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Blatnoy is a representative of the criminal world, his life in prison, thieves' songs, phrases

The word "thieves" often sounds on many people's lips. And not everyone especially puts in it the meaning or some sense, saying aloud, quite simply, do not think about it.

Everyone in the head has his own interpretation of this word.

Who is such a thief

In general, this is already an established literary term, which means "thief." That is, thieves are a representative of the social stratum of professionally stolen people. And it's not about one or two random thefts, it's a systematically carried out event, which became for them a "profession".

This is a separate world, with its established rules and norms, habits, customs, traditions, way of life.

Concerning the thieves in prison, you can give a different interpretation. Blatnoy is a representative of the group, who is given the dominant role in the informal hierarchy among the rest of the prisoners.

In other words, the thieves are a person who lives by adhering to thieves' customs and traditions. We understand further.

The Prisoners in Prison

An individual who has been awarded this title must possess a "clean past"; he must in no way be associated with a political institution and power structure; Must obey the prison laws, adhere to the system of generally accepted rules, observe the established principles, do not carry out labor activities on prison closures.

Blatnye is a caste personifying the power that exists and fights against representatives of official authority, prison guards. They are endowed with certain privileges, the right to leave things for themselves from the thieving obshchak. Along with this, they also have duties, for example, control over the illegal receipt of products and other things (tea, cigarettes, clothing, alcohol, drugs) into the zone. This includes the resolution of debates that may appear among other prisoners. They should monitor order and discipline, eradicate the emerging hotbeds of conflicts and skirmishes, and resolve situations in such a way that there are no injured, deprived, unfairly punished.

This is not an indication that the thieves are a wise, pious man, for whom the social order is above all, no, more often he is concerned about his own existence within the walls of the zone, thus providing himself with comfort and a comfortable stay.


Generally speaking, thieves, as a rule, do not pronounce this word, there are interchangeable synonyms for this, which are given to the owners, according to the social status of the prison hierarchy. If we look at the classification from a higher status to a lower one, then a picture emerges: the dominant step belongs to the thieves in the law, the next one is occupied by the svoyaki, the individuals with authority, the boys, followed by the privatized fighters.

The latter are the approximate thieves, follow their instructions, these can be violent actions carried out against other detainees, carry out the decision taken on the gangster to punish, even to the point of killing.

Different zones can use their own terminology, for example, priblatannye can be called fraerami, a simple criminal may be awarded the title - trump card.

Ranks can also be given based on the functions performed, for example, looking either, angular, it can also be support and others.

Blatnye songs

What prison life is without a thief song? Initially, thieves songs were of folkloric origin. In the minds of the listeners a profound content of customs, traditions, foundations, norms of behavior in criminal life was laid.

The emergence of the very term "thieves' song" can be attributed to the beginning of the XX century. And the middle of the XIX century - this fortieth, fifties, you can commemorate the birth of thieves' song as an independent genre.

Blatnaya song loudly announced itself on the stage in the early XX century.

Even the great classic Dostoevsky MF. He quoted in his works, sitting in Omsk prison, different genre forms in the prisoner's environment.

The violence of colors blatant song played during the Civil War and NEP. Speaking about this historical period, one can not help recalling such a legendary figure as Mishka Yaponchik, as well as the image of Panteleev Lenka, and dozens of other bandits and former prisoners who were shaking the peaceful existence of ordinary inhabitants are emerging. Banditry and crime at its peak, reigning in those years, glorified the cult of homelessness, rampant restaurant life, which was a thief's raspberries, glorified the cellars, called the bohemian-aristocratic title.

It was this era that gave fertile ground for the growth of thieves' folklore.

Sunset 20's rightfully conquered Utesov.

The middle of the 1930s was not the best time for a thief song, it was banned, it sounded from the restaurant scene. And the 70th years are famous for the fact that the thief song came out of the shadows, loudly sounding in the starry voice of Arkady Severny, recording songs and concerts which spread throughout the Soviet Union, thereby increasing the popularity of this genre with incredible speed.

The beginning of the 90s was the heyday of the thieves' song, all prohibitions and restrictions on the spoken foul language were abolished and removed, which served as the birth and outbursts of new stars on the variety sky in the performance of works of this genre, and the public who fell in love with this song grew. This is "Lesopoval" by Maxim Tanich, Vika Tsyganov, Lyuba Uspenskaya, Alena Apina.

So, slowly, the thieves' song in the title of "chanson" confidently took its place in the musical field of show business. The stage was headed by Mikhail Krug, Sergei Nogovitsyn, Petlyura, Trofim, S. Sever and many other popular performers, so fond of many.

Blunt Jargon

In other words, it is a language in which representatives of the criminal world communicate.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that thieves in the law negatively relate to "nablatykannym" imitators, and differ from them in that they are using the hair dryer seriously, when for a fraer it is just a play on words.

Blatnye phrases are formed in dictionaries, they can not be learned by a simple inhabitant, and there is no need, but for the sake of interest one can study them and quench their curiosity.

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