
Stone Wallpapers And Other Decorating In Contemporary Youth Design

When you are already a happy owner of a house or apartment, the first thing is the question of repair, and then you face a difficult choice: starting to make repairs, you should already know what style will be in your home. To date, many new settlers prefer modern youth design , which is characterized by beauty, convenience and ergonomics in everything. A distinctive feature of this type of design is that beauty always borders on high quality and environmentally friendly materials: floor, ceiling, walls, windows, doors, everything should look stylish, expensive and be maximally safe for health. As you know, any style sets the design of the walls, then the question arises: how to trim the walls?

Traditional wallpaper does not go out of fashion until now. This is the most affordable and simple method of finishing walls and even ceilings, today manufacturers offer just a huge assortment of wallpapers, you can always choose the desired color, pattern and structure.

Speaking about stone wallpaper, it should be noted that they are very popular in modern youth design. They are very easy to apply, these wallpapers are characterized by increased strength and durability. Any imitation stone looks great not only in the corridors and kitchens, but also in the rooms.

Decorative plaster, like artificial stone, has been in great demand recently. With this material, you can make different color combinations, draw patterns. Decorative plaster is a powder that is diluted with water and applied to walls.

The walls can be trimmed with fabric, it can be as dense and heavy, and absolutely weightless. For such a finish you can hide anything, for this you do not need to process and level the walls, hide electrical wiring. Fabric stretches on special slats, if desired, the material can always be replaced with another.

Wood trim looks original, especially such coverage is relevant for country houses. For the walls apply a variety of wood species, including exotic species, there are different types of processing and painting boards.

Fans of the original can mount on the walls of leather, ceramics, metal and even glass.
You can choose any of the above, whether it's stone wallpaper or traditional, but remember that the walls are further harmonized with the interior, it is worthwhile to think over all the details and nuances in advance, even at the repair stage.

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