Health, Diseases and Conditions
Lishaya in children: causes, symptoms and treatment
Lishaya in children is a fairly common problem. These are infectious skin diseases that are the result of infection by pathogenic fungi or viruses. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by various lesions of the skin, and the source of pathogens can be either a person or a sick animal.
Lishaya in children and the reasons for their occurrence
As already mentioned, the disease is the result of infection with fungi or viruses. Nevertheless, not every infected child has symptoms, as some factors of external or internal environment are of great importance here:
- First of all, the weakened immune system of the child should be referred to the risk factors.
- In addition, the fungal infection spreads much faster in wet, warm weather.
- The risk of developing the disease increases with various endocrine diseases, in particular, diabetes mellitus. In addition, lichens in children often appear on the background of hormonal failures, for example, during puberty.
- Increased sweating can also be attributed to risk factors, as for the normal development of fungal organisms, not only heat, but also moisture is needed. In addition, with increased release of sweat, the pores on the skin expand, making penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the deeper layers of the skin easier.
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In fact, "lichen" is a term that unites many different skin diseases.
- Ringworm is a fungal disease that is transmitted by contact with a sick person or animal. The disease shows red round spots on the skin, which are often covered with thin crusts. The disease is accompanied by constant itching and burning.
- Multicolored lichen in children are considered the most common problem. In the role of pathogen here are fungal organisms, which are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person both by direct contact, and by the joint use of towels, toiletries, bed linens, etc. At the same time on the skin there are spots of different colors - from light - lemon to dark brown shade.
- Shingles is a disease caused by the herpes virus. This form is accompanied by the appearance on the skin of a characteristic herpetic rash in the form of small bubbles filled with liquid. As a rule, redness literally encircles the baby's chest. It is possible to increase body temperature, the appearance of severe itching and general weakness.
- Red flat lichen in a child is not so common. And to date, the cause of the disease is not completely clear - some experts believe that this is a viral illness, while others tend to believe in an allergic or neurogenic origin.
Lishaya in children: treatment
A child with a rash on the body should immediately show the dermatologist - do not engage in self-medication, as some diseases can quickly move into a chronic form. Treatment, of course, depends on the severity of the disease and the nature of the pathogen. In fungal diseases, various antifungal agents are used, including gels and ointments to treat affected areas of the skin. And with shingles, antiviral and immunomodulating medications are used.
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