who have problems with being overweight can be called beautiful. Hardly anyone will argue! However, with fat deposits you can cope by defeating your laziness and starting to actively engage. Naturally, in some particularly difficult cases, without a diet can not do. It is desirable to conduct a comprehensive fight against fat in the body, because it is impossible to simply remove fat in one place - the whole body is reduced in size. Your task is to make it beautiful.
How to lose fat from the stomach?
First you need to take care of your diet. Calculate calories, reduce the amount of fat-containing foods and baking. To relieve fat from the stomach will help you use the following products: oatmeal with milk for breakfast, eggs, chicken and salads for lunch, dinner - kefir or other dairy products.
When you want to eat, drink water - it quenches the hunger. Naturally, do not forget about vitamins. Ask your doctor and ask you to prescribe a vitamin complex that is right for you.
The diet reduces your size, but the skin at the same time sagging, because its area remains the same as before, when your waist was much larger. How to lose fat from the abdomen and tighten the muscles? With this help to cope with only physical exercises.
No professional will be able to give general advice that will suit all people without exception, about how to lose fat from the abdomen while doing sports. There is no universal complex. All this is individual. However, there are exercises that are most effective in fighting fat.
Go for regular jogging, at least 2-3 times a week. Swing the press - start with 30 times a day, then gradually increase the number to 60. Swing the press and in a straight and oblique trajectory. The lower press can be pumped if you lift not the trunk, but your legs. Exercise for the lazy: standing - standing, legs together, bend and touch the floor, and then abruptly straighten. The more you make such movements, the faster you will be able to reduce the volume of your waistline.
It's too hard for you, and you want to know how to lose fat from the abdomen effortlessly? Then the advice is only one - with the help of a photoshop ... In this case, in the photos you will definitely be slim ... If you want to achieve the result in real life, you will have to work hard!
How to lose fat from the hips?
You will need to combine diet and exercise. The diet on which you sit to get rid of fat on the stomach, is perfect for fighting fat deposits on the hips. But to the diet you need to add a set of exercises. You run, but that's not enough.
Well, if you have an elliptical trainer, which is designed specifically to keep your thigh muscles toned. If it is not, then you can replace it with a cycle of special exercises aimed at the problem area. The best simulator in this situation, which, moreover, is cheap, is the usual rope. Remember your childhood, practice jumping rope and gradually approach the ideal parameters in the hips. Effective and fast walking. This exercise you can easily perform when you are late for work. If very late - it can be walking with elements of running. Which is doubly useful for your hips. Do not be superfluous squats, flexion and extension of the legs in a prone position.
And the last - how to lose fat from your feet? To all of the above, add sit-ups on socks. When the first time you try, you will understand why it is necessary to squat in this way - the load is distributed on the back side of the legs. The second important thing for the legs is an attack. Stretching is beautiful at all times, and besides, and useful!
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