HealthDiseases and Conditions

Allergies in the child and its main manifestations

Allergy in a child is a common phenomenon to date. What are the reasons for the widespread spread of allergic pathologies?

Unfavorable ecology, unsatisfactory living conditions, the presence of pets in the apartment, inadequate nutrition, the use of foods with a high content of food additives, the widespread use of perfumery and household chemicals, as well as other environmental factors, load the immune system, which eventually results in the appearance of allergic symptoms .

It should be noted that allergic reactions can occur almost from birth. Often there is an allergy to milk. The child at the same time violated not only the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but a rash may occur, which causes significant anxiety and worsening of the state of health of the newborn. It should be remembered that increased sensitization can manifest itself not only to cow milk or artificial mixtures that may contain harmful additives, but also to the mother's milk, although this kind of allergy is rare.

Hypersensitivity to various allergens can be provoked by burdened heredity. So, children, whose father and mother suffer from a certain allergic pathology, have a chance to get it in the inheritance by more than 70%.

If we talk about the manifestations of an allergy, then the clinic of this pathology is diverse. Among the main violations can be identified the following:

• food allergies - the child is usually more than one year old. It can be provoked by inadequate nutrition of a woman during lactation, when she consumes citrus fruits, smoked products, honey, etc .;

• skin allergy - at the initial stages of its development is called diathesis, it is manifested by red spots on the face and buttocks, itch and flaking is also characteristic. In addition to food etiology, skin damage can occur with allergies to children's cosmetics. In most cases, when eliminating provoking factors, such an allergy in a child does not need medical treatment, but it is also impossible to ignore such manifestations, since they indicate a tendency to such reactions. If the allergy in a child that occurs with skin lesions is characterized by more severe clinical manifestations, then one already speaks of eczema or atopic dermatitis;

• Respiratory allergosis - manifested by conjunctivitis, rhinitis, allergic laryngitis, bronchial asthma of varying severity, and also by alveolitis. The most common allergens are house dust, feather pillows, pet hair, indoor flowers, fish food, which includes daphnia. An allergy in a child with a respiratory infection often develops when there is a high humidity in the dwelling, since spores of mold fungi spread through the rooms;

• allergy to insect bites and medications;

• allergic manifestations when exposed to cold temperatures (cold urticaria).

The etiology and pathogenetic mechanism of allergy development are very different, therefore for effective treatment it is necessary to eliminate the effect of provoking factors and prescribe desensitizing therapy according to the clinical manifestations of the disease.

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