
How on "Android" to install programs? Program for viewing installed programs

Buying your first mobile device on "Android" is a real holiday. At the dawn of the development of this operating system there were not too many programs intended for it, and because of the hardware limitations of the first platforms, some "revelations" should not have been expected. Now the situation has radically changed. And many well know how to install the program on the phone.

Difficulties in mastering "Android" arise only at the initial stages, which the owners soon forget. We'll try to help this article with those who first took a mobile device with this system, and therefore do not even know how to install programs on Android.

Android? Nothing complicated!

The basis of the operating system from "Google", called "Android", is the classic "Linux". Of course, trying to drag and drop applications from one OS into another will not succeed, but the code base itself is still unified. Therefore , there are no special difficulties in installing the programs on "Android" , because the software installation mechanisms are already sharpened on desktop solutions. Although "Linux" is known as a not very simple system for understanding and working, Android has overcome all this. Installation of applications is performed literally for a couple of tapes (touching the touch screen at the desired points), usually requiring for this only a few seconds.

About installing new programs

In the "Android" system, there are two main methods for installing applications - through the "Market" and independently, running the installation almost the same as on the computer. Other variants are modified versions of the first two. However, the newcomer, who first removed the device from the box and studied it, by default these functions are unavailable. To disclose the potential built into the system, it is necessary to read how to install programs on the "Android" and perform several necessary actions.

Market in the network

The company "Google" has created a special resource on the Internet, called the Play Market (or simply "Market"). In fact, this is a kind of virtual market where developers of programs for the Android system lay out their creations, selling them to visitors for money, donating or distributing them in the form of shareware solutions. Previously, all applications hosted on the "Market" were tested for malicious code sections, but gradually they became so much that it became difficult to make such control. Thus, knowing how to install programs on "Android" does not exempt from the need to comply with security measures, protecting your mobile device from computer viruses. This can be done both by installing special applications, and by reading comments on the uploaded content.

The disadvantage of using "Market" is the need to connect your mobile device to the Internet. Wireless Wi-Fi networks are not always available, and the speed of classic GPRS is too low for comfortable operation. In addition, for each account, statistics of uploaded applications are maintained, which not all users will like. And, perhaps, you can not ignore the fact that the "Market" is not laid out hacked (pirated) copies of popular applications, which for fans to save is often the defining moment.

Register an account

Consider how to install the program on the tablet "Android" from the "Market". First of all, you need to create an account in the gmail system. This can be done with a desktop computer, which is more convenient, given the difference in the sizes of the diagonals of the screens. Having opened the specified address (.com), it is necessary to click on "Create account". A window will open, in which the new user should indicate his name, surname, date of birth, phone number for confirmation, come up with a password. After passing through all stages of registration, the owner of the "Android" device will have a login and an access code to the system. It is recommended that they be written on a sheet of a notepad or in a file and saved.

How to prepare a mobile device

After the account is established, it is necessary to activate it in the mobile device. In general, the request for data entry is displayed in all official firmware during the first launch of the device. But since the owner of the question on how to install the program on "Android" does not immediately appear, but after some time, then usually all stages of activation are skipped.

On the mobile device, you need to click the button to call up the settings, select the "Accounts" item in the "Personal data" section. It remains to click the button below - "Add account", specify a Google entry and click "Login." Sometimes a dialog appears, suggesting to choose a type - "New" or "Existing". Choose the latter, if the login / password was received earlier, and the first, if necessary, start it from scratch. Of course, all these actions must be carried out with an active connection to the Internet.

How to enter the market

Having completed the above point, you can proceed with the selection and installation of applications. The further order of actions will not only give an answer to the question how to install the program on the tablet, but it will be useful to the owners of smartphones because of the similarity in the functioning of these two classes of portable devices. To access a huge list of applications located in the "Market" from "Google", you need to run a custom client. A shortcut to the Play Market program is located in the application menu on your mobile device. We remind you that without an active Internet connection this method of installation does not work. If everything is done correctly, the "Market" window will open. Initially, its appearance depends on the client version. However, thanks to the auto-update mechanism, the most current version will be installed and running the next time it is turned on.

A little about installing applications

The interface is intuitive. Here everything is broken down into categories, so you can not only install a program for downloading music that is becoming more popular, but also find many more.

Users with experience know that it's almost impossible to leave the Market without installing a single program. This is indeed the case when the eyes are scattered from the abundance of sentences. For example, you can even install a program-torrent, which allows you to manage downloads on a personal computer from a mobile device. And this is not all the possibilities realized by programmers in the applications they offer. Beginners interested in how to install the program on a tablet or smartphone are usually looking for free applications. These are present on the "Market" on a par with paid content, so it's enough to choose a category in the header that does not require payment for the installation. In addition, the cost is also indicated in the short description, which is immediately evident. There's someone that you like.

Each application installed by the user is stored in the system and can be viewed at any time. Sometimes this turns out to be very useful, for example, in case of accidental deletion and the need to restore the lost in time. The program for viewing installed programs is part of the "Market", so nothing extra is required. To access this feature, select "My applications" by clicking the menu button in the upper left corner of the interface. The program for viewing installed programs is in all client versions.

From theory to practice

Having chosen the application, click on its name. A window with details will appear, including reviews from other users. The "Install" button allows you to initialize the installation process. A warning will be issued warning about what resources the device will have access to the program. In principle, they can all be limited with the help of third-party software solutions. For example, for this range of tasks it is possible to recommend LBE Security Master - a utility that is implemented on a free basis, but this is a completely different topic. All those programs that were installed from the "Market" are stored on the device, so they can be reinstalled or rewritten on another media, etc.

How to put the program from a third-party source

As we already mentioned, the use of "Market" is not always the best solution. The lack of pirated programs, the need for an active Internet connection on a mobile device, keeping logs of user actions - all this repels part of the owners from this decision from Google. For them it is possible to install files independently by analogy with desktop computers. The difference is that if you can install .exe (com) on popular Windows systems, then on "Android" you can install distributions with the extension "apk".

Downloading the program from the Internet to the drive of the device, you can perform the installation. But for this you should allow the use of this function. To do this, select "Security" in the settings menu, find "Unknown sources" and tick. The user will be given a warning, which at least for the first time is very useful to read. After that, by any available file manager, you should open the flash drive, where the distributions with the apk extension were previously copied, and clicking on the selected file, agree with the installation. Everything is incredibly simple.

Alternative option

There is an unofficial method for working with apk files, which requires installing the program for downloading. It is understandable that the review and selection of "Market" programs is ten times more convenient from the screen of a computer monitor, and not from a modest tablet display or, even worse, a simple smartphone. Using the unofficial extension APK Downloader for the browser "Chrome", you can download files from the Internet market on a personal computer or laptop. No less known is the Real APK Leecher. At the same time, their use is associated with a certain risk, since the user must specify their password and login for access to the Google Account. While there is no money, the danger is more theoretical, but in other cases it is possible to lose savings or indirectly engage in hacking or promotion.

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