HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dystrophy - is that in medicine? Dystrophy of the liver, heart, cornea, muscles

Dystrophy is a disease that results in the loss or accumulation of substances in the tissues of the body that are not characteristic of the normal state.

Damage to cells and intercellular substance leads to the fact that the diseased organ ceases to function adequately. At the heart of this disease is the violation of trophism (a number of processes that ensure the vital activity of body cells).

Causes of development

Such pathology has many different causes. It can be hereditary metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, stress and problems with the psyche, decreased immunity, gastrointestinal problems, malnutrition, negative effects of various factors, chromosomal and somatic diseases.

Erroneous is the view that dystrophy is a disease that affects only premature babies. The development of such a pathology can provoke prolonged starvation or an excess of hydrocarbon-containing foods in the diet. The cause of congenital dystrophy can be too young or, conversely, the old age of the mother.


Depending on the form and severity of the disease has three degrees, which are characterized by certain symptoms.

The first degree - the patient has a decrease in body weight and muscle tone, tissues become less elastic, immunity is violated, problems with stools are possible.

The second degree - against a background of progressive decrease in body weight is thinned, subcutaneous fat can even disappear, the body suffers from a lack of vitamins.

The third degree - the body is completely depleted, the person has breathing and heart work, the body temperature and blood pressure decrease.

In addition, all forms of dystrophy are accompanied by general symptoms: the patient is overly excited, his appetite is reduced or absent, sleep is broken, general weakness is felt, body weight changes, digestive tract disorders, immunity decreases. At the same time, a person does not suspect that he has dystrophy, symptoms are written off for overwork or stress.


Classify the disease by several criteria. So, according to origin, pathology is congenital and acquired, in the prevalence of the process - local or general, in the form of metabolic disorders, distinguish between protein, fat, carbohydrate dystrophy. Depending on where the process is located, the disease can be cellular (parenchymal), extracellular (mesenchymal, stromal-vascular) and mixed.

In addition, there are such types as hypotrophy, hypostatism and paratrophy.

Hypotrophy is the most common form of the disease. It is congenital and acquired. Characterized by insufficient body weight in relation to the growth of the patient.

With paratrophy, there is an excess of body weight, which is caused by a disturbance in nutrition and metabolism.

Hypostatura is expressed in the same lack of weight and growth in accordance with the norms for a certain age.

Congenital dystrophy

This condition is the result of hereditary disorders in the metabolism of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. When a child does not get any enzyme, in the tissues or organs there is an accumulation of incompletely split exchange products. Regardless of the localization of the process, there is always a defeat of the tissue of the central nervous system, which leads to a lethal outcome.

Depending on localization, there are the following types of this pathology:

Cellular (parenchymal) fatty degeneration

This is a problem that occurs when a metabolic disorder occurs in the group of cells that are responsible for the functioning of the organ. Among the reasons that trigger the development of the disease, you can note hypoxia, infection, intoxication (especially alcohol), malaise and avitaminosis.

One example of such a pathology is liver dystrophy. It manifests itself in the inability of the liver cells to perform their functions, which leads to the replacement of their fat tissue. This can lead to inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver.

Severe consequences have an acute, as well as toxic form of the disease. The first condition has a rapid development, the result can be hepatic failure. Toxic dystrophy of the liver is the cause of necrosis of its cells.

Dystrophy of the heart is another example of cell fatty degeneration. In this case, the myocardium is affected, its functions are violated. The heart grows in size, the myocardium becomes flabby, yellow, endocardial bands appear due to uneven fat deposition. Fatty degeneration of the heart arises as a result of hypoxia (oxygen starvation), infections that lead to disturbances in metabolism, malnutrition.

Protein parenchymal dystrophy

It is divided into several types:

- Hyaline-droplet dystrophy is characterized by the accumulation of protein drops in the kidneys (sometimes the liver or heart suffers). This occurs with kidney diseases such as myeloma, glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis. The disease is hidden and leads to irreversible consequences.

- Hydropic (waterborne) degeneration in organs (liver, adrenal glands, myocardium, epithelial cells) accumulates droplets of protein fluid. With an excess of them in the cell, there is a balloon dystrophy (the nucleus is forced out to the periphery). Such a state can be caused by water-salt metabolism disorders, hypoproteinemia, edema, infectious diseases and intoxications.

- Horn dystrophy is characterized by the formation of horny substance where it can not be, or excessive accumulation where it should be in normal quantity (skin, nails). Provoke this disease can beriberi, skin development defects, viral infections, chronic inflammation.

Nail dystrophy can be the result of infections, skin diseases, abnormalities in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine or central nervous system. In addition, this pathology sometimes accompanies certain diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

Nail dystrophy can be congenital and acquired. With the congenital form of the disease, complete absence, thinning and thickening of the nail plate can be observed. Acquired disease is characterized by a gradual detachment of the nail plate, deepening or whitening of the nails. In addition, the nail plate may be excessively convex, with transverse and longitudinal grooves. The causes of this disease can be eczema, psoriasis, red flat lichen, nail trauma.

Horn dystrophy has several types:

- Hyperkeratosis is an excess of horny substance on the skin.

- Congenital skin hyperkeratosis, which is called ichthyosis. The body of the newborn is covered with thick skin, which resembles scales of fish.

- Leukoplakia is a disease in which the mucous membranes become horny. It affects the cervix, esophagus, oral cavity, etc.

Parenchymal carbohydrate dystrophy

It is the result of impaired glycogen and glycoprotein metabolism. Disturbance of glycogen exchange is characteristic of pathologies such as diabetes mellitus or glycogenosis.

Due to impaired glycoprotein metabolism, the cells accumulate mucins and mucoids (mucous substances). It happens with such diseases as rhinitis, gastritis, bronchitis, etc.

Extracellular (mesenchymal) dystrophy

It develops in the stroma (the basis consisting of connective tissue) of the organs. In this case, all the tissue and vessels are involved in the process. An example is retinal dystrophy. The disease can be both congenital and acquired. A person has reduced visual acuity, it is difficult to navigate in the dark. At the final stage of the disease occurs retinal detachment, or pigmentary dystrophy. Often, the cornea is involved in the process.

Dystrophy of the cornea is characterized by its turbidity, decreased sensitivity and visual acuity. Can be hereditary and acquired. The disease progresses rapidly, capturing both eyes, so timely diagnosis is very important.

Symptoms to which attention should be paid are pain and sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, reddening of the eyes, lacrimation, phobia of light, loss of vision.

Secondary dystrophy of the cornea occurs as a consequence of trauma. It can also be a consequence of avitaminosis, suffered collagen diseases, congenital glaucoma.

Dystrophy of the muscles is a condition characterized by progressive weakness of the muscles and their degeneration. Most often there are two types.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy

It is mainly found in children. With this disease, the calf muscles increase due to fat deposition and proliferation of connective tissue. The disease is very severe and develops rapidly, by the age of 12 the patient loses the ability to move. Few people live longer than twenty years.

Steinert's disease

Most often occurs in adults. The disease can be transmitted by inheritance, manifests itself at any age. Among the first symptoms can be noted myotonia (after contraction muscles relax very slowly) and weakness of facial muscles. Progression of muscle degeneration slowly, affects smooth muscles and heart muscle.

With protein mesenchymal dystrophy, the liver, kidneys, spleen and adrenal glands of a person can suffer. In elderly people, the work of the heart and brain is disrupted.

Stromal-vascular fatty degeneration is the appearance of painful nodular deposits on the limbs of a person (for example, Derkum's disease). The disease can be local and general, provoke both the accumulation of substances, and their loss.

The result of mesenchymal carbohydrate dystrophy can be swelling, swelling or softening of the joints, bones and cartilage of a person.

Treatment and prevention

Once an accurate diagnosis is established, it is necessary to immediately start treatment for this disease, depending on its type and severity. Choose a treatment tactic will help a specialist, but for any type of dystrophy, you need to organize proper care for the patient, eliminate all factors that are capable of provoking complications.

In addition to the basic treatment, it is also necessary to observe the regime of the day and adhere to a strict diet prescribed by the doctor, walking outdoors, water procedures, physical exercises are mandatory.

To prevent this pathology, you must carefully monitor your own health, if possible, eliminate all the negative factors that can cause dystrophy of any kind.

Strengthen immunity, eat rationally and in a balanced manner, play sports and avoid stress - this will be the best prevention of not only this, but also many other diseases.

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